Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For No Difference
Title: Epilogue: Six Years Later 28 Sep 2008 1:55 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh, I am sad to see this end, Attack. This has been one of my favorites for a long time now. Thanks so much for writing it. And I don't mind at all to leave the two of them rocky. It is fitting and realistic. And really, they do have each other, even if they don't really want to. And you are very welcome for recommending your story. It's on my official rec list now on my yahoo group. I hope you'll get lots of new readers for it. Wonderful story. I will hope that you continue to write. Thanks so much for a great story.


    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you liked this fic and stayed with it to the end.  I'm sad to see it go too, but well, the end is the end.  Snape still has all of that lovely existential angst, but he and Harry can carry on a conversation without shouting now.  They're stuck with each other, but that isn't such a bad thing.

    Thank you again for reccing me, and I will be posting another chapter fic on my lj page, if you want to stop by and read it.  I plan to post monthly.

    Oh, so your name is Tabitha, is it?  When I publish my novel, I'll have to remember that.

Title: Detentions and Deliberations 27 Sep 2008 5:28 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    "“You really are a hypocrite sometimes, aren’t you?” he said without bitterness, even a little amusement. “It matters that I’m James Potter’s son, but it doesn’t matter that you’re mine.”" Oh, nice one, Harry! And I really loved that Harry helped Draco down without a lot of fuss. It seems to be helping Harry to have Slytherin son. ;-) And did we know that Draco was reading Muggle literature?

    Author's Response:

    Snape deserved that one, even if Harry’s mellowing, and Draco certainly didn’t make Harry’s good deed go easy on him.

    Yes we did, it’s all Professor Stalk’s fault (chapter 24).

Title: Detentions and Deliberations 25 Sep 2008 12:07 am
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awww, poor Snape. I love how slowly you are working them into a relationship. Snape and Harry that is. And thank you for Ginny being done with those blasted detentions! I loved the line, "He almost called him back to rail at him." So beautifully Snape. Very well done, as always. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I'm really enjoying their slow progress, as I said. Wonderful.

    Author's Response:

    Sadly, there will be no next chapter.  There is only the epilogue, which takes place a few months the younger James Potter is born.  I always intended to leave their relationship closer but not too close, and I think I like leaving the ambiguity.  I'm glad you likw it.

Title: Gobstones 21 Sep 2008 9:27 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow. Great chapter, Attack. I loved the Gobstones and I really, really, loved the ending. "His son froze, unable to meet his eyes." That was wonderful. And it was so wonderful that Snape allowed Harry to help him up and I loved the sadness of what Harry said about kissing the hurt away. Sigh. It was really quite lovely and I just can't wait for the next chapter. Perfect, as always. :o)

    Author's Response:

    For the first time, Harry managed to strike Snape speechless instead of the other way around.  It was worried that I struck too bitter a tone with that ending, and I’m glad you liked it.

Title: Gobstones 19 Sep 2008 1:57 pm
Reviewer: fluff (Signed) [Report This]
    I m enjoying this story the more there is of it. At first the idea did not appeal but this has changed my mind.
    Looking forward to the next chapter.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, I'm glad you like it.  The point is that I'm taking a ridiculous idea and playing it straight.  Unfortunately, I’m almost finished, and the next chapter is the last aside from an epilogue.

Title: More Letters 13 Sep 2008 8:04 pm
Reviewer: trust severus spy (Signed) [Report This]
    Trust Severus to bring up the harsh unvarnished truth of their situation! But as much as he was intentionally hurting Harry by pointing that out, he was simultaneously ignoring the fact no one could really know what else would have happened if Harry had gone against history. Snape isn't admitting the extreme problems a paradox would have created, either.

    So...is Sev ever going to get past all his emotional knots and grow up, or not?

    Author's Response:

    No he isn't; that's his charm as a character.  Harry will tear a few emotional knots to pieces though.

    Snape is ignoring all of the problems associated with paradox, true, but he’s also revealing his personal feelings of guilt in the process.  He’s such a complexly messed up piece of work, isn’t he?

Title: More Letters 13 Sep 2008 11:03 am
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Whoa Attack... Or should I say, Whoa Snape... That was harsh! What a nasty piece of work you are! (Still talking to Snape, you see) Oi. Wow, Attack. You sure do know how to pack a punch, don't you? Harry really needs to vent some of his pent up anger, I am beginning to think. He sure was snippy with Ginny, wasn't he? Sheesh. It was so cute though that he went to seek out Snape for advice. Too bad Snape is too big of a git to actually be anything close to helpful. Arg, I sort of want to strangle Snape now. LOL Boy, howdy. I don't know what to think about what Harry will think of this last statement. I can't wait to find out! Oh, and I was wondering if you'd mind if I post a link to this story on my yahoo group? I think lots of my readers would enjoy it. It's a great story. :o)

    Author's Response: And I show once again that I don't write nice Snape.  He's  nasty fellow, isn't he?  He likes to hit where it hurts, and he's extemely good at honing in on sore spots.

    Harry is, erm... on edge?  He needs to vent, but he never really learned how to do that without fighting with someone else, which he doesn't want to do.  I'm sure you can imagine that Snape's comments will put Harry even more on edge for a while.

    Link away, link away!  I'm quite flattered, actually.
Title: Foxes, Nightingales, and Larks 04 Sep 2008 1:32 am
Reviewer: trust severus spy (Signed) [Report This]
    Have I told you how much I really enjoy your characterization of Eileen Prince? You've made her such a well-realized character, it's a shame she could only be in this early part. She's quirky without being bizarre, eccentric but believable.

    Author's Response: When I first started writing this, I thought it was only going to be about ten chapters long.  Now that it's nearing thirty, I wish I'd written more time at Spinner's End, because I really liked writing Eileen.  I'm glad you like her.
Title: Making it Worse 03 Sep 2008 7:43 pm
Reviewer: Jade Snape (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hey! I hate that Harry and Ginny are back together, really hate it! I dont like your Ginny, she is inmature, egoist, childish and "mala", and also I think that she doesn´t know the real Harry, and if she does, she didn´t want him. I think that your Harry just want to be with her to not to be alone, he want the package (all the weasleys, etc. etc.), he doesn´t even say what he thinks. I dont think that you like this review, but I really like the rest of the story and the way you write. Sorry about my english, but it´s not my mother tongue. I am going to keep reading, but i promise not to review anymore!!! a lot of hugs!!!!

    Author's Response:

    I gave plenty of warning that Ginny and Harry would reconcile, and that I was keeping as closely as possible to epilogue canon.  She is immature and self-centered, but so are most seventeen-year-old girls.  Harry has plenty of his own flaws.  She is not a bad girl, and can be quite kind.  She’s also funny, outgoing, and intelligent.  He finds that attractive, and she finds the fact that he’s handsome, outspoken but quiet, and just plain nice, attractive.

Title: Making it Worse 01 Sep 2008 4:46 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, yes. They've finally had the beginnings of the talk they needed to have. I'm glad that it was precipitated by Minerva being a nervous Slytherin. That was hilarious. I know it will take a while for Severus to process what Harry has told him, but I'm looking forward to watching things get better.

    Author's Response:

    I love how proud Minerva was of her trickery.  She’s such a scream to write.  The Harry Snape conversation was a real pain to write.  It’s amazing how much information they can exchange while trying to hurt each other.

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