Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For No Difference
Title: Making it Worse 31 Aug 2008 8:44 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oi! I'm exhausted after that chapter! I really loved Ginny and Harry getting back together and really enjoyed Harry's internal thoughts, like could it really just be all better? And the showdown between Snape and Harry was immensely fun. I love that Harry is getting it now, and even Snape seems to a little, even if he doesn't know it yet and he certainly won't admit it. It's actually a very sad situation all around. I hope they can talk more. I feel like I just want Harry to apologize, you know? I don' t know if it would help any, but it might startle Snape. Great chapter.

    Author's Response:

    I’m glad you liked it.  It’s nice getting a positive review.  I have a feeling that Harry and Ginny getting back together will drive a lot of people up walls.  It was a pain in the $%# to write, especially that conversation between Snape and Harry.  In some cases, Harry and Snape really have too much in common, in this case, pride.  It would take one massive fight to drag an apology out of Harry.

Title: Spring 26 Jul 2008 1:59 pm
Reviewer: cardigrl (Anonymous) [Report This]
    "And Snape is not in Harry's power, if anything, Harry is in his power, as his student. They're mistreating each other equally, and Harry is still very much at a disadvantage. "

    I'm sorry, but I just had to comment on your comment quoted above. Do you really believe that? Consider that Dumbledore repeatedly overruled Snape while he was headmaster, ridiculed Snape in front of Harry, Ron and Hermione, announced in front of Harry and Ron that fortunately Snape was not able to discipline them. Then consider that McGonagall repeatedly rewarded Harry for breaking rules and ordered all the Slytherins to leave the castle before the final battle because of the actions of one student, not to mention that she PRAISED Harry for using an unforgiveable while providing only lackluster support for Snape. What in the world makes you think that SNAPE is the one with any power between the two of them? You show Harry's understanding that he has the power perfectly when Harry acts like a complete arse during detentions. So I'm confused how you could believe Snape has any power when it comes to Harry, either in canon or your story.

    Author's Response:

    Snape's power is severely curtailed with regards to Harry, and wisely, because of their mutual acrimony, but he still has a greater measure of power over Harry (especially now that the secret is out) because he is still Harry’s teacher.  Once again, he can give Harry detention and make his life difficult, mark him unfairly, and use his position in other unfair and cruel ways.

    I have had unfair and cruel teachers.  I have a crippling illness, and I used to have to go to the principal to overrule those teachers when they used it as an excuse to limit my education.  Yet they still had more power than I did, because they still held the grade book, and I still had to go to their classes and listen to them when they derided me.  Harry has a similar situation with Snape.  Because of Snape’s bias, Harry has more leeway than most students, and he uses it to fight back, but Snape still holds more power.

    I got the impression from the seventh book that the students of Slytherin house had used the year of Snape as headmaster to lord it over the other students instead of fighting.  Their actions spoke for themselves.  McGonagall and Dumbledore are undoubtedly biased, and Harry has more power and fewer consequences to his disrespect than most students, but Snape is still his teacher.

Title: Spring 25 Jul 2008 9:40 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ahh, isn't that sweet? Harry has fun doting on other peoples' kids, while he continues to mistreat his own. And condones the way Ginny mistreats Severus as well. After all, the only reason Harry was upset when Ginny spilled the beans was that it made Harry's life a little uncomfortable. He certainly never tried to stop any of his classmates from making his son's life hell. Somehow, I guess I expected a story at POTIONS and Snitches to show a least a modicum of respect to both of what are supposed to be the main characters.

    Author's Response:

    Ah, but Snape isn't a kid, and he and Harry have all kinds of history, remember, a history primarily of Snape mistreating Harry.  And Snape is not in Harry's power, if anything, Harry is in his power, as his student.  They're mistreating each other equally, and Harry is still very much at a disadvantage.  Harry was extremely upset when Ginny spilled the beans, because she was spying on him, which is a hell of a lot more than a minor inconvenience.  Besides, Harry kept secret Snape's heritage much more for Snape's safety and privacy than for his own embarrassment.  Without Snape's concerns, the secret would have at least gotten as far as Ron and Hermione.

    Harry has very little ability to stop his fellow students from being brats to Snape, especially Malfoy.  He has had little success, after all, preventing them from hastling him.  He has even less ability to stop the Wizarding World as a whole from demonizing Snape, and has released a statement that was supposed to help.  Also, snape is very good at making things worse for himself.  He is antagonistic and unsociable both to his students and the Wizarding World as a whole, which makes both unwilling to believe the best of him.  Harry can't work miracles, and while Snape might be his son, he is not his kid.

Title: Spring 19 Jul 2008 5:04 pm
Reviewer: KateDumbledore (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Really cool story so fare. Please update soon.

    Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you like it.  I'm writing the next chapter right now.
Title: Ink Bottles 14 Jul 2008 3:15 am
Reviewer: trust severus spy (Signed) [Report This]
    "Cheap" means inexpensive; "cheep" is what a bird sings.
    You've made me hate Ginny.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, it's fixed.

    True, Ginny does show her most childish and confrontational side in this chapter. 

Title: Spring 14 Jul 2008 2:51 am
Reviewer: Marion (Anonymous) [Report This]
    McGonegal has a nasty habit of enabling people who cheat and people who criminally mistreat people. First the Marauders get away with murder (she finds them charming) then the Weasley twins hold their Reign of Terror, then she thinks Harry is 'gallant' for using an Unforgivable, and now she hushes up the theft and appropriation of a man's life work by a fraud, just to 'hold the peace'. One wonders; is Belby perchance a Gryffindor?

    (oh no, McGonegal is not at all biased. She is, after all, soooo faaiiiir! Not!)

    It will be interesting to see if Harry will use his brain for something else than keeping his ears apart and start wondering about what kind of lifehe subjected Eileen for leaving her in the lurch and what kind of childhood he subjected Severus for being a deadbeat Dad...

    Author's Response:

    Belby is neither a Gryffindor nor a favorite of McGonagall, nor is she enabling him for that reason.  She wants to fire him in a way that doesn’t raise his suspicions (difficult) and then wait for him to go back to his fraudulent ways so that she can send in Magical Law Enforcement and they can gather evidence with a clear chain of possession.  She’s right.  In front of the Wizangamot, the notebooks would be made irrelevant because it was the “untrustworthy” Severus Snape who discovered them.  She also has enough flair to wait for him to have another “big discovery” and then discredit him right after. 

    Having known people very much indeed like the Marauders and the Weasley twins, and having been both target of their bullying and object of their affections (I got pretty in high school, and all of a sudden, boys who had been shoving me in trash cans for years wanted me to date them.  It was so wonderful to tell them to piss off) I can tell you, that they are intelligent, thoughtless, charismatic, and charming, or they wouldn’t have the sort of power they have.  Most of them are good people underneath the idiocy, and most grow up to show it.  My brothers are two such people, and they grew up to start thinking and recognizing that they’re doing something wrong, and some actually seek to make amends.  I know you don’t see it that way, but students shouldn’t be expelled for what the Marauders did, with the exception of Sirius and the Shrieking Shack.  I’m sure they spent a lot of time in rather disgusting detentions, though.  Also, some of the blame should be laid at Dumbledore’s door.  He’s the one who believed in second chances most strongly, and I agree with him.

    Harry actually has realized what he did, and talked about it with Hermione in an earlier chapter.  He gets it shoved into his face a little bit later on, but he has thought of it.  Remember, though, he had no choice.  He either left Snape and Eileen with an abusive parent, or he risked ripping time and space apart.  Not a great choice.

Title: Spring 13 Jul 2008 11:25 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awww, that part with Teddy at the end was really cute. And I had fun reading about Andromeda. You did very well with her. Just like I thought she would be. So...is Ginny going to forgive Harry now? :oD

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, I’m glad you liked Andromeda and Teddy.  I hope I didn’t make the kidfic stuff too saccharine, and I’m wondering if I have to warn for kidfic now.  It was only one chapter after all.  I wish there were more portrayals of Andromeda in fiction, because we know so little about her in cannon, and therefore fic writers can really claim her as their own.

    Oh, you do want to ruin my pseudo cliffhanger, don’t you?

Title: Feeding the Beast 05 Jul 2008 5:24 am
Reviewer: Morrolan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love this.

    Author's Response: Thanks!
Title: Feeding the Beast 25 Jun 2008 9:28 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Lovely chapter. I loved the end between Snape and Harry. Snape is just arguing to argue at this point. LOL I love your Harry in this story. He is wonderful. Thanks!

    Author's Response: Harry and Snape are finally starting to creek towards a resolution.  It was a lot of fun to write them arguing about little things because they didn't know how to do anything else.
Title: Feeding the Beast 23 Jun 2008 11:42 am
Reviewer: Lanta (Signed) [Report This]
    I know I've already given you plenty of reviews on LJ, but since I came across your fic here as well, I thought I'd just add to the positive reviews to encourage more people to read your great fic!

    Author's Response: Encourage all you want!  I love this archive.

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