Oh, this is VERY interesting! I really, really hope you update soon!
Very intriguing look forward to see what happens next. That minister is very creepy.
very eye opening, nice chap.
horrible turn of events but that should be expected from the ministry. nice chap
quite a predicament Draco's father. keep him in Draco can live his own life but if he's out that down the tubes. nice chap.
Lall the description of harry's thoughts. nice chap.
Title: Chapter 8
| 07 Apr 2009 5:37 pm
Reviewer: geno (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
maam u need to update this the boy's in fucking perril u cant just leave us fucking hanging here!! Comeon, u know u want to update. Damn harry's got it tough as hell. the fucking minister's as basterd. what he did to harry should b illegal. hope harry can hold up
So glad you updated!
Scrimgeour is playing some twisted game here, isn't he? Trying to get harry to work with him by treating him like a criminal and making him afraid so he'll do and say whatever he wants him to. That's a typical politician.
Harry needs to watch what he says to him.
I hope Draco also watches what he does, for he's on dangerous ground too.
I hope Snape gets Harry's letter and helps him. He could certainly use it.
Oh, and I noticed a small error. In the paragraph where you have harry thinking about the results of the potion and whether Snape is his father, you wrote "Harry shuttered" instead of " Harry shuddered". The first word means to close a window, the other one is the action of trembling, which is what you want.
Author's Response: In canon there was always something about Scrimgeour that gave me the creeps. He was better than Fudge, but I still didn't trust him. He had his own agenda and was quite ruthless. That was my take on him, anyway, and so I get to let it play out in this fic. Thanks for catching the error. I have gone in a corrected a few things.
I was so happy to your update - it's such an interesting story! Harry's is quite a mess, and it'll be fun to see how it works out (but I completely understand about the delay between chapters. mine are slow coming lately, too.:) ).