Hmm. . .dreams that reflect reality in the dreamer. I think I've heard of such things before in my psychology courses, only I can't remember the term they used for it. If Harry saw himself being killed in his dreams, would he nearly die? Not a good thing. I think Sev ought to teach him Occlumency, assuming the meeting goes okay.
"Malfoys are want to do"
In this case, "want" should be spelled "wont" as in "It was his wont"
Author's Response: I have fixed this. Thank you. I really appreciate you pointing this out to me. I knew something about that word didn't look right when I gave this chapter a re-read. I just forgot to take the time to investigate.
Well, it certainly seems that Severus thinks Draco is worth saving. Question is, can he relaly trust him? Malfoys are usually shifty. I suppose we'll see, right?
Interesting look at a fun, ambiguous Draco. Snooty, pampered, but not a killer. It cracks me up that he can't stand the portrait either and is working to remove it. In one fell swoop he'll make up for a lot with Harry if he can get rid of Mrs. Black.
nice panic attack! you wrote it very well!
Poor Harry! he really needs to get some kind of psych counseling, otherwise he's going to go postal or something. And I can't wait to see the results of Snape's potion! Great chapter!
Author's Response: I think going postal is a good way to put it. Harry has never received the help he needs and that is mostly due to the fact that most of the adults in his life either hated him (the Dursleys) or are unaware that he has been made to suffer prior to coming to Hogwarts (and don't forget those dreadful summers). Thanks for the review!
I feel so bad for Harry! I just want to hold him and then ask him for Draco's number---Did I justy say that! Lol, So great chapter I can't wait for more!
Poor Harry. You have done a good job of illustrating that Harry needs someone who really sees him. This is a small start in that direction.
Title: Chapter 3
| 16 Mar 2008 1:10 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
Excellent chapter! Your writing was wonderful. I loved the ending when Harry thought about the things that happened with the Dursleys, questions that I had thought of too, but had never seen in a story. The dream of endlessness was a really good idea. I think if I lived life like he did, with no one to call my own, no one to care if I did well or not so well on school work or a Quidditch move or whatever, I'd have similar feelings. I have a feeling you'll address Snape's realization of his fatherhood realistically too, you've done well so far. I'm really looking forward to more.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I really wanted to touch upon a very young Harry and how a small child of 2 or 3 years of age might have been treated by people like Vernon and Petunia. I have a 2 year old, and it just breaks my heart to think of him all alone with no one to love him, hold him or even help him take care of his basic needs.