Awww, those memories are heartbreaking. I always wondered how those first couple of years were for Harry, because it's highly unlikely Aunt Petunia cared more than to changed him a couple times a day and sit a plate of food in front of him and expect him to eat it whole without choking or something :( What a bunch of pricks the Dursley's were.
This story is really starting to intrigue me. I hope you have the ability to update soon!
Author's Response: I will be bring to light more aspects of Harry's early years with the Dursleys. It won't be pretty. Glad you are enjoying the story. Thanks for the review.
Good so far. I do like a good mystery.
Great chapter, looks like a very interesting story so far. I love a good mystery. The interaction between Draco, harry, and Snape is very well done, but I hope they don't kill each other.
And just what IS the relationship between Snape and Harry?
Author's Response: Snape and Harry's relationship will be reveled in an upcoming chapter. Probably chapter 5 or 6. That potion does take 3 weeks to make! Thanks for the review.
Yay! More mystery clearly laid out. I'm looking forward to the Board meeting and finding out why Draco and Harry were with Snape. I always enjoy stories where Harry and Draco have to come to an understanding of the other, and I can see the beginnings where Harry basically compliments Draco on his analysis of the situation. And I'm thinking it's going to be a good thing that Severus is his relative after the ministry tries to get their hands on Harry.
Author's Response: The Ministry is going to play a very big part coming up real soon! Poor Harry!
I'm glad this chapter was long! I want more Draco! Maybe a fight between him & Harry? Great story idea, I can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: More Draco coming up!
EEP! uh oh, poor Harry! Angst? -Elise
I'm not sure which way to hope this goes. They go back to Hogwarts with Harry and Snape as father and son. Or they hide and they're sitll father and son, but in confined area they will likely kill each other.
Title: Chapter 2
| 02 Mar 2008 12:39 pm
Reviewer: lunaz (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
Very interesting beginning. Love to learn what Harry, Snape and Draco were up to when they came across McLaggen. Like the interaction among the three.
This is a really interesting concept for the blood relation-type story, and I'm starting to like it very much. I can't wait to see how you explain away this one, seeing as Snape supposedly never had relations with Lily, lol.
Great job!
Smirk - when I read these lines, I thought the "yep, the slow witted and those of us reading the story." Nicely done in explaining the situation.
" “The Aurors investigated Mr. McLaggen’s death and ruled it suicide, but that was only because the people most suspected of killing him are the three of us. This should lead the two of you to the obvious conclusion that the Aurors involved in Mr. McLaggen’s case were members of the Order. I, like Potter, do not think Mr. McLaggen committed suicide. It was not in his nature to do so.” Severus rubbed the bridge of his nose trying to pull his thoughts together.
“Sir, we already know all of this, so…” Draco didn’t get far with what he wanted to say before Severus cut in.
“I am summarizing the situation for the slow witted among us.”
Just toast - no house elves?
Love the story
Author's Response: Yes, the boys have to fend for themselves. After the death of Sirius, Kreacher was sent to Hogwarts (I think I'm remembering that right). Harry has no real problem taking care of himself, he has done that all his life. Draco, on the other hand, has never had to take care of himself. So, no house-elf means lots of opportunities to put Draco in situations where he is uncomfortable, or snobbish, or rude, etc. Thanks for the review.