Hmmm, let's see, it's been 2 years since the last update, forget it!
Title: Chapter 9
| 04 Nov 2012 2:13 am
Reviewer: Luna (Anonymous)
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I really love your story! It is a great premise, very believable characters, and beautifully written. Please update soon!
Now that you've gotten this story well and truly underway, I'm addicted to it. You have an excellent set-up, and your characters are believable. I am dying for us to find out just WHY Scrimgeour is behaving the way he is right now. Also I'm curious to find out how Severus became Harry's father, since he seems to have no memory of any physical involvement with Lily. You have obviously set this up so that Harry will prove to be Severus' son. How you will prove this is so, I can hardly wait to find out! Thanks for all your hard work on this story; please know it's appreciated.
Title: Chapter 9
| 14 Jan 2011 11:58 pm
Reviewer: Kristi (Anonymous)
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Title: Chapter 9
| 06 Dec 2010 3:35 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous)
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I am enjoying this story very much and hope to see more soon [GIANT HINT IN CASE YOU MISSED IT!!!].
blah blah blah POLITICS THAT MINISTER GUY IS UP TO SOMETHING blah blah blah Snape and Dumbledore Have Talks
THE SUSPENSE. IT IS KILLING ME. This is really quite good. -bookmarks-
Author's Response: Thanks for all of your reviews. I will fix the errors you found as soon as I can. I love constructive criticism, but I also love hearing what people liked! So, thanks for both!
"Would he be angry at his mother for doing something with Snape that resulted in making a child? " THIS SENTENCE. I FIND IT AMUSING.
OH MAN. The suspense. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO HARRY? Is Snape REALLY Harry's father? (Yes.) What will happen to Harry? What will happen to Draco? WILL THERE BE PUDDING?!
This story. It is good. I like it.
"It was fine to accuse the boy of murder, but Severus knew it was a personal affront to claim that the boy was not upstanding." WHY WAS THIS SO AMUSING.
Harry's dreams...They are Interesting.
I have nothing else to say for this chapter. I am too excited for what may come.