Title: To Lie or Not to Lie?
| 31 May 2019 9:17 pm
Reviewer: ARim (Signed)
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a Glorious story , lots of details, well written, love the hedge-witch magic. But hold still my heart , ten, 10! chapters and not a glimpse or scene of our own Potions Master and then, then you just disappear, and Harry never gets to talk to Severus, his stern father, Lily never gets to let him see the pensieve, the truth is never told to the small family A W.I.P. that is unfinished for ever... author, not well done. Come back and write more, if you still live. Please?
this is such a good story! will you continue it?
Surrey is a County. I do not know why so many (oh no, you are certainly not the only one) seem to take for granted that Surrey is just a village or a small town. “Little Whinging” is supposed to be the town. Saying to the cab driver that you want to get to “Privet Drive in Surrey” could have him driving around ALL of the towns and villages – and there are quite a few of them.
It is also one of the Home Counties. Which County is regarded as a Home County depends on just when you are placing the story, but as far as I can recall, Surrey has always been one of the Home Counties (which is believed to have started with the itinerant assizes court, i.e. the travelling judges)
Now, that is a minor criticism. You have a very good story here, and I am definitely enjoying it very much, and hope you will continue. It seems that your last update was in 2007 and I hope this is due only to a writer¨s block and nothing worse. The story is definitely too good to abandon.
this is SUCH a great story! I'm itching to know what's next. I can't help but feel very sorry for Snape (Poor Snape)! Please continue! this story is the greatest! Please please PLEASE update soon!
I know I've reviewed before, but PLEASE,PLEASE write more! I'm DYING to know what happens next!!!