Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Snowflakes and Memories 09 Apr 2008 5:03 am
Reviewer: waterleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww soo truly and completely adorable. I love the reoccurring wind sprite thing too- very original!

    Author's Response: Thank you, the wind sprites were a sudden inspiration!
Title: Snowflakes and Memories 08 Apr 2008 10:10 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    very sweet I am glad that someone else raised such a sweet baby

    Author's Response: Thanks and I'm glad also, Harry deserves a break now and again!
Title: Snowflakes and Memories 28 Mar 2008 7:53 pm
Reviewer: grey_shadow_horse (Signed) [Report This]
    very cute :)

    Author's Response: Thanks, I really enjoyed writing this!
Title: Snowflakes and Memories 27 Mar 2008 1:57 am
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed) [Report This]
    Awww! That was so sweet! This could be a response to the doorstep challenge if you wanted it to be! Very cool, I had goosebumps when Sev figured out it was Lily's handwriting on the letter! Supernatural, oohhhh! LOL, :) Great job!

    Author's Response: Thanks and so did I! I loved writing this one, though I haven't written anything this short in a long time!
Title: Snowflakes and Memories 24 Mar 2008 8:35 am
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    This was so heat-warming and sweet! I love it, so incredanly emotional. The memory was cute but saddening since Severus misses het. This story was very good, it was like a Christmas Mirical story, very beautiful work!

    Author's Response: Thanks and that's jsut what I was aiming for when I wrote it!
Title: Snowflakes and Memories 23 Mar 2008 11:33 pm
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow, I'm speechless. This brought me close to tears so many times. I LOVE the idea of the wind sprites and that they played such a heavy role in this piece. Wow. This was beautifully written! Great job!

    Author's Response: Thank you very much and  the wind sprite idea was something I came up with on the fly, I wasn't planning it, but as I writing they just appeared in my head and I had to put them in.  Quirky things like that happen all the time to me :) And if you liked this one, you could check out my other two fics here, Hide Yourself Away (WIP) almost completed, and Some Good Guys Wear Black, which is completed.  Again thanks for the great review!
Title: Snowflakes and Memories 23 Mar 2008 10:54 pm
Reviewer: Alexannah (Signed) [Report This]
    Wooow ...

    I am breathtaken. That has to be one of the sweetest little one-shots I have ever read. I nearly cried. Honestly, words can't do it justice!

    Aww, Severus gets to look after Harry after all :) Lucky Harry!

    I *loved* the sprites, a wonderful addition. Like a fairy tale. And the flashbacks were perfectly placed, adding just the right touch to the story :)


    Author's Response:

    Yes, that's exactly what I was aiming for here, and the sprites were something that were improvisation, my original idea didn't have them, but while I was writing they came and demanded to be put in there.  And some people say the story characters are silent! Ha! Mine scream and speak to me frequently, telling me things I never knew about them, and usually I end up putting those bits and pieces in and it makes my plot lines so much better! Has that ever happened to you?

    And Sev and Harry will be happy together, as Lily intended when she made Sev promise to take care of him! I just love happy endings!:)

Title: Snowflakes and Memories 16 Mar 2008 1:07 am
Reviewer: sumergirl26 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great story I loved the parts with young Sev & Lily and the part with Sev and Harry was soo SWEET! Big HAPPY FACE:)

    Author's Response: Aw thanks a bunch!
Title: Snowflakes and Memories 09 Mar 2008 2:23 am
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    This was a very sensitively written story that does Harry Potter justice for he is ke[t by someone who loves him rather than by people who despise him. Great piece of prose; keep writing, Snapegirl :)

    Author's Response: Thanks so much for your kind review and I felt that it was appropriate for Christmas time, since it is the season of love and hope.
Title: Snowflakes and Memories 09 Mar 2008 1:41 am
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]

    you made me cry and smile

    Author's Response: Great and I'll update my other fic soon!

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