Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Between You and I 27 Apr 2008 8:16 pm
Reviewer: Lio Saoirse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ooher! Intrigue lies spying and relationships!! Sounds awesome! Oh, and this is completely random, when Harry thought about Petunia loved cleaning I think its because she likes to mild high she gets from inhaling cleaner fumes! Haha! I could see it all now! No nothing wrong vernon *giggle* *hiccup* heehee! Great fic!


    Author's Response:

    Hee hee!  I'm glad someone caught that and thought it was funny!  YAY!!

     And you're right, intrigue, lies, spying, and relationships...

    I hope you enjoy the last few chapters.  Thanks for the review!!

Title: Frost and Front Steps 26 Apr 2008 9:15 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love this chapter, but hee hee you already knew that. :oP I really like the POV shifts in this chapter, to allow us to see what both of them are thinking. It is very well done. And, I have to say, of course your descriptions are vivid. How could you not think so? You give just the right amount of details to set the scene and I love as well the thoughts you give us from both Sev and Harry. I feel so bad for Harry in this. he has no clue how to be normal and Severus has no clue that he doesn't know. Oh, the angst! Oh, the tension.
    I just adore Siles in here. Like a sad friend for Harry. I am really looking forward to seeing Sev's reaction to the snake. YAY. I think my favorite part was when Harry almost fell out of the window with Siles. ROFL It was pretty funny. I can't wait for the next chapter and I am really looking forward to Sev finally understanding what those horrid Dursley's did to him. You're writing Severus so well. I love how he goes between being a git and being caring. Very well-balanced and fun to read. Great chapter, PK~

    Author's Response:

    Oh, thanks...*blushes*

    It is actually more fun to write their POV shifts closer together like that, to have the confusion run through their minds for the first time, rather than minutes afterwords, as if they're pondering everything.  That's booring...action and real-time angst is fun! 

    You're exactly right, Harry doesn't have a clue how to be normal and Sev doesn't know that he doesn't know.  But I like it like that...

    Tee hee, Siles is going to cause some trouble before Sev realizes what's going on...I think I've got a few ideas...  But it should be fun when he does realize the truth.

    Glad Sev's in character and balanced, but he's got to be clueless for a little while yet.  We'll see what happens when I finish the chapter...whenever that'll be.  *sigh*

    Thanks, OE!!!

Title: Frost and Front Steps 26 Apr 2008 7:12 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful chapter! I could definitely sense the tension in the scene between Harry and Severus at the dinner table. It's sad to think that Harry is confused about the simple things..like being able to eat at the table with utensils... And of course, Snape wouldn't understand that. I love how you kept him in character--a bit callous and definitely cautious. Your descriptions are so vivid, and you write extremely well! I love this story; keep up the excellent work :)

    Author's Response:

    Thank you so much!  I do really appreciate all the praise...*looks away sheepishly*

    It is sad that Harry just doesn't understand how things are supposed to really go, but that's what Sev's there for, whether he realizes it or not.  I'm so glad I'm able to keep him in character too, that's definatly the one thing I obsess over.

    My discriptions are vivid?!  Really!?  Cool!  I never saw them as that...merely booring blocks of text to set the scene that were agonizingly hard to write and keep relatively slow in comparison to the conversation parts.  Ok.

    I'm glad you are enjoying it so much!  Thanks for the great review!!  I'm certainly trying to keep it up!

Title: Frost and Front Steps 25 Apr 2008 11:52 pm
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Very good chapter. I liked how you switched from Sev's POV to Harry's. It helped see what each person was thinking. Poor Harry is going to have to learn Severus' rules quickly otherwise the man will lose his patience with the boy. Great chapter and I hope you can update again soon!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the review!

    Yup, Harry's going to have to learn fast, or Sev's going to have to explain fast what's going on...we'll see what happens.

    I hope I can update soon too, but this chapters proving to be a toughie!

Title: Never Too Late 18 Apr 2008 1:25 am
Reviewer: writeurlife (Signed) [Report This]
    brilliant. please update asap. I am quite taken with this story and would be grateful if you'd hurry in updating so I can read some wicked sick snape-harry interactions.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, I'm glad you like it so much!  Well, I had only originally had the four chapters when I started uploading them here, now I've got the fifth worked out, but it still needs tweaking.  I'm sorry, but I'm quite slow at writing, too.  With college and the end of the semester coming up, papers to write, and this, I'll type as much as I can when the mood strikes me.

    Oh, next chapter is one big Severus-Harry interaction.  I'm pretty sure you'll really like it, if you've liked the story so far, but you'll have to wait a bit.  Sorry.

    But thank you for reviewing, and I'll try to type as much as I can!

Title: Never Too Late 17 Apr 2008 8:50 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Lovely chapter! You've done such a good job on showing Severus' past, and I feel so sorry for young Sev, having to grow up with abusive father. I love how you show his doubts and fears about claiming Harry. I love how he doesn't want to upset the boy's life, but at the same time can't resist his son (who could?).

    I loved their first meeting, and of course, Harry wants to escape from the Dursleys, but it looks like he and his father can build a loving relationship and help one another heal. It was just perfect when Harry flung his arms around Sev...I could just imagine Severus' surprise, but I was so happy he was able to return the gesture, too, and to open his heart.

    Can't wait for more!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you so much!  I'm really excited that you liked this chapter.

    And you're right, who could resist those adorable green eyes.  *sigh*  But Sev does really have a lot of things to work out, he was really only half expecting that Harry would come live with him.

    It's true that Harry initially jumped at the chance to get away from the Dursleys but then really thought that perhaps this man could be worse than them, but he's not going to do anything wrong to make this man angry, so maybe he won't be.

    And I loved that hug too.  Little Harry's got his moments of extreme adorable-ness, and Sev was sucked in on that one.  And this more than anything shows just how much he wants to be a father, and a good one at that.

    Thanks for the review! 

Title: Never Too Late 16 Apr 2008 11:11 pm
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    Interesting story.
    I like the fact that you're writing this with a lot of Severus' POV. I did think it was kind of sad that Lily didn't have more trust in Severus. I hope you are going to give us more background on why she was living with Potter and if she and Sev were happy before he joined the DE's.

    Please keep writing.

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you're intrieged!  I really am trying to keep it even between using Sev's point of view along with Harry's.

    It's true, Lily didn't trust Sev much, but she was willing to talk to him again, just before she died, and that speaks volumes.  I find her to be incredibly stoubborn...just like Sev.

    Yup, more background on Lily, James, Severus, and Harry coming up, not really sure when but it will definatly be covered...sometime.

    Believe me, I'm writing.  Not as fast or as often as I'd like, but I am.

    Thanks for reviewing!

Title: Never Too Late 16 Apr 2008 3:27 am
Reviewer: KimSpiritTalks (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved how Harry and Snape met. That was wonderful. You had them both acting so realistically. I loved Petunia's thrilled expression as she learned Harry was going to be leaving. Very good chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks!  I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter!!

    I'm also estatic that you found these guys in character...and Petunia as well.  She was extremely happy to have Harry leave, but that's probably because she didn't realize that he wouldn't be there to clean her house anymore.  Oh well.

    Thanks again!  And thanks for the review!!

Title: Never Too Late 15 Apr 2008 4:48 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well, first of all, how dare you blame me for your procrastination! :oP Well, all right...blame me if you must. *weary sigh* On, with the review!

    "but could not anticipate the boy jumping to his feet and throwing his tiny arms around Severus’ neck. Shocked into silence and unable to move, Severus sat there for a few seconds until his arms loosened and made their way around Harry’s small torso. My son." Awww. I love that part. It's so sweet. I'm so glad Severus just went right in there and asks Harry if he wants to come with him. I really wish he would punch Vernon in the face on his wait out though. Stupid Vernon.

    I really like how you put their thoughts in here so much. It's fun to be inside their minds a bit.

    I really hate Tobias too. What a horrid man. I liked the flashback scene though and how you've made Severus strong here, even as a child. It makes me respect him so much more. And that nightmarish part with Voldemort was really quite creepy. Brrrr....

    I liked that Harry right away noticed that this man called him Harry and I like how you have Severus noting little things are a "tad odd". Those Dursleys are off, aren't they? Yuck. I'm glad Harry is going to go with Sev! YAY! Can't wait to see the two of them together at Severus' house. This should be fun!

    Author's Response:

    Because of you and your beautiful ending to the LC world (as we know it...for now) I neglected that part of my brain devoted to memories in favor of the frontal lobe (I think that's where analytical thinking takes place!) to discover all the hidden secrets burried within your chapter...which didn't do me any good, as I'm pretty sure I didn't find any and I forgot to update that night.  So, it's your fault.

    Dursley definatly needs a good punch in his fatty face...if he could even feel it, that is.  *shrug*  But believe me, Sev's got some tricks up his sleeve for when he figures out how horribly Harry's been treated...

    I seriously think I put their thoughts in so much because it's so fun to be in there...and being sarcastic is always fun...

    Yup.  Tobias is worthy of hatred.

    And Voldie is creepy.

    Harry was quite surprised to hear his first name be said without preamble in the sitting room, and I'm fairly sure Sev was a little surprised as well.  Hopefully it won't be long before Sev finally starts putting the pieces together, the major one being that the Dursleys were odd.  Hopefully.

    Yay!  Spinner's End here we come!!  I'm excited for them to finally get there!  I just don't know what's going to happen when they do, but it will definatly be fun...

    Thanks, OE!

Title: Never Too Late 15 Apr 2008 4:33 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    I absolutely love this story. The glimpse into Severus' childhood was poignant, yet I appreciated how you interjected his thoughts after every one of his father's comments. It's just how I imagine Severus would think... Awesome job with that.

    And now, I can't wait to see what is going to happen when Harry goes to live with Severus. Your Snape, by the way, is perfectly in character, and I am anxious to see how his and Harry's relationship grows from here.

    This is fantastic!

    Author's Response:

    I'm so glad you like it!  It's really a fun story to write.

    Sev's childhood was horrible but important to the story, and truth be told, it was a blast coming up with responces for him to say in his head!  I'm really glad that it's how you think Sev would think and act too.  That's the thing I struggle with the most, is keeping him in character, he never seems to be for me.  But, as long as you think so, I'm happy!!

    Hee hee, oh, chaos will ensue for sure!  I can't wait for you to read the next chapter!  You've got me quite giddy...

    Thanks so much for the review!!

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