Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Is Anyone Here Alive 24 Mar 2008 11:12 am
Reviewer: Amari (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great first chapter, not many can pull off a start that seems to flow naturally, you have really great writing-that just captured my attention. BTW- there is an extra word I believe in the third to last paragraph,first sentence(harry was could...). All in all splendid start. I normally don't like 'Severus is Harry's real father' fics, as I think this may be, but I have a feeling you could actually pull that theme off. The section about Lily is a bit random,I know it is part of the story but that introduction to her was just a little out of place it seemed. Well, so far so good. Keep it up!!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks!  I really appreciate you taking the time to review!

    I hope that you do enjoy this fic, as it begins to unravel in further chapters.  The dream/flashback will be explained (indirectly) in the next chapter and in ones following when we're in Severus' point of view.

    Thanks again!  I'm glad I got your attention!

Title: Is Anyone Here Alive 24 Mar 2008 7:39 am
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Yay! You got this uploaded here as well. I really still hate those Dursleys.

    I feel so sad for Harry. He's so accepting of everything that's happening to him. It's really devastating.

    The spiders. I know I already said his was such a great part. But really it is. He's got no one so this really tugs at my heart that he's talking to these spiders. Poor Harry.

    And it breaks my heart again that he is so grateful to Petunia for doing something so ordinary as giving him food! I just want to smack that lady, I really do.

    I can't wait for Severus to get in the picture here. That part with the memory was so hard to read. You're really making me nervous with all this meanness. I hope things get better soon or I am going to have a permanent knot in my stomach.

    I love your chapter title. It's haunting. Great job, PK!

    Author's Response:


    Thanks, OE!  I learn from the best.

     And of course the Dursleys are in need of dire retribution...perhaps that's to come...hmm...

    Harry really needs some hugs and perhaps some real friends too, spiders just won't cut it forever.

    I think Petunia needs a good smacking!  Please do, I can't seem to get through to the lady!!

    Hmm...will things get better?  Isn't the saying: things have to get worse before they get better?  We'll see.

    Oh, thanks, I love how I don't really have to come up with my own chapter titles...songs make the perfect ones sometimes!

    Thanks for reviewing here too!  Now, back to work with you!!

Title: Is Anyone Here Alive 24 Mar 2008 2:16 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, you're off to an awesome start! My heart goes out to Harry. It's so hard to understand how people can be so cruel to a child, as the Dursleys are to him.

    Perhaps the worst thing is sense of being trapped, that no matter what Harry does, it will never be enough to please them, that he can be blamed for anything that goes wrong, and they won't even give him a chance to explain or believe him. The Dursleys just look for things to blame on Harry.

    Mrs. Mason is making me really angry, too. She has a responsibility to watch out for all the children in her care, and anyone with half a brain should be able to see that all of Harry's bruises, not to mention his small size, are classic symptoms of abuse. The woman needs her teaching license taken away, at the very least.

    And when poor Harry suffered those horrible nightmares and was so afraid that he'd woken his relatives, well, I just wanted to give him a big hug, poor little thing.

    Can't wait for Severus to show up!

    Author's Response:


    Thanks!  I'm glad you like it so far!  I don't understand the reasons behind their abuse either, just because a child is "different" gives you no excuse to hurt them.

    And that's true too, that the Dursleys just look for stuff to blame on Harry.  It's quite sad that he has to accept and adapt to all their shortcomings as well as what few he might have himself.

    Lol about Mrs. Mason, don't worry.  She's not coming back up into the limelight.  But, she IS friends with Petunia, so what do you expect?  Me?...this, complete worship of Dudley and hatred for Harry.  And yeah, she should have her liscense taken away...

    I'm pretty sure Harry could use a lot of hugs in this chapter.  And Severus is coming soon, don't worry!

    Thanks for reviewing!

Title: Is Anyone Here Alive 24 Mar 2008 1:31 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Not a bad start so far. I'm curious to see where you will go with this. I'm not sure if you mentioned it or not, but how old is Harry?

    Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying it.  Harry is ten years old, this is the summer of his eleventh birthday.  Thanks for reviewing!

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