Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Morning Sadness 11 Dec 2009 1:21 pm
Reviewer: lool (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Like it a lot!!! please update soon :D:D and I do hope that Snape will realize that Harry is abused soon :S poor Harry :(
Title: Morning Sadness 18 Nov 2008 11:15 pm
Reviewer: tortilla lady (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Please continue!!!

    Author's Response:

    Ummm...about that.  I will, and in fact do have quite a bit of the next chapter written probably about 12 pages worth, but I'm not in a good spot to stop the chapter, and I'm also not in a good spot to keep writing.  As Thanksgiving Break's coming up here at Uni hopefully it'll supply me with some much needed time, as well as inspiration.  And eventhough it's been, like, forever since I've updated/gone on P&S/read any fanfics myself, I WILL CONTINUE to write this and I am determined to finish...it'll just be awile more.

    But here's how I'm looking at it:  Next Semester I'm studying abroad in England, and since their new sem doesn't start until the beginning of Feb, I've got from the middle of Dec up till then to work my but raw and sit around on it as well...soo...I'll find the time there, as well as more inspiration as I'm sure I'll be pouring over travel books within that amount of time too.  So, yes, it'll be a longer wait, but after that, I'll be free from class and exams to write and in the mindset of an english person, so, hopefully the results are good!

    I know it's not the answer you want to hear, but I promise I'll finish, and probably repost everything as well.  So, hang in there!

    Kristin (PK)

Title: Morning Sadness 13 Aug 2008 1:55 pm
Reviewer: waterleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow I loveee it! I really can't wait to see what Albus makes of Harry. And I thought that your idea of making this chapter take place mostly in the gardens was really amazing. It added a really nice, peaceful vibe to the relationship growing between the two. I'd be curious to know what Albus and Severus talked about while Harry was sleeping. Pleaseee do keep writing! I really enjoy the story! Maybe a scene or chapter with Severus taking Harry into Hogsmeade to buy new clothes? or Harry learning about quidditch for the first time!

    Author's Response:

    Yay!  I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!  And yup, you'll get to see/hear the conversation between Harry and Dumbles next chapter.  It should be pretty interesting.

    I like that you enjoyed the setting.  I thought a little inpromtu potions lesson was in order.  And you're right, Harry and Sev are beginning to become more at ease around each other, but that doesn't mean that everything's peachy...

    And there will be some references to the conversation in the night between Sev and Dumbles as well...that conversation really was just leading up to Dumbledore showing up in Spinner's End again...but Sev's still pissed about it.

    It'll be a few chapters later, but Harry and Sev will awkwardly go shopping somewhere.  Sev just has to become more concerned and observent of his son first.

    And I love the idea of Quidditch!!  How ironic that Sev would be the one to teach Harry...since it's kinda assumed that he hates it because of James...LOVE IT!  Thanks so much!

    And thanks for the awesome review!  Don't worry, I will keep writing, until the train ride to Hogwarts, at least.  And I suspect that once I start school again myself that it'll take off.  Thanks again!!

Title: Morning Sadness 12 Aug 2008 5:38 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Give it a shot. This is going well so far and once you finish with this one, the rest may go well too.

    Your writing style is good and enjoyable. Fluffy is okay.

    Author's Response: Thanks!  I'm glad you like how I write, and you're right, maybe once I finish this one some more ideas will simply come to me!  Thanks for the encouragement!  That seriously makes me want to write more of chapter 7...so off I go! 
Title: Morning Sadness 12 Aug 2008 4:04 pm
Reviewer: marvelous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OMG!!!! I am actually writing a review, because I have finished reading your fic updates!!!! YAY!!! Anyway, ya I'll conform and tell you how your fic is awesome! Love the plot!!! Because I love harry angst.

    Hopefully awkward moments are in the near future?!?!?!? I love awkward moments in fics!!! As you already know ;) And it didn't seem too fluffy, if that was what you were worried about. Unless you're expecting the next few chapters to be fluffy....well it'll probably be awesome anyway...I do love fluffy snape sometimes!

    Anyway, I'll stop acting like some weird fangirl....THAT DOES EXIST thank you very much!

    But keep up the good work...or else you'll find me breathing down your neck! And not at the library anymore...:( no more stalking in the 600 section! Ah well, I guess we'll just have to find a new place to meet up in town.

    YAY!!! My first review!!! And now I'm done making a fool of myself!


    P.S. I gave you a 10 because you're awesome! And Snapey! PLEASE DON'T TAKE ANYMORE HOUSE POINTS! I'LL DO MY CHORES!!!

    Author's Response:

    Wow.  If I knew that this is what you would have written, I never would have been so hard on you to write a review!  No, just kidding!  Thanks so much!! And I'm glad that you've finally read the updates, so now I'm not horribly explaining everything while you're helping me come up with ideas!  Ha ha...

     And yeah, I think it's the final chapters that Snape'll be extra fluffy, he wasn't too bad here, just sad.  But hopefully what I've got planned for him will get him out of his rut!

    And yeah, again, hopefully some awkward moments will be coming up...he he...

    We do need to meet up somewhere though...hmm...I don't suppose they'd like it if you kept showing up at the library, huh?  I kinda liked the 600s.

    Oh, and thanks for the 10 chocolate frogs...yummy!  Ha ha, "Professor Lupin?!"

     Ok, I'm done now too...  But you do realize that I expect you to review each new chapter now, right?  *Maniacal laugh*

Title: Morning Sadness 12 Aug 2008 2:26 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade (Signed) [Report This]
    I really enjoyed this chapter. I hope you update soon.
    Nightshade :)

    Author's Response: Thank you so much!  I'm really glad you liked it!  And I do hope I update soon as well, hopefully next week.
Title: Frost and Front Steps 29 Jun 2008 12:27 pm
Reviewer: ER (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Quite an interesting fic. I hope you continue it soon.
Title: Frost and Front Steps 01 Jun 2008 11:25 am
Reviewer: waterleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww. This is going to be a veryyy interesting adjustment for them both. I hope Severus realizes things soon!
Title: Frost and Front Steps 27 May 2008 1:01 pm
Reviewer: Aytheria (Signed) [Report This]
    Oooh, this is definitely one of the better sevitus i've read yet. very very in character, and poor harry! i wonder how long it will take snape to figure it out? in any case, i adore the father/son interaction and hope you update soon :)
Title: Frost and Front Steps 01 May 2008 1:17 am
Reviewer: Lina (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wonderful beginning. I hope that Snape realizes what is wrong soon though. I also wonder when he will notice that Harry can talk to snakes since Harry is so quiet and all that?

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