Title: Petrified
| 11 Jul 2008 10:36 am
Reviewer: LN (Anonymous)
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Hi, that's a nice fic and I hope you'll update soon.
I was just thinking about your story yesterday and bam there was an update!!! Excellent, shall have to channel new chapters more often!!:)
i think that may have been a bit harsh...but still not too bad
Ouch! Poor Harry ,even though he did deserve it. Once Severus finds out he's Harry's father, will he be more willing to show affection to the kid after he's punished him? I can recall that as a child, after my dad or mom had spanked one of my siblings or myself, we were always hugged and told we were forgiven, it makes a HUGE difference in how you feel towards yourself and towards them afterwards. Then there's no resentment involved and it's over and done with. I'd like to see that kind of relationship evolve here with Harry. Another question--has Sev ever spanked Blaise-Cyrus like that?
Title: Petrified
| 05 Jul 2008 3:29 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous)
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I don't think Snape would hesitate to spank Harry more if needed. Snape does seem very caring...or at least concerned with Harry's welfare.
Nice to see an update to this story. It's always fun to see Severus being protective even when he doesn't want to be.
ooh naughty harry following the voice, i love it when he is defiant! hope to see more soon cause i want to know how snape is going to react when he finds out he's harry's dad!
I went to reread this whole thing, and I do admit that I really want to know exactly what Percy has been doing to our Harry. Does Severus know that Harry is his son? Certain comments make me thing that he maybe does. Please, update again soon.
oh! the suspense is killing me! why!
nice one...i cannot believe that Blaise is related to Harry...i wonder what Draco will say when he finds out...and Snape! oh man...please update soon!