Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Identity Crisis
Title: Meeting Cyrus 05 Jun 2008 1:14 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Veeery interesting twist! I never suspected Blaise would be related to Harry. Hope you can update again soon!

    Author's Response: That's why I've made Blaise related to Harry... it was unexpected. :)
Title: Meeting Cyrus 04 Jun 2008 7:06 pm
Reviewer: KimSpiritTalks (Signed) [Report This]
    I keep scrolling down but it goes no further. This is sad. I'm so anxious to see what happens next. What an awesome twist! I love where this is going!

    Author's Response: Thankyou, yes unfortuantely if you scroll down and the author has put nothing more up.... nothing comes up. :) More soon.:)
Title: Meeting Cyrus 04 Jun 2008 2:10 pm
Reviewer: Lio Saoirse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Yay! Another chappie! Finally figured it out has he? Great fic can't wait for the next chapter! Lio

    Author's Response: Thank you. Don't worry there's more mystery to come.
Title: Meeting Cyrus 03 Jun 2008 10:26 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, this was very cool. I like the idea of twin Harry and Cyrus, and the fact that Snape is their father. I can't wait to see Sev's reaction when he finally sees Harry's new look. And just who was their mother? Is it Lily or someone else?

    Author's Response:

    Snape is a little slow... so I'll encourage you to keep reading. They will find out more about there mother when Severus Snape decides he is ready....

Title: Meeting Cyrus 03 Jun 2008 8:17 pm
Reviewer: Morgansnape87 (Signed) [Report This]
    WHoot! its getting good. LIke how you made him have a twin. I like it

    Author's Response: Thank you. I've always been obessed with twins and hidden identities.
Title: Meeting Cyrus 03 Jun 2008 7:24 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Certainly an original twist, and your writing is reasonably fluent.

    You do need a beta, though.

    Also: Watch characterization. A teenaged boy doesn't say stuff like: 'isn't that romantic'...they are embarrassed by such notions. And Blaise is a Slytherin, as is Snape. Would they tell Draco, Nott or Goyle about this? Not hardly. They are secretive and sneaky, remember? No profit in telling, and some danger. Cyrus is an okay name, but I agree with the other reviewer that thought 'Saige' was pretty bad.

    Author's Response:

    Yes, Well unfortuantely I haven't heard from my beta in weeks... not one word and I'm impatient waiting for a response.

    As for Blaise's notions: he is curious and drawn in by the mystery. He wants to know. Perhaps he didn't mean to say that aloud. And you are making assumptions on the Draco, Nott and Goyle on how they know. Perhaps there was some profit in telling...  But I need these Slytherins as plot devices. They need to be there. (Considering I have some plans for them). And realistically they are 12 - what kind of 12 year old doesn't have a group of friends that they are especially fond of?

    Saige is an inside joke in my household. Snape having a kid with a potions type name. It's called my dry humour. Hehehe! It was better than cauldron, or asphodel.... *snickers* Actually Saige should fit right alongside other names such as, Severus, Albus, Hermoine, Draco, Scorpius etc.. *laughs*

Title: Meeting Cyrus 03 Jun 2008 6:17 pm
Reviewer: arvensis (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh. My. Gods. I didn't think you could twist the plot in such a way and still leave readers breathing... Hold on.. let me check...


    yes, still breathing.

    MORE!!!! OR I SHALL HOLD MY BREATH TILL I PASS OUT!!! (okay so maybe that's not the best of threats... but you know what I mean).

    Author's Response:

    Still breathing?


    More soon I promise - it is written

    Thank you

Title: Meeting Cyrus 03 Jun 2008 5:17 pm
Reviewer: waterleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow. The introduction of a clan system really makes things interesting! Im curious to see where this goes once Blaise realizes who Harry really is.

    Author's Response:

    That will be a while. Harry seems to be able to remain elusive for a little while yet. :)

Title: Meeting Cyrus 03 Jun 2008 4:49 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixfire (Signed) [Report This]
    Love this story! I always get so happy when I find a new chapter. I also think that having Blaise be Harry's twin is perfect. i've not seen that twist before. I can't wait to see how Severus reacts. Blaise is acting as a great older/protective brother. Can't wait until you update again. Thansk

    Author's Response: Ah Phoenixfire, that is why I made Blaise Harry's brother - it was unexpected and I haven't read one with Blaise related to Harry! And I wanted to read one where ihe was.
Title: Meeting Cyrus 03 Jun 2008 3:19 pm
Reviewer: Sasulia (Signed) [Report This]
    oh wow, great story. didn't expect that at all! wow, blaise is not only like him, but his twin, can't wait till some of the others find out, fantastic!!!

    Author's Response: Thank you. Blaise will find out all in due course.

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