Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Sic Vita Est
Title: Chapter 1: Corpus Vile 29 Mar 2008 4:09 pm
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Good start!
    The boils were a nice touch.
Title: Chapter 1: Corpus Vile 29 Mar 2008 2:11 pm
Reviewer: Lady Alexandra (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Me likey. I've always hated Aunt Marge and thought that Harry didn't do enough to her in his 3rd year. This is much more satisfactory. Keep up the good work.

    ~~Lady Alexandra~~
Title: Chapter 1: Corpus Vile 29 Mar 2008 10:20 am
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed) [Report This]
    Awwwww!!! I can't wait FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER, this was a wonderful begining! Please update soon! Great job!
    You did the characters great!!
Title: Chapter 1: Corpus Vile 29 Mar 2008 1:40 am
Reviewer: SongoftheDarquePhoenix (Signed) [Report This]
    You've got one great start :)

    Author's Response: Thank you XD
Title: Chapter 1: Corpus Vile 29 Mar 2008 12:39 am
Reviewer: Foolish Wishmaker (Signed) [Report This]
    I never read this on FF.net, but if there's more, I'll definitely be looking it up when I have more time to devote to reading.

    The first few paragraphs really drew me in. I love the set-up. The words you chose made it so easy to visualize, and you did a nice job of letting the reader draw some conclusions.

    Some great lines in here (the mention of Fluffy made me crack up).

    The whole thing with the Dursleys was hilarious. I liked how you changed things, and yet kept a lot the same, like Harry grabbing his stuff and getting out of there...

    ... only to run into Snape.

    Perfectly evil cliff-hanger. :-D

    Author's Response:

    Yeah there's more - like another 9 chapters or something (hopefully soon to be 10 chapters) but yeah you don't need to go running off to find it on FF.net - it'll all be up here eventually. But probably in like weekly blocks because I'm lazy and have limited internet action XD

    Thanks for the review - I wanted to make sure that a lot of the story was sort of the same yet different because I think it's easier when there is a little bit different with each chapter from the original book, because then it all adds up to be completely different but it's sort of believable. I hope that made sense (I have a bad habit of sprouting out total crap) but yeah C:

Title: Chapter 1: Corpus Vile 29 Mar 2008 12:11 am
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay! You posted here! I'm so happy.

    This sounds really, really, horrible but I just saw you posted the story here and had to say something. I can't remember exactly what happens in this chapter, but I think I reviewed it on ff.net. Anyway, I have to be at work in like five minutes, so this isn't really a review (in case you hadn't figured that out it) but I wanted to tell you how wonderful it is that you posted here.

    Thank, so, so much for posting here and I swear I'll give a real review for the next chapter.

    Anyway, go to go.

    Thanks again!

    Author's Response:

    Yeah I know, don't worry, I review and dash all the time XD

     Oh yeah and thanks for making the suggestion - I've been on this site for ages but only as a reader, and I didn't really think about uploading because I am made of the most awesome brand of laziness out there. No seriously I am. It's a wonder I actually managed to write 10 chapters of this story and not let it fester in my document folder (which has been the fate of a lot of my other stories, let me assure you). But don't worry - I like this story enough to continue it definitely XD.

     Anyway thanks for the nice review and the next chapter on P&S will probably be up in like a week or something. One needs to draw out the experience C: (and anyway it gives me time to actually write chapter 11 too

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