Title: Chapter 1: Corpus Vile
| 26 Mar 2015 6:26 pm
Reviewer: Dj (Anonymous)
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Please please please update!! Or just tell me if u ever plan on it so I don't wait for it please! Really good
Oh, this is WAY more entertaining than what happened to Marge in canon. Such a shame you never posted further chapters--I hope all is well.
Fantastic! I really like this angry-abused Harry. It seems like a realistic way that he would respond to his abuse. I'm sure he's got emotional damage, but for the moment, I think the anger makes a good mask.
Title: Chapter 1: Corpus Vile
| 11 May 2008 12:02 am
Reviewer: honore11 (Anonymous)
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By all means please do continue........cliffhangers.........looking forward ro more Thanks
Title: Chapter 1: Corpus Vile
| 30 Mar 2008 6:51 pm
Reviewer: huntresss (Anonymous)
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boy oh boy oh boy.... I do hope that Snape sees the poor boys bruises or the full memories of what's happened since he got home and not just the bits and pieces that he can convince himself mean something else...
Can't wait for more
I think I am really going to enjoy this story, sounds rather interesting and entertaining so far. If the abuse isn't extreme then I think I'll continue reading the story. I'm happy Snape showed up, cant wait to find out what his reaction will be to all the caos!
I love what you did to Marge, she so deserved it, the nasty thing! And the part with Ripper biting Vernon, LOL!
I wonder what Snape will do if he sees Harry's uncle hurting him?
Update soon please!
Title: Chapter 1: Corpus Vile
| 29 Mar 2008 10:02 pm
Reviewer: Slythani (Anonymous)
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Hey, Really Really REALLY amazing start! From an author's perspective nice use of a cliffy ... from a readers, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! lol. Also, the way you charecterize Harry's attitude towards the abuse is very similar to the cannon. Please update soon! Slythani
While as you say this is a "regurgitation" of what we already know, it is a well-written regurgitation. ;-) That means a lot to me. The slight changes you have made are intriguing and we get Snarky Snape in the first chapter. Glad you decided to post this here as I had not found it at FFNet.