Title: Chapter 1
| 01 May 2008 5:11 pm
Reviewer: fox (Anonymous)
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awww!! this made me cry!! great job!
Title: Chapter 1
| 17 Apr 2008 7:23 pm
Reviewer: projectjay (Anonymous)
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beautiful. I love this story.
other than the fact that a little 9 month old cannot talk - this is a wzard baby though LOL- this was great
Title: Chapter 1
| 03 Apr 2008 1:40 pm
Reviewer: Cheryl (Anonymous)
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AAAAAW! This is absolutely awesome! The ending is just... Wow! I loved the blend of Sev's typical snarkiness and yet his hidden vulnerability. Well done!
Title: Chapter 1
| 01 Apr 2008 5:19 pm
Reviewer: Slytherdor (Anonymous)
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This is SOOOOOOO Sweeeeeeetttttt!!!!!
Totally awesome story. I loved it!
This was a sweet and funny plot bunny. Harry on a mission was fun to read and Severus had some nice snark--although I think Harry is picking up a pretty good line in snark from Snape. You are also quite cruel to make the child's name "James," although he is quite a precocious child for nine months. I guess it's the Snape intellect coming through.
Okay, that was lovely. I would like more of this world.
However, there was one thing (and you are not the only writer who does this) the word "dieing" does not exist. It is dying. You change the "ie" to "y" and add "ing." -( same with lie or tie, etc).
Will we see more of Severus and young Jamesie (Jamie would have worked too.)