More please! :-D
This was a great and fun story to read. I really loved the last chapter when Harry told the edited story of the Gringott's heist to Jamie. :-D
I like how Snape is still a bit befuddled and not quite sure of how things are to go on. But Jamie will heal up a lot of the invisible injuries, I'm sure, and Severus will become a good daddy.
Please finish this story if you are able. It's terrific!
Loved the first chapter. Harry had a chance to make up to Severus for what he went through as a spy by getting him out of Azkaban and clearing his name. And Severus ends up with a family.
I looove the story, I can't wait to see more!
I just found this story and loved it! oh please make more!
I absolutely love this story! I beg you, please update soon!
loved the chapter! :) hopefully the next ones up soon :D
This is such a great, lovely story.....Snape finally not understanding something, amazing. Have to admire Harry too!!!! Can't wait for update!
More? More?
This is delightful!
I wanna see Snapey's response to artist!Harry!
Please let there be more!
Title: Chapter 3
| 04 Jun 2009 9:21 pm
Reviewer: Joue (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
Very nice. I found some spelling errors, but not too many, and it was most just a skipped letter. Please update soon!
I just found your story and I love it. This is amazingly cute. I'm seriously looking forward to the "decorating" of Jamie's room. A Snape in a cute kids room is bound to be quite a sight.