Title: Chapter 2
| 04 Jun 2008 2:03 am
Reviewer: a_lost_memory (Anonymous)
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ohhh I'm hooked, wow!! I can't wait for more, will we get to see Harry turn into a child instead of one so affected by abuse and emotional turmoil that he had enough and got rid of the Dursleys and will we see more Snape and Harry bonding?!? I can't wait to read more, I usually suck at reviews but I really really wanted to read more, so I thought I would be a nice reader and give some food to the author, via review!! hehe Hope there's more soon, though I know how demanding life can be and how thoroughly annoying and back-stabbing writers block can be!!! I'm so tired and can't really type right now, but I'm also antsy to read more of your wonderful start of a story you've got going here! Thanks for sharing and hopeful an update soon, if you need a person to help, or bounce ideas off of, let me know or email me, though it probably doesn't show, I am a pretty good beta-reader and am not in school right now, after three years and a bit I'm taking some time off, though I've been taking a few classes at the community college, and now I'm rambling, but I've had plenty of experience, esp with a writer/journalist as a father, who taught and helped with all kinds of research and reg. papers and editing... so yea... I'm dead on my feet with little sleep lately so tata! Thanks for sharing this though!
Chao, Stephanie
~Here's my email addy if you want it:)- * step23uncg@yahoo.com
I read this story awhile back its quite good. I like the beginning; the explosion made the six o'clock news, its really quite a dramatic entrance into it. Good work. Can i ask, was it you who wrote that hilarious piece on fanfiction.net about how to make a fanfiction story, if it was your a bloody genuis had me laughing for ten minutes. Oh well. Thanks again for the story. Looking forward to reading more.
Title: Chapter 2
| 10 Apr 2008 10:06 pm
Reviewer: Rasgara (Anonymous)
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I love it, I cant wait to see what Harry will do next.
smileys, rasgara
I am thoroughly enjoying this story! You really have something going for you here. It's well written and has a lot of originality to it, which is a nice treat :) I'm anxious to see more interaction between Snape and Harry, and see if Harry will be able to develop his vocabulary a little more -- poor kid :(
Great job!
"He was tall and imposing and severe and anyone who met him would be absolutely shocked to discover he spent most of his days surrounded by children. But despite his appearance and his resigned scowl, he held the small boy with assured ease. Nor was Harry uncomfortable in his arms or uneasy of the man's appearance." I found this description especially concise and well-phrased. I am really enjoying the confidence and economical nature of your prose. And the hints of ministry trouble at this point are intriguing. I had thought that Harry caused the explosion, but am now having doubts.
Thanks for another great chapter.
Title: Chapter 2
| 05 Apr 2008 5:47 pm
Reviewer: Spinningleaves (Anonymous)
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I noticed two typos in the very beginning- "violate the child's minE with magic" and in the first section you didn't capitalize Harry's name. Just trying to help out! However I really love the piece and the way you're focusing on facts and not suddenly making Severus very gushy and melting towards Harry. The piece is excellent! I'm very interested to see how Harry develops.
Author's Response: Thanks for the tip, somehow I missed that. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
this was a very descriptive chapter and a very pleasant read, the interaction between severus and harry was very good, can't wait for more
Author's Response: Thanks!
Awww, so cute, but poor little Harry! I liked how Pomfrey gave him a chocolate frog after he took the potion. So sad that he asked if his mum was there. Poor kid.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review.
Aww. Poor little Harry!
Author's Response: thanks for the review