Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Never Again!
Title: United We Stand 01 May 2008 9:18 am
Reviewer: brenda wood (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Author's Response: Thanks, so glad you liked it!
Title: United We Stand 01 May 2008 2:01 am
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]
    NO! You are mean! You better update within the hour or I shall go crazy, hunt you down and tickle torture you, too!

    Author's Response: Really?  LOL! But I have to get SOME sleep you know!  Don't worry, you'll have your update very soon!
Title: United We Stand 01 May 2008 12:08 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter - I love the way they all team up, and how Sirius doesn't even take the Death Eaters seriously. Harry's accidental magic was brilliant xD

    Author's Response: Thanks and Sirius loves to crack jokes, all the time! As for Harry, well big things come in small packages. 
Title: United We Stand 30 Apr 2008 11:41 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    I hate cliff-hangers!!!!!!

    Author's Response:

    Yes, they're very stressful! 

    I'll update soon, promise!

Title: Quality Time 30 Apr 2008 11:29 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    good chapter.

    Author's Response: Thanks, but there's trouble ahead for the three Snapes on the horizon.
Title: United We Stand 30 Apr 2008 11:04 pm
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]

    *deep breath*

    Okay I'm breathing again. How can you leave it there? Please don't kill Tobias.

    The suspence is killing me. I can't even come up with a coherent (thats spelled wrong I know) review!

    Excellent chapter!

    Author's Response:

    I know, I'm evil and terrible, right?

    I just couldn't help myself! *smirks*

    I promise I won't make you wait for ages before revealing what is in store for our boys next.



Title: United We Stand 30 Apr 2008 10:10 pm
Reviewer: LindseySnape (Signed) [Report This]
    ugghh that's just wrong!!!!! Really really hoping that Tobias and the boys come out of everything in one piece and unharmed. I don't think this is the cameo of Sirius and Remus had in mind, so good work with that. The trick or treating was really sweet, it's funny to think of Sev handing candy out to kids. I know he's completely AU but it's still weird. I know that Severus was really really upset with Tobias for the past and punishing Harry, but you've got to admit it's nice to be able to treaten him with letting his grandfather punish him, when it's his own property and something as serious as a gun. Keep up the great work and please please update again soon. LES

    Author's Response:

    What the Death eaters? My cliffhanger?

    So you weren't expecting Sirius and Remus to show up with Albus and help out? After what happened last time, they made sure to arrive with wands blazing, so to speak. 

    The trick or treating was a very amusing way for the kids to have fun and yes, in this universe, Severus doesn't mind giving out candy, he's a physician and hands out lollipops and chocolate frogs to kids who are his patients on a routine basis.  And the threat of Tobias spanking Harry is just that--a threat--unless Harry is foolish enough to touch Tobias's revolver, and then it would become a reality. But Harry isn't stupid and warned of the consequences of doing something so insane, he will be smart and leave the gun alone. 

Title: United We Stand 30 Apr 2008 9:42 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Please don't let Tobias be dead...was impressed by the old soldier not being a wizard did not hamper him (much) in this fight, he did not hesitate to protect his son and grandson.
    Harry showing great power and so did Dumbledore wow... greatest wizards in the world

    Author's Response: Yeah, Tobias knows how to fight, and he would protect his family against just about anything.  And Harry does have uncharted depths of magic and we all know Dumbledore is one of the greatest wizards in the world too! And Sev is no slouch either, though his Healer's Oath does prevent him from killing. 
Title: Quality Time 30 Apr 2008 8:12 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    that was funny....two experianced fisheman being out classed by a six year old...hah ha!

    and i loved the bit with ron also...

    i really like this story!

    Author's Response: Wasn't it though! And I just had to put Ron in there somewhere, because the story wouldn't be complete without him!  By the way, I've just posted the latest chapter, but unlike this one, it's much darker in tone!
Title: Quality Time 30 Apr 2008 7:41 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    "Poison ivy!" Harry wailed. "Am I gonna die now?"

    **LOL. Adorable. I loved that.

    And this was overall just a cute and fluffy chapter. A very pleasant read :)

    Author's Response: Thanks and I hope you feel better! That was one of my favorite lines too!

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