Reviews For Never Again!
Although realistically I the homework you had for Harry was way too advanced for a six year old at the beginning of the year! (Sorry I'm picky..) I like the fluff in the chapter. Author's Response: Kids really are hilarious, and sometimes the things they come up with! Too funny! You're right about the homework though, don't know what I was thinking, I used to teach preschool too! I'll go back and change it to something more appropriate, thanks for pointing it out to me.
And yeah, I am 100% positive that principal is a purely American thing. They are never principals in the UK, just Headmasters and Headmistresses. Author's Response: This harry is based upon several of my nephews when they were that age--they are all much older now, but I still remember most of what they did and how they acted, since I used to watch them nearly every day. And I like this Tobias better than my original idea, which was to have be the typical nasty abusive man. And my updates....I write very very quickly, and don't ask me how I do it, either, but once I have something in my head it won't let me go until I'm done. And I can translate my ideas into words and scenes very easily, it's very weird, I can't really explain it, but once I sit down and start writing, I see an image in my head and somehow I know how to write it. I write at night, usually, and I can type somewhere around 350 WPM, so that helps too. People ask me all the time, how did you do that so fast? I don't know, I just do. And thanks for the tip about the Headmaster, I'll fix it in the chapter! :)
Author's Response: Thanks and I hope you like what comes after it!
Wonderful chapter! Author's Response: Thanks and the minnow thing was another improv, I didn't even think of it till I was writing that scene down, and then it just came to me. I'm so weird that way. LOL!
I like that Tobias very subtly is telling Sev that he thinks that he is a great healer hinting his pride Author's Response: Yeah I liked this scene, it provides some great moments for all three of them, before the bad thing that happens in the next chapter.
Author's Response: Wow! Thanks so very much!
Author's Response: Aww . . .I'm glad it touched you that deeply!
((Though, principal = Headmaster) Author's Response: Thanks! Though I wasn't sure if they used the same term in public school over in Britain, or if that was just for private ones, like it is back in the US. I can go back and fix it though, if you're sure.
Author's Response: I know, i wanted to just hold him myself! And yes, at last those two are willing to start a new relationship with each other and I hope you like the next chapter, it's warm and fuzzy after the majoe emotional upheaval in the last one.
Author's Response: Thanks for your review! |
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