Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Never Again!
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 8:40 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    For a minute there I thought it someone wanting to kill Severus or hurt Harry.

    Author's Response: You and a lot of others! *smirks* I'm glad it was Tobias, weren't you?
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 5:41 pm
Reviewer: brenda wood (Anonymous) [Report This]
    wizard circus is cool

    love the whole tobias is watching thing

    sev will come around he has to see toby is trying - if grandpa was evil harry would not want him

    Author's Response:

    That's exactly right, since little kids are excellent judges of character, mostly.  And yes, Sev will try and forgive Tobias, for both of their sakes and Harry's. 

    And the next chapter is up, Bren!

Title: The Worst Punishment Ever 27 Apr 2008 5:40 pm
Reviewer: brenda wood (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I cannot log in and this is frustrating as I have to enter this code thing and if its wrong I have to review all over again

    Love it - think sev was fair

    Author's Response:

    yeah, I know, sometimes the code thing is enough to drive you to drink! 

    Thanks as always for revewing Bren! 

Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 10:41 am
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    hmmm. i thought that was malfoy watching him...oh well. circus was awesome!

    the talk...can't wait!

    Author's Response: Ha! I think I fooled a lot of you with that little trick... and I wasn't even really trying. LOL! And the talk has just been posted!  By the way, thanks again for the banner, I'll b eposting it as soon as I answer all the reviews! You're wickedly awesome!!
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 9:08 am
Reviewer: lucky (Anonymous) [Report This]
    oooh that was sooo mean! i was scared that is was lucius who was about to try somtheing!! lol but i LOVE how it ws acually tobias!!! i LOVE this story and hope that someday samantha will be abel to meet harry maybe at hogwarts or in sint munguss because her dad was injurd or something!! LOVE THIS STORY!!!

    Author's Response: Thanks so much!  And I never thought about Harry and Samantha, great idea for maybe a sequel!  And the new chapter has been posted!
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 6:43 am
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love the chapter; love the circus wish I could go. I’m glad that Matt was able to have this talk with Sev and that he was reconcile with his dad before he died... too many of us don't say the things we want to say to our love ones before they die and end up with regrets (I know this is a father son story but I hope that Matt now visits his mom). I glad that Sev and Tobias are going to talk. I feel really sorry for Tobias as he could only sneak to see Harry but it should only be a reminder as to the reasons why he should not drink.

    Author's Response:

    Yes, I agree with you about too many of us letting things go until it's too late, sad really.  And yes, matt does see his mother on holidays and such, they are no longer at odds.  And Tobias has finally learned his lesson and will give up drinking for good and all.  But he has yet to convince Severus of his sincerity.

    That's covered in the next chapter, which has been posted just now!

Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 5:25 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awww, and I was so sure it was Lucius trailing them, wanting to follow them home. I cannot wait for the next chapter. Little Sun

    Author's Response: No Lucius was not following them, only poor lonely Tobias.  But Lucius will make a repeat appearance towards the end of the book, so be warned! 
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 3:16 am
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]
    awwwww.....you make me feel a little sorry for Tobias. Even though he doesn't deserve to be let off the hook easily, I still can't help pitying him.

    I hope Sev will be able to get all his frustrations and anger out of his system in their next talk - he'll need that to come a little closer in reconciling with his father.

    Author's Response: Yes he will, and you'll be surprised at what Severus demands of him in the next chapter, which I've jsut posted.  And I agree with you about Toby, you really can't help but feel sorry for him, even though he did it to himself, it's the addiction which drives him to keep harming himself.  Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 1:46 am
Reviewer: Molly (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I think this one is the sweetest chapter yet. Harry's so cute wanting to be just like Snape. He's the most adorable child and I love to see him having people who care about him. I do feel that you're a little out of character with Snape sometimes, but I still love the story. And thanks for updating so often. It's great getting to constantly read new chapters from this lovely story. Well done! =)

    Author's Response: Aww, thanks so much! I love writing Harry as  a little kid, he's really fun to put in different situations.  As for Sev OOC-ness, I know he's not the typical snarky Potions professor we all know and loved, but this is AU and he never had to become a spy here, since Voldy died forever in the first war, and in this universe he was actually friends with James, Sirius, and Remus and Lily too, of course! So if he seems a lot nicer and more mellow, well that's what having good friends and a profession you enjoy does to you.  Of course, he does still have a strict sarcastic side, but it only relaly show when he deals with Tobias.  And he loves Harry to pieces here, who wouldn't?  Glad you're enjoying this!
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 12:48 am
Reviewer: Kyleigh (Couldn't bother to sign in) (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Great chapter.

    You had me thinking...Lucius - ruddy - Malfoy is going to kidnap Harry! Goodness... noticed you had planted that in my head right at the beginning with anti - kidnapping spell etc... *Evil Author!*

    Look forward to more!

    Author's Response:

    ha! I seem to have caught a lot of people with my little unintended joke.  Honsetly, I never thought people would think it was Malfoy until I read my reviews, I just didn't want to give away the fact that it was Tobias until the end of the chapter.  Maybe I AM evil!  Just a little.

    Thanks for reviewing and I've updated!

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