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Reviews For Never Again!
Title: The Worst Punishment Ever 26 Apr 2008 8:40 pm
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I think Sev's punishment was fair, after all Harry knew he'd done wrong and so deserved it! However, I'm glad that Harry and Sev have now forgiven each other and can move on. Anxiously awaiting the next one!

    Author's Response: Thank you! it's always a relief when your parent forgives you for whatever you've done.  I'm working on the next chapter now!
Title: The Worst Punishment Ever 26 Apr 2008 8:35 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww, that ending was so sweet! I loved the line where Harry asks Sev if he's still mad at him! It's so typical of little kids at that age, they need constant reassurance that you love them! Great job and can't wait for the next one!

    Author's Response: Yes, they surely do and I'm working hard on the next one!
Title: Never Again 26 Apr 2008 6:54 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awww, he has got it now. Should have known better in the pub!

    Author's Response: Yes, he has indeed, but maybe now he'll know better!
Title: Like Father Like Son 26 Apr 2008 5:23 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I like the way you change Tobias and how your change his own thinking about himself, er, his perception of his own past, I mean. Little Sun

    Author's Response: Thank you very much, I really wanted to do something different here!  And Tobias is an interesting character to experiment with.
Title: Wake Up, Daddy! 26 Apr 2008 4:53 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very interesting, really. Very promising, too. Little Sun

    Author's Response: Thanks a lot! Hope you enjoy the rest of it!
Title: The Worst Punishment Ever 26 Apr 2008 3:54 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Well, I think that was a suitable punishment; kids hate being ignored and Harry ignored Sev’s rules. It’s good Sev talked to Harry before punishing him so Harry knows what he did wrong, and that afterwards he knows he is forgiven. I had to feel bad for little Harry though, glad he and his dad are alright with each other now.

    As for the Tobias issue; I hope they can talk things out soon. Poor Sev has every right to feel negative feelings for his father, but seeing how Tobias is really trying to make amends they really need to have a talk face-to-face and hear the other one out.

    Next chapter sounds interesting. The circus huh? Hope no one is afraid of clowns! Lol. Personally I find them a bit annoying. I’m also curious as to what Matt has to say. Can’t wait!

    P.S. I’m also curious about what Zabini will be like. On the topic of friends, I hope if Harry meets Ron and Hermione in your story that their friendship will remain. I’ve come across so many fics where basically Ron and Draco switch places, all because Harry was raised by/goes into Slytherin. Personally that really irks me because not only do I like Ron, he’s a good character, but Ron was Harry’s first best friend, and I can never see Harry and Draco as more then acquaintances because frankly Draco is prejudiced and a bully.

    Author's Response:

    Yes, they do, which was why I had Sev punish him that way.  You'll notice--Harry's idea of the worst punishment is being ignored or bored--not spanked. 

    Sev and Tobias's talk will be coming up in two chapters and it will be very emotional, so be prepared.

    I do have Harry being friends with Ron in this story, but right now I've focused on Blaise as well, there's no reason why Haryr can't have two good guy friends, right? And if I continue with a sequel, hermione will make an appearance too.  I like both of them and I really don't care much for Draco, especially since in this fic Lucius is Severus' enemy and tried to kill him. So Harry won't be making friends with a Malfoy.

Title: The Worst Punishment Ever 26 Apr 2008 7:54 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great punishment for Harry - especially the ignoring part; he really hated it. Will we see Draco or Ron at all in this story?

    Author's Response: No, I hadn't planned on them being in here, unless it's as a cameo, that's why they're not listed as major characters.  Instead I've focused a bit on Blaise Zabini here, he'll be friends with Harry as well as Ron.  Not much is known about him, so I can make him act like whoever I want.  Thanks for your review!
Title: The Worst Punishment Ever 26 Apr 2008 1:48 am
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hey, that's not fair!

    Sure, Harry behaved badly, but Severus doesn't say one single word about breaking his own promise to the boy. Harry's too young to understand 'later' and it's entirely reasonable for him to think they are not going to the park at all with the call his father received - it probably happened before. Severus could have found another solution (take the call in the park with a privacy ward put up) but he chose to ignore Harry and his previous promise instead. And then he ignores him again as punishment? *shakes head* read a book on parenting, Sev!

    Oooh...I'm curious to see if Matt finally believes Severus and is on his side instead of (like everyone else) insisting that Severus forgive Tobias.

    Author's Response: True, there are many different ways Sev could've handled it, but hey he's not perfect.  As for Matt you will find out a good deal about his past and the reason why he was urging Severus to reconcile with Tobias.
Title: The Worst Punishment Ever 26 Apr 2008 12:31 am
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    good chapter.

    Author's Response: Thanks!
Title: The Worst Punishment Ever 26 Apr 2008 12:09 am
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    rather creative punishment on Severus's part. Though if i had been harry I probably would have just walked out the front door to 'explore'. Of course that would have caused more trouble, but I couldn't be ignored.

    Great chapter as always. I can't wait to hear what Matthew has to say about Tobias. I can't wait for the conversation between Sev and Tobias. I'm excited just thinking about it!

    Amazing chapter. Post as soon as you can, please. :)

    Author's Response: Oh, you're right! Good thing Harry isn't you! LOL!  And Matthew has a lot to say about his own father as well as Tobias.  And the Tobias/ Sev conversation is being developed right now!

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