Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Never Again!
Title: Just Like My Dad 29 Jul 2008 3:19 pm
Reviewer: writeurlife (Signed) [Report This]
    when you mentioned the blond at first i thought it was lucius. having it be tobias was much better.

    Author's Response: Thanks, you weren't the first to think that either.  I had people freaking out thinking Harry was going to be kidnapped by Lucius, when the truth was I never even thought of doing that to the poor kid. Lucius does make a reappearance in this story, but I won't tell you where, don't want to spoil it!
Title: Understanding and Reconciliation 17 Jul 2008 10:32 pm
Reviewer: Silva (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Holy crap. Inky's alive.

    Great story. I started it on ff.net, and it's just so adorable. I do need these little background tidbits, like why it's not canon, cleared up, but other than that it's great.

    Author's Response:

    Hi! This a completely AU fic, where nothing happens like it did in canon, save for a few things, such as Harry being James and Lily's son, though he's NOT the Boy Who Lived, since James, Sirius, Remus, and Severus managed to kill him for good in this timeline.  There will be more backstory to this with the prequel, Where Shadows Go, which I've just started, although you could read Growing Pains, which is the sequel to NA, and explains a little more about how the Maurauders and Severus were friends as kids and not enemies.  I wanted to do something totally different here, which is why I made Sev a Healer and Potions Master and not a spy and teacher.  A few tidbits here, yes, Sev was a Slytherin since I really can't see him in any other House, but Lily was a Ravenclaw, and the other three were Gryffindors, but without the extreme prejudice, mostly due to Lily's influence on them and the fact that Severus saves Sirius's life as a child, you'll learn more about that in WSG.  Severus was never friends with Lucius in this timeline, he avoided him like the plague, and so never became a Death Eater.  Instead he concentrated on his Potions Mastery and a choice between being an Auror and a Healer, he chose to be a Healer. 

    This whole series is focused on love, redemption, forgiveness, and families and hopefully you'll read more of it.

Title: The Unwanted Brat 16 Jun 2008 5:01 pm
Reviewer: Missy Eye (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OMG I'm terrified for Harry, I really am!
    You do a great job making everything clear and I can totally see Tobias as a Fatarse do-nothing type of man, poor, poor Harry!
    Wait...how old is Harry by the way?

    Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad to know that.  Yes, poor Harry is in for a rough time, in the beginning, though it does get better as you'll see.  Harry is six in this story.
Title: Wake Up, Daddy! 16 Jun 2008 4:49 pm
Reviewer: Missy Eye (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh my gosh!
    Tobias doesn't sound...to welcoming, why couldn't Dumbledor make provisions for Harry at Hogwarts?!
    I mean how can he let Harry go to Tobias? When is Snape going to wake up? Is he still a spy?
    Great chapter!!!
    Luv Missy Eye :)

    Author's Response: Hi! To answer your first question, the Ministry insisted Harry be given to Tobias to look after, so DD has no choice, it's the law.  Sev will wake up in a few chapters.  And no, in this universe he was never a spy, only a Potions Master and Healer. You'll find out more about Severus's past in the fourth chapter, including exactly how he came to be injured.  Thanks for reviewing.
Title: The Unwanted Brat 02 Jun 2008 11:26 pm
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed) [Report This]
    Tsk, tsk. I hope Harry teaches Tobias something about cursing, "Gasp! I'm telling daddy on you, those are bad words!" Lol, (wink). Love it so far, you do the chatacters great!

    Author's Response: Thanks, and yes, Tobias has a mouth on him, though eventually he does tone it down! LOL.
Title: Wake Up, Daddy! 02 Jun 2008 11:19 pm
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed) [Report This]
    So far it's good Snapegirl. It's better then any other kid fics I have read and that's saying a lot. I liked how you explained everything about Harry being adopted, Lily's and James different deaths, and Snapes Master Healer title.

    Author's Response: Thanks, I used to be a preschool teacher and I've got 11 neices and nephews and 4 great-nephews and 1 great-niece, so I've had lots of practice seeing things from their POV, God help me!
Title: Like Father Like Son 30 May 2008 2:50 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Well, I can't say I'm surprised at Tobias's punishment, although Harry did deserve it for going and searching through his private things. Loved the scene with the angels at the end, that was so cute!

    Author's Response: Thank you, I was wondering if anyone else would notice the angel part, I thought it'd be a sweet thing to put in there!
Title: Boys Don't Cry 30 May 2008 2:47 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    I love how you portray Sev & Harry and how well you write Severus as a doctor. It's very true to life and believable. Poor harry though. Tobias really needs to take a chill pill.

    Author's Response: Yes, he does!  I'm glad you like my portrayal of Severus, I had some help there from my sister, who is also a doctor.
Title: Snape House Rules 30 May 2008 2:44 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, poor thing! Smoking is such a nasty habit, I've been trying to get my sis to quit for years, but no luck! And every time I go over there, I come home smelling like cigarettes. So I can sympathize with Harry totally. Tobias sounds like a real strict SOB. Very well written!

    Author's Response: es, I know exactly what you mean!  Glad you're enjoying this!
Title: The Unwanted Brat 30 May 2008 2:41 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    How awesome, Snape is a physician. I can relate LOL! Clearly his dad has a lot of anger and resentment to work through, I hope he doesn't take it out on Harry.

    Author's Response: I guess you sure can!  And you'll see how Tobias reacts to harry in another few chapters!

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