Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Never Again!
Title: Looking For Trouble 25 Apr 2008 1:30 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Busted!! Naughty little Harry shouldn't have touched the potions lab. He's gonna get it now!

    Author's Response: Yes, he is indeed!
Title: Looking For Trouble 25 Apr 2008 12:38 am
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    A six year old with a sharp knife, mixing a questionable potion, in a place that he knows is forbidden.... Harry needs a time out, which in his mind is the worst punishment possible (I think Sev might need some time to cool down as well) followed by a SOUND SPANKING

    Author's Response: Yes, indeed, for the important thing to remember here is that Harry did indeed know what he was doing was not permitted, since he'd been told repeatedly not to go in there, and did it anyway on spite.
Title: Looking For Trouble 25 Apr 2008 12:01 am
Reviewer: jharad17 (Signed) [Report This]
    Any ideas on what Sev will do to him?

    Probably give him The Time-Out to End All Time-Outs. And the little snot would deserve it. :-P But seriously, why wasn't Sev's Lab locked? Or had an alarm set on it, in case any 6-year-olds decided to make free with the ingredients? For someone as safety conscious as Sev is about his son, not having locks or magic alarms doesn't make any sense to me, so the trouble Harry gets into didn't seem likely to me. I suggest have him get mixed up in cooking in the kitchen. Plenty of messes (occasionally dangerous ones) to get into there, without breaking this reader's suspension of disbelief.

    Author's Response: Normally, his lab is locked, so you'll see why it wasn't, and he was never intending to be that long speaking to Matthew, it just happened, but your idea was a good one too, it simply didn't occur to me.
Title: Looking For Trouble 24 Apr 2008 11:06 pm
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    Did I mention that you're wonderful when it comes to updating? Honestly, how do you find the time? Not that I'm complaining. Please continues these wonderful updates.

    Poor Harry. He deserves whatever punishment Sev decides on. Hmmm...If I'm not mistaken according to Sev's rules putting yourself in danger warrents a spanking? Poor kid...but it will be deserved.

    Excellent chapter! As always. Can't wait for the next.

    Author's Response: I type very quickly and I keep a notepad on me so I can scribble down ideas when I'm away from my computer.  I write a lot at night after I'm done with all the usual things, dinner, helping my mom, I live with her since she has Parkinson's and need someone to be with her all the time and dad can't manage, he's got a really bad back, and rather than pay someone . . .Anyway, you're right about part of Harry's punishment, the other part will be a surprise.
Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 8:48 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    good chapter.

    Author's Response: Thanks very much! :)
Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 7:04 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    oh boy, i sense trouble ahead...a bored six year old...yikes!

    Author's Response: Most definitely, there's trouble on the horizon!
Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 3:46 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Beautiful chapter! Loved it all and I especially liked the part when Sirius says, Whaddaya got a rule for everything, Sev?

    I do the same with my kids. It's important to give them limits and rewards and consequences.

    Author's Response: Thanks and I agree with that policy, if kids have rules and consequences they behave much better.  I learned that from my mom.
Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 3:44 pm
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    You nailed the delivery scene, girl! I ought to know since I'm an OB myself! Nice to know that you did your research and did a great job showing what goes on and how people react to it! Awesome! The letter was excellent and the dinner after just too cute!

    Author's Response: All right and I'm relieved that I did it right, since I've never had kids or been inside a delivery room in my life.  Thanks for your review, I really appreciate it!
Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 3:00 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    I enjoyed this chapter alot. The baby delivery scene was interesting and I found it sweet they named the baby after Sev. Glad Tobias is trying and that he wrote Sev that letter, it's one step to making amends. I really liked the dinner scene, Remus and Sirius are fun characters and the whole scene was very amusing and enjoyable to read. I like their friendship and I hope to see more of Moony and Padfoot ^^.

    Keep up the great work, I can't wait to read the next chapter!

    Author's Response: Yes, Moony and Padfoot might make another guest appearance later on and Tobias hopefully will show Sev that he is sincere and will remain sober so he can be a family once more.
Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 12:55 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Excellent chapter, I think that Tobias is finally beginning to see the wonderful person his son is, his letter to Sev shows this. Sev’s reaction to the letter shows that there is hope for reconciliation between the two.
    I think that it is important for recovering alcoholics to get support from those that they love; without this support many go back to drinking, but the person himself must want to change, if not the family’s effort would be wasted. It was right for Sev at age 18 to leave as Tobias did not want to change, but now I think he wants to. He realises what he is losing and knows he must stay sober in order to keep it. I think Sev needs to forgive him (not just for what he did for Harry but for what he did to Sev all the years). Without Sev’s forgiveness Tobias may not make it. I think it could also be a sore point between Harry and Sev, as Harry wants his grandpa (and has already forgiven him). With Harry around Tobias stayed sober for 3 months and that is saying something. I think with Harry around and Sev to keep firm guidance they can keep Tobias sober. Even a picture of Harry could help.

    Author's Response: Yes, you are correct and I think that Harry is going to be the glue that holds this all together, at least in the beginning, until Sev begins to trust Tobias more and forgives him, that forgiveness is important, as you pointed out, because the unforgiven can turn bitter and decide it just isn't worth it, what do I have to live for, ect...They all need each other to make a whole family. 

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