Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Never Again!
Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 12:21 pm
Reviewer: anon (Anonymous) [Report This]
    A few more comments...

    Author's Response:

    Well, that is kind of harsh, since the whole theme of this story is redemption.

    - I realised that that is where the story is going - it's just that my emotional reaction is that this man does not deserve redemption. But hey, it's better that I had some kind of a reaction instead of just thinking "whatever.." and moving on to next story.

    ...he does have a nasty temper and a drinking problem, but he is not a terribly evil person

    - This is one thing that just doesn't feel right. Blaming your behaviour even partially on the fact that you were drunk at the time and "couldn't help yourself" seems a sad excuse. After all, most of us can get as drunk as possible and might become loud or stupid, but probably don't have in us to e.g. beat up a defenseless kid or dog or whatever. In my experience the people who really go crazy and violent when drunk are never to be trusted even when they are sober. At least I wouldn't (and do not).

    Thank you for your story and for responding!

    Author's Response:

    True, but this is an addict we're talking about here--the alcohol is not an excuse for his behavior, though it does increase the likelihood that he will become violent, nor am I saying Tobias didn't deserve to lose Sev all those years ago.  He knows he did and that he was wrong, the simple fact of admitting that shows that he now wants to change for the better.  I think a few anger management courses might help him also. 

    I knew someone very like Tobias personally, and he has since turned his life around and become a productive and happy member of society thanks to much personal struggling, courses, and the support of his family.  It is my belief that each of us deserves a second chance, if they are willing to truly work at it, and I hope to show that through this story.

    I am delighted that you did indeed have such a personal reaction to my work, it shows that I can inspire people to feel about my characters, which is one of my main goals as a writer. 

    Again thanks and I hope you read the rest of this. 

Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 12:12 pm
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]
    loved the letter from tobias

    adored the baby severina

    lazy joes sound yummy- do they deliver?


    Author's Response: Good, because that letter was hell to write.  And I'd love to name my daughter after Sev if he were my OB!  I'd pass out right there on the table! LOL!  Lazy Joe's delivery . . .hmmm, now there's an idea! Thanks as always Bren!
Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 12:05 pm
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    The letter was perfect. I think Tobias really managed to at least make Sev think with that. Another excellent chapter too!

    Author's Response: Thanks and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 9:42 am
Reviewer: anon (Anonymous) [Report This]
    (excuse my non-native English)
    I don't think that this is what your story is aiming for, but I cannot help hoping that Tobias dies a lonely man - hopefully in the most painful way possible.

    This part:
    "Now you listen here, Severus Tobias Snape! I'm still your father, dammit, however much you might not like it, and that means you'll not speak to me that way. You've got some nerve, boy, talking to me with such disrespect."
    annoyd the hell out of me. Being a parent does not give you respect - you should earn it. Tobias in this story has earned nothing and being drunk is not an excuse for being a violent psycho.

    Too bad that I'm pretty sure my hope of his suffering won't come true...
    Oh, well, I still like the story and the writing is good. :)

    Author's Response:

    Well, that is kind of harsh, since the whole theme of this story is redemption.

    However, I can see how that line was annoying.  It was meant to be, it annoyed Severus too, but Tobias says it because that is how his generation thinks.  In his day, respect didn't have to be earned by a parent it was supposed to be unconditionally given by your children.  I know that sounds screwed up to us in the modern age, but that's how it was then, and is to this day something my father always says--I'm your father, you show me respect.  It's a very old fashioned dictatorial mindset, and that fits Tobias to a T.  He is very strict and hard, an ex-sergeant in the British army as well, and he does have a nasty temper and a drinking problem, but he is not a terribly evil person, just misguided and he does care about his family, but he made a lot of awful mistakes and now he must rectify them, if he can. 

    Please keep reading however and I appreciate your comments!

Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 9:30 am
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful chapter! I don't know what else to say really.

    Though I want to know what kind of trouble a bored six year old can be. Please update soon.

    Author's Response: Thanks and I shall b eposting the next chapter fairly soon.
Title: Outside Looking In 24 Apr 2008 3:24 am
Reviewer: Kyleigh (Couldn't be bothered to sign in) (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I like the simple language in Toby's letter. Simple and personal believeable that a character like Toby wrote it.

    Harry is too cute... *squee*

    Severus is awsome! He is so paternally protective (not sure if that is the right word.) Believe you me your characterisaton of Snape portrays him as a daddy you don't want to cross. Thought it interesting that you gave him the Healers Mastery.

    One question. You said Toby was an ex - sergant. of what? I'm confused.

    Oh and can I keep your Harry....

    ... pur - please....

    (PS - I had to write this review three tmes cause I kept forgetting to type in those silly security numbers. Be glad you are getting this review. Usually don't bother. Maybe I should just sign in next time!)

    Author's Response:

    Aww, thanks and I know about the security code, one time I forgot & couldn't read all the strange numbers.  The letter--I'm glad I got it right, I agonized over it for a long time before I actually sat down & wrote it out! 

    Sev is very paternal & prtective (yes that's the right word).  If you hurt his son, you are basically dead.  And I wanted to do something different from the norm here when I gave him his occupation, so I opted for Potions Master (since I just can't see him as not being one) and a Healer.  It just made sense. 

    Tobias is an ex army sergeant, I mentioned it briefly a few chapters back, I'll be bringing in up again. 

    Yeah I want to keep Harry too! *hugs him*!!

Title: Home At Last 23 Apr 2008 10:26 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    I felt like Hugging him and pinching his cheeks.

    Author's Response: Awww! Me too! :)
Title: Home At Last 23 Apr 2008 4:05 pm
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    Harry was adorable!

    The next chapter sounds great already and I can't wait to read it.

    I love this story!

    Author's Response: Yeah, he's based off of my nephew, who can be either really cute or a huge pain in the neck, depending on the mood he's in! LOL!  I should be posting the next chapter sometime tonight! So glad you're enjoying this!
Title: Home At Last 23 Apr 2008 4:00 pm
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]
    lol kids and sugar its so not worth it LOL
    I cannot wait to see what happens btw t and s

    Author's Response: Oh God, you are so right!  My nephew can drive a saint up the wall when he's hyper!  hang tight and I should have the next chapter finished tonight! :)
Title: Home At Last 23 Apr 2008 2:57 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    This chapter was too cute! Humongous Harry-eating monsters lol. *hugs Harry* I loved the playful-ness between father and son, it was so sweet. It's nice to see that though they went through some drama last chapter they still have time to be a happy family. I'm also glad that Severus might give Tobias another chance, Harry really loves his grandpa and it'd be sad if he didn't get to see him again. I can't wait for the next chapter, so please post again soon!.

    P.S. I agree with your last comment, Sev has too much going on right now for a relationship, but I look forward to a sequel!

    Author's Response: I loved the monster game when I was little and played it with my nieces and nephews.  And eventually Sev & Toby will come to some kind of arrangement, because Sev doesn't want to deprive Harry of his grandpa. 

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