Potions and Snitches
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Reviews For Never Again!
Title: Never Again 22 Apr 2008 4:37 pm
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OMG, such an emotional chapter! I didn't know who to feel worse for--Severus for seeing his child all hurt that way, Harry for not knowing why the heck his grandfather suddenly morphed into the nasty beast from hell, or Tobias who was led down the garden path by his so-called friends and now has lost everything.

    Author's Response: Me either, I think you can feel bad for all of them!
Title: Never Again 22 Apr 2008 4:34 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome story! I just about cried myself at that last line! The poor family, I hope they manage to come to some kind of understanding soon!

    Author's Response: Thanks and you'll see what happens next soon!
Title: Never Again 22 Apr 2008 4:14 pm
Reviewer: Ali (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What an excellent story. Hope part 10 is ready soon.

    Author's Response: Thanks, actually it's ready now!
Title: Never Again 22 Apr 2008 3:46 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm probably the only one who feels sorry for all three of them. But I can't help but feel sympathetic toward Tobias. Addictions are pathetic, but they're sad and utilized by people who are empty inside for some reason or another. In Tobias' case, his father never provided him with the affection he needed (judging by his side comments about his own childhood). And it's obvious that Tobias felt awful for hitting Harry. I thought Harry's reaction was perfect, by the way. I love the way you write Harry as a six-year-old. I know I've said that before (Sorry for sounding like a broken record..lol). I just want to tackle hug the kid in this story, he's so cute...

    Anyway, my stomach clenched at the last line, and I just was a bundle of mixed-up emotions... You're cruel. *shakes fist* I wasn't certain who I felt more upset for. Severus has a right to be angry, given he was an abused child; however, Tobias is probably as clueless as Severus about how he's changed.

    Okay, so I just glanced up and read the last couple of paragraphs again, and I got a lump in my throat. You'd better update this quickly. I'm dying for a new chapter!

    I suppose I'll just have to go and reread... *sighs* ;)

    Author's Response: No, you're not the only one who feels sorry for all of them, believe me! I wrote it that way on purpose, you know! *smirks*  And I'm posting the latest update right now, as a matter of fact!
Title: Never Again 22 Apr 2008 3:13 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my! I feel very torn.

    You did a really great job writing this chapter, I can understand and feel how the characters are feeling! Severus has gone through much pain and wants his child to be safe, plus Tobias really should have know better. However, I also feel bad for Tobias (I never thought that would happen! O_O) because he has truly gotten attached to his grandson and improved into a better person whom realizes his mistakes and wants to make up for them.

    Poor Harry. He just got over a bad incident and now will miss his time with his grandpa and want to see him again. However, for that to happen Tobias really needs to earn his son’s trust. I want them to become a happy family, but Tobias needs to learn his lesson through this as well.

    Ah well, maybe some supervised visits can be worked in? Also, I understand Severus’s love for Lily, but hope he can eventually find someone to help fill that gap in his life. So long as they aren’t a Mary-Sue *shudders*. I can’t wait for your next chapter, so please post again soon!

    Author's Response:

    Oh good, I was hoping you'd feel some sympathy for Toby, because he's not a terrible person, just one with a very huge problem who has made some terrible mistakes in the past and now must come to terms with them and hopefully reconcile with his son and grandson.

    As for Sev's love life, perhaps I'll deal with that issue some other time, if I make a srquel to this one, since he's got enough on his plate right now without adding a girlfriend into the mix.

Title: Never Again 22 Apr 2008 3:01 pm
Reviewer: bkerrmom1 (Signed) [Report This]
    Excellent Story!

    Author's Response: Thank you!
Title: Never Again 22 Apr 2008 2:38 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    good chapter.

    Author's Response: Thanks for your review!
Title: Never Again 22 Apr 2008 2:38 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    good chapter.

    Author's Response: Thanks and I hope you like the rest!
Title: Never Again 22 Apr 2008 12:51 pm
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]
    oh hell and damn

    tobias tobias why why why did you tempt yourself so badly

    but regrets do nothing to change anything so maybe harry can bring this family together


    love it - you get right to the heart of it and make us feel all you put to page

    Author's Response: Yes, Harry can if anyone can and I hope he will.  Thanks, Bren.
Title: Never Again 22 Apr 2008 12:24 pm
Reviewer: b_e_skrewt (Signed) [Report This]
    aww... :( I hope the next chapter or so will show Harry and severus spending some time together. They need time to bond again after the long separation! I'd be surprised if harry wants to let go of Severus for a second! Also, what happened with the D.E's and why is it safe for them to go home now?

    Author's Response: Yes they do indeed need some quality time as for the DE's they are still out there, but they're lying low since the Aurors are all over their ass, and you'll see why Sev and Harry can go back home, I'll explain more in the next chapter.  Thanks for your review, as always!

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