Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Never Again!
Title: Angry Dobermans and Accidental Magic 20 Apr 2008 11:39 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Well that was surprising. Good thing Harry's magic kicked in and saved him! :)

    Author's Response: Yes and it may have even changed Tobias's mind a little about magic too!
Title: Angry Dobermans and Accidental Magic 20 Apr 2008 9:05 am
Reviewer: Phoenix1 (Signed) [Report This]
    So is Sev going to speak to his father after Harry tells him what just happened?

    Author's Response: Well, that's debatable, I'm not sure yet, since I haven't written it.  But you'll know when I post it.
Title: Angry Dobermans and Accidental Magic 20 Apr 2008 2:40 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great job on this chapter - you did the Severus and Harry talk about Tobias really well, and I liked the talk between Tobias and Carl at the park too. It fit in well, and made a lot of sense.

    Author's Response: Thank you and I hope you like the rest of it!
Title: Angry Dobermans and Accidental Magic 20 Apr 2008 2:27 am
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful chapter!

    I loved Tobias's reaction to his grandson when he brought him inside. Absolutely amazing. He's truly come to care for his grandson. Hopefully Severus will be able to see that.

    Severus reaction to what Harry told him seemed a bit mild. I would have thought he would insist that Harry not return to Tobias regaurdless of what Harry told him. He seemed willing to believe what Harry was telling about a man that beat the sh*t out of him without much proof. I mean, no he didn't automatically accect that Tobias was a changed man, but despite that he sends Harry back to him. Surely now that he's awake he would have been able to dictate who his son stays with.

    Then again none of that really matters because if Harry wasn't sent back to Tobias then we wouldn't have gotten the amazing scene between grandfather and grandson.

    Excellent chapter and I can't wait for more!

    Author's Response: I believe that he's willing, for now, to give Tobias the benefit of the doubt, considering he knows Harry wasn't lying and Dumbledore did go there several times to check up on him as well.  But, he's not entirely sure Tobias has changed forever and so he'll be waiting to see what happens.  Plus it's only a week and he needs to concentrate on getting better.
Title: Angry Dobermans and Accidental Magic 20 Apr 2008 2:12 am
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    Liked it? I think I *loved* it. I'm so glad this story addresses the issue of 'nosy' parents who wouldn't think twice before reporting a belt threat (or at least wanting to). While I don't agree with the use of it, I do feel like parents are often too wary about correcting their out-of-control children, and that's unfortunate. Another problem is that people don't spend as much time with their kids as they should. And I think that this story addresses that issue as well. Tobias never took a true moment to spend with Severus, at least that's what's implied, but he's taken an interest in Harry--taking him to the park, allowing him to help him in the woodshop... And it's obvious that Harry knows his Grandpa cares about him and wants to stay out of trouble because of that. He also has a bit of a healthy fear for Tobias, which six-year-olds need, I think. But I had to smile at Tobias' cluelessness when it comes to the way things *are* nowaydays, rather than twenty/thirty years ago.

    One question: I noticed in a couple of chapters, Snape refers to Harry as "Mr. Potter". Has he kept James' name in this? I think I missed something.

    Author's Response: Yes, Harry did keep James's name, even though Sev adopted him, I mentioned it rather briefly in chapter one, so I'm not surprised you missed it.  And you're right about the out-of-control children.  While I don't agree with belts used on kids--too much of it growing up with my siblings--and I do approve of people watching for signs of child abuse, I don't appreciate it if someone calls authorities on a parent for reprimanding their kid in public, if it's deserved.  Now I'm not talking about a parent hauling off and smacking their kid in the teeth, but a sharp "Knock it off or else or a swat on the rear isn't abuse and shouldn't be reported as such.  We've all gotten--and deserved--a good whack on the behind at one time or another.  Is it better to have the child running and causing mayhem in a store or screaming at te top of their lungs-BUT ME THIS! I work with the public everyday at B&N and I see--and hear--parents tell their kids "Now rememberwhat we taled about Johnny, don't touch the books" as their 2 year old gleefully trashes the entire display of paperbacks or my favorite "If you don't behave that lady's going to come and yell at you".  Me? He's not MY kid and it's not my job to discipline your brat!  The only kids I discipline are my family.  Anyway, thanks for the review!
Title: Angry Dobermans and Accidental Magic 20 Apr 2008 2:02 am
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    good chapter.

    Author's Response: Thanks so much!
Title: What Have You Done 19 Apr 2008 6:20 pm
Reviewer: Sara (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great so far! Thanks for updating so often. I'm really liking this story. =)

    Author's Response: Thank you! Hope you enjoy the rest!
Title: What Have You Done 19 Apr 2008 1:26 pm
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]

    Oh I am glad he is awake but boy oh boy is he angry LOL

    like we were expecting different eh?

    Isuspect I will need kleenex for the next chap -

    awesome work as usual

    Author's Response:

    Thanks Bren,


    Yes, Sev has some serious issues with Toby to work out, but first he needs to see his son and find out how he is!  And you're probably right about the Kleenex!

Title: What Have You Done 19 Apr 2008 12:48 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    yes! sev's awake! it's about bloody time! can't wait for harry to see his father!

    Author's Response: It's coming so hold your horses, girl!
Title: What Have You Done 19 Apr 2008 10:40 am
Reviewer: Ayana (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love this story! and you update REALLY fast too =D

    cant' wait for the harry and severus conversation ;)

    Author's Response: Thanks and I'm so happy that you're enjoying this!  I try and write a chapter a night. if I have time

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