Wow!!! That was completely what I had in my mind, boy was he really pissed off. Love it, because Severus has no reason whatsoever to trust his father based on their path. So it'll be intresting to see wha happens to their relationship after this, and what part Harry is going to have in it. For some reason I really loved when Sev first woke up, and he and Matt were joking about Amy, it's not something I ever pictured him doing, but it was really great and funny. Really brought out the male in him, if that makes any sense. Can't wait for Harry to see Sev alive and well. Keep up the awesome work and please please update again soon. LES
Author's Response: Yes, I enjoyed that part too, I wanted to make this Severus different from the previous ones, so I have him joking around with his friend, its just a typical guy thing to do. One thing I will tel you is thatToby & Sev still have issues to resolve.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! This was a great chapter, I was glad to see Tobias warming up to Harry, and feeling guilty for being to harsh with Harry. He's sort of really rough around the edges but I'm sure if you dig deep enough he would be squishy in the middle. LOL. Can't wait for Severus to be back, and see what happens after that. Keep it up. LES
Author's Response: You're right, he's gruff but deep down he really does care about Harry and Severus too
Title: What Have You Done
| 19 Apr 2008 3:26 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
You did a great job showing Severus' reaction to the news of where Harry was staying, and clearing up the bit about the will. I can't wait to see how he handles Harry's news of a much mellower Tobias XD Thanks for the superquick updates.
Author's Response: He will be quite surprised and relieved.
good chapter.
Author's Response: Thank you!
good chapter. I'm happy that tobias isn't a total butt.
Author's Response: Yes, even he has his good points and he is trying to change for the better.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response: Thanks and I hope it's as exciting as the last one!
*squeel* Sev is awake! Yay!
I"m so happy. I can't wait to see what happens next!
When will Sev and Tobias talk? Will Sev forgive his father?
Author's Response: Yes, Sev & Toby will talk, or rather argue and eventually they will come to a reconciliation. You'll see!
Happy Birthday! Yesterday was my sister's birthday.
Excellent chapter! As always. I'm thrilled to see Tobias and Harry starting to get along. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
Author's Response: Wow it was my sister's too! How funny! Glad you liked this one!
Thank you so much for updating so soon. I loved the way sev reacted. I can't wait to read about harry and sev's talk.
Author's Response: Thanks it should be a good one and don't forget about the Doberman!
Alright! A bonus chapter today! I'm glad to see that Severus is awake. Another great chapter too!
Author's Response: Me too and this one was very quick to write because Sev was screaming in my ear!