Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Never Again!
Title: Like Father Like Son 17 Apr 2008 7:03 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    hmmm...very interesting turn...are you going for a story of redepmtion then? i wonder where you are going with this...

    Author's Response: Yes, you have guessed it, it wasn't what I originally planned, but then I thought it will make for a more interesting plot and it's more unpredictable and you know how I love being unpredictable!
Title: Boys Don't Cry 17 Apr 2008 6:46 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    tobias is such a bastard i hope when sev wakes up, that tobias gets his arse kicked!

    Author's Response: Oh, well, you'll see what Sev does when he gets up.  It's going to be very explosive!
Title: Like Father Like Son 17 Apr 2008 6:43 pm
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Tobias was wrong to leave a six-year-old unattended like that, and I can sympathize with Harry not wanting to empty ashtrays, I had to do that as a kid since my dad smoked and I hated it! But Harry also deserved to be punished for disobeying and going through Tobias's things. Please update soon!

    Author's Response: Yes, you're right, Tobias is not an ideal babysitter, but at least he seems to be trying now, right.  And I know what you mean about the ashtrays--ugh!
Title: Like Father Like Son 17 Apr 2008 6:40 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Great job! Tobias was right in giving Harry a spanking, I'd of gotten one too for that! It's good to see he's reconsidering his actions towards Harry and Severus and coming to relaize the way he treated his son was wrong.

    Author's Response: Thanks and you're right, Harry did deserve it and yes, Tobias is changing for the better.
Title: Snape House Rules 17 Apr 2008 4:42 pm
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]
    oh yeah this is healthy- pb and j and cigarette smoke to wash it down


    great fic and to let you know I will read and finish all my reviews tomorrow as I have to go to work in a few mins

    sigh again LOL


    Author's Response: Aw too bad, but hey tomorrow's my birthday! So it'll be a great birthday present! 
Title: The Unwanted Brat 17 Apr 2008 4:38 pm
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]

    sev is going to give birth to a cow when he wakes up and finds out where harry is

    I hope tobias doesn't hurt the kid

    Author's Response: Yes he sure is, poor guy!
Title: Like Father Like Son 17 Apr 2008 3:58 pm
Reviewer: silverwritingquill (Signed) [Report This]
    I don't get the last line, but overall great update! Keep up the good work!

    Author's Response: The last line is where Tobias refers to Harry (the child who should be sleeping upsairs) and Severus, (who needs to wake up) as his children, it's meant to show a shift in attitude.
Title: Like Father Like Son 17 Apr 2008 3:18 pm
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    *sniff* poor Harry. (though he did deserve it) and poor Tobias. Glad he's starting to open up to Harry.

    Eagerly awaiting Severus's recovery. Excellent chapter and I can't wait for an update!

    Author's Response: Yes, the kid did deserve it and I'm glad you're starting to feel sorry for Tobias too, since you're meant to.  You'll see more positive interaction between them in the next chapter as their relationship starts to improve.
Title: Like Father Like Son 17 Apr 2008 1:30 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    The emotional uncertainy that Tobias is feeling in this story is very interesting, and I like how you included two punishments, one undeserved, and the other vastly deserved (as you mentioned earlier). Harry's reaction to his punishment for simply crying elicited more of a shocked, hurt response, and I think that if Tobias would have simply continued to punish him for breathing, it could be seen as abuse. However, Harry willingly disobeyed his grandpa, and as a result, received a spanking from it. His reaction was more of remorse (though I thought it was interesting that you mentioned the small glimmer of fear). Maybe the fear Harry felt was more of a respectful fear? *shrugs*

    I can see Severus getting irritated over Tobias punishing Harry, namely giving it to him on the bare, but I can't help but think that Tobias could have been a lot harsher. And his emotional struggle at the end of this chapter emphasizes that same point. I like how you had him flash back to his own whippings, the punishments he gave Severus, and then Harry's sobs as he was smacked... "Harry's sobs and his own mingled" was a *great* line. It seemed as if this particuluar moment was a wake-up call for Tobias. I love that he allowed Harry to cling to him for a moment instead of just throwing him back down in his bed. Sometimes it takes many years to assess your own behavior and try to improve it.

    Oh, and I loved the last line. I love how he referred to Harry and Severus as children. Lovely. I can't wait for the next chapter to see if Harry sulks or tries to be 'extra-good' for his grandfather. Harry is incredibly adorable as a six-year-old, by the way. I like how you write him ;)

    Great chapter!

    Author's Response:

    It was a sort of respectful fear, indeed, and Harry knew he deserved it and he even realizes that it could have been worse.  And I wanted Tobias to start questioning his own actions, since he never did before, despite his wife's influence.  He was a slave to the bottle back then and while it doesn't excuse his actions, it does offer a thin reason why he never felt remorse over how he treated Sev, because he can't recall half of what he did, and is only now remembering things.  Now that he is sober, he has started to react normally to things, or most things, I should say. And Severus would be angry over Tobias's punishing Harry that way, but he would also agree that it was deserved.  It's what will happen a few chapters from now that's really going to make him explode . . .

    Glad you like my Harry, I've observed and watched quite a number of kids, my nephews especially and I try and incorporate their behavior and actions into my characters so they feel real. 

Title: Like Father Like Son 17 Apr 2008 1:03 pm
Reviewer: Jonnathan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This is wonderful.
    Tobias is exactly how I think he would be. Good job!
    I hope Severus will come back soon...
    Thank you for the wonderful idea und for the daily updates. This makes my day so much brighter. :D

    Author's Response: Thank you and I'm glad you like my Tobias, he's a toughie to write since i have to play a balancing act between making him strict but not totally nasty and yes, you'll see Severus back in two chapters and he IS not going to be happy.

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