Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Never Again!
Title: Outside Looking In 26 Jan 2023 12:33 pm
Reviewer: Cayj (Signed) [Report This]
    Im a little confused on the timelines of things. If James and Lily were married (happily so i assume) when Harryvwas born, why does Harry has Severus as a middle name? But also, why let him be her doctor-- did he and James become friends after Harrry was born or before? Also, not to be nitpicky, its just that all the Severus praise is a little over the top. It just feels too forced, everybody in this story loves Severus oh so much and he's apparently super sexy (so no greasy hair or crooked yellow teeth i hope) and hes the best doctor and potioneer ever
Title: Never Again 08 Jan 2023 10:46 am
Reviewer: Cayj (Signed) [Report This]
    I mean i get why but severus is such an unlikeable arsehole in this story. Honestly, he's only likeable when harry and matt are talking about him; when hes awake and talking, my only thought is like f*** him
Title: Two Steps Forward 28 Feb 2018 9:10 am
Reviewer: Lucinda Hindle (Signed) [Report This]
    GREAT CHAPTER! Keep writing! Be happy!
Title: Outside Looking In 17 Jun 2011 11:38 pm
Reviewer: Moon_Willow (Signed) [Report This]
    Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

    That birth scene fully showed the competency of Snape as a Healer. Were you ever in that kinda situation? How ever did you know so much about the details?

    I mean, when I read that part, I was so very inspired. You see, i am going to further my studies in medicine, so... that'll probably be my job sometime in the future. And reading about that, I don't know, I guess it sang to me. I wasn't so sure about my decision before, especially when it comes to this obstetrics business, but recently I've came across so many things and especially this scene, it's.. I guess I'm not deliberating anymore. I almost cried when I read about the birth of Severina. Though I reckon I'll faint like Amy did. *twiddles fingers*

    I read this offline, so I couldn't review earlier, and in every chapter, but this fic has really touched me, especially between Tobias and Sev. Amazing, amazing job. Write more!
Title: Understanding and Reconciliation 26 Mar 2011 4:26 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I enjoyed reading this story. Keep writing because you are doing such a good job
Title: Understanding and Reconciliation 07 Jul 2010 12:22 am
Reviewer: Dream Painter (Signed) [Report This]
    HUZZAH! ^^

    Extremely cute, in parts, and well-written in its entirety. I love it!

    Now off to read the sequel...

    Author's Response: Thanks so much! I really love this AU it's so much fun to write!
Title: Understanding and Reconciliation 26 Apr 2010 9:38 pm
Reviewer: Rhyselle (Signed) [Report This]
    This is a wonderful story! I wasn't so sure I'd like it much because I've never cared much for most writers' interpretations of Tobias Snape. But you really did a great job on this story with the unique plotline, and the excellent character development.

    I particularly like the idea of Severus being a Healer/Potions Master. I don't think that I've ever read a fic where he's in that kind of career.

    I found the changes in Tobias Snape extremely realistic, along with Severus' reaction to him. Very believable!

    And I LOVE that last little bit about Inky coming to life from Harry's magic! "Why did I ever let him read THE VELVETEEN RABBIT?" LOL! That was so funny!

    Well done!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! This story was written as a prompt from Daughter Of Ares so I wanted to portray a different and more rounded Tobias Snape. 

    Oh, good, because when I made him that, I thought . . .I hope this doesn't sound too crazy, but I think it fits him.

    Yeah that line was classic. If you read Growing Pains you'll get to see more of Inky alive.

Title: Angry Dobermans and Accidental Magic 01 Mar 2010 5:14 pm
Reviewer: CarlinPaddy (Signed) [Report This]
    Toby ought to call the cops, if that man isn't going to ensure a dog that viscious can't get lose he ought not have it! I knew someone who had a Doby, but theirs was smart enough to recognise it's own property and never bothered the neighbors.

    Author's Response: Yeah he will if the dog ever does anything like that again. But I doubt it will. Most dogs remember a hose.  And that particular one is a result of bad breeding and training. You don;t need to train a dog to attack people, a dog's instinct is to defend its territory.
Title: Understanding and Reconciliation 12 Dec 2009 6:35 pm
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Signed) [Report This]
    verry good story.

    Author's Response: Thanks and hope you enjoy the others in this series. There are many of them.
Title: Through the Eyes of A Child 12 Dec 2009 3:36 am
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Signed) [Report This]
    *wipes away a tear* another wonderful chapter.

    Author's Response: Aww thanks! This one was really hard for me to write because I sympathized with poor Severus so much!

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