Title: A Close Shave
| 25 Jun 2011 11:21 pm
Reviewer: mb (Anonymous)
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This is adorable with one minor flaw. Angela Landsbury did not premiere Sweeny Todd in the West End production, Sheila Hancock did. Angela Landsbury did the Broadway production. But like you said...it's fan fiction. Lovely story.
Title: A Close Shave
| 22 Jan 2010 2:43 pm
Reviewer: mercurywrites_arm (Anonymous)
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Lol, I must have somehow missed this little fic! I like it! My favorite part was when Harry threatens to tell Remus that Sev can sing! Good work!
lol, I couldn't believe that he was in that movie playing right alongside the guy that play Pettigrew--apparently, the guy is actually ugly, and it wasn't makeup on HP. Great job, I was cracking up/humming the song! Keep up the good work...
Title: A Close Shave
| 22 Apr 2008 11:00 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous)
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Oh goody! I'm glad you put this here. I love it. It's so funny. I love stern Sev at the end there and the image of the two of them lost in the music. I think it fits both of them perfectly! :o)
Pretty funny!!
I could imagine our proper Severus singing the song and thinking of Lily.
Good job.
ha haa I love this! Sweeney todd was the best!! Having Alan Rickman in the movie, SINGING, was a dream come true. I have that whole song memorized, and I've watched the movie like 10 times. I'm terrible, I know, but it's sooo good! Golden star for getting Severus to sing pretty women!! ;]