Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 13: Dancing 09 Jul 2008 6:48 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Yes, good - that little discussion about self esteem seems to have done some good.

    Wow, I am glad that Sirius is back but I think that, although he will be happy that he is a free man, he isn't going to like the changes in Harry's life (or Remus' either)

    Author's Response:

    Barbara, I think you're the first person who's commented on Remus.  You are so right that his life has changed big time and I think you're right.  Sirius is not going to like either of those changes.  Severus and Remus are friends now, and that alone is a shock to Sirius. Oi.  Poor Sirius.  And yep, self-esteem help was very appreciated.  LOL

Title: Chapter 12: Dad 03 Jul 2008 9:06 pm
Reviewer: Keina (Signed) [Report This]
    ow, I don't like that at all... I never thouht I would say that I would have prefered Sirius to stay dead but yeah, I don't like this... if he dares interfere in the relationship between Harry and Severus, I swear I will get him back behind his damn veil myself !! grmpf !
Title: Chapter 12: Dad 03 Jul 2008 8:55 pm
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    I have to know....are there any hard and fast rules as to how many "favorite" chapters you can have with a story? I mean, I think I've said it a gazillion times, and I'm about to say it once again. This is my favorite chapter! If I'm over the limit, do I get booted out of fanfics or fined?

    Loved how Remus stopped Sirius from walking away by saying, "Harry would want you to try." I'd almost say there's some Slytherin in that boy, except it was just the plain old honest truth. And Sirius will do anything for Harry.

    I was just jumping all over the place feeling sorry for my boys. Sirius and his anger and sadness for the absence of trust with the truth and for a future that he suddenly sees that is empty without Harry. For Remus being caught in the middle (I felt for him on that line when he wished Severus would stop calling him "Lupin") and pleading with Sirius to come with him, and having to (maybe deservedly, maybe not) take the brunt of Sirius' anger at Remus not trusting him with that truth. And Severus, for feeling all the old deep self-doubts that his Harry would naturally go with Sirius when they are reunited.

    I loved Severus' surprise at Harry's wisp staying with him. Maybe that one little thing (not so little in meaning) can give him some hope that Harry will love him as much as ever.

    Our St. Ginny is always the voice of reason. Boy, she handled those guys beautifully. How is she SO wise at 15? She told Sirius exactly the way it was, and it was *her* he listened to when he wasn't ready to listen to Remus. And I cannot blame Sirius for his anger at all at Severus and finding it so incredulous to believe Sev and Harry had this relationship they were describing to him. OE, if I hadn't come along for this amazing ride and I was thrown into this story just at this moment in time like Sirius, heck, I wouldn't believe it either! But as always, I commend you for your mastery story telling.

    I really got teary when Sev had his little breakdown at Harry's bedside. He'd have to crack eventually especially being SO convinced that Harry is lost to him. But I think his flame getting so hot is what caused Harry to wake up. And who's watching in the wings? It has to be Sirius.

    Our poor men (and one teenager) are so broken. That's the best word I can find to describe them. I can't think that Harry's going to wake up and be okay after this...his storm has been too fearful and mistrusting. I'm wondering what he will be like right now. While all four need each other to get through this, does any of them have the mental resources left that isn't so compromised by their emotional baggage that they can start the healing process? Are they going to need some outside help with this? Ginny's awesome, but she's too young to help on this magnitude. Just how DO they start the healing process from here? As one of your faithful readers, I cannot wait to find out.

    Who gets the hug? Geesh, everybody needs one. Multiples of them. A plethora of hugs for all. Oh, and chocolate cupcakes for everybody. Those make me feel better. Here, OE....I put extra sprinkles on yours.
Title: Chapter 12: Dad 03 Jul 2008 5:49 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade (Anonymous) [Report This]
    GREAT WORK!!!! Please please update again soon!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks!  I will.  :o)

Title: Chapter 12: Dad 03 Jul 2008 3:58 pm
Reviewer: Jenn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ooooooooh my Gd! You can't leave here, what a cliffhanger! I truly love every minute of it and i'm dying to know what will happen next!!!

    Please (even pretty please) update soon!!

    Author's Response:

    Sorry!  But we have lots to work out next chapter so I had to leave something, didn't I? LOL  Thanks for the review and I will do my best to update quickly.  :o)

Title: Chapter 12: Dad 03 Jul 2008 3:38 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Whew - you brought him back!!

    And Severus, for crying out loud, your son loves you. The man needs to get a few courses in self esteem. Yep, just like in the first story, Severus feels that those he loves will abandon him for someone "better" and that is all he deserves because Harry (and Lily) are such loving people that they simply couldn't love him.

    He is so willing to give up the people he loves to people that he feels are better for them and better people that I want to smack him one.

    He forgave Lily for her "betrayal" with James because James was better than him. Now he is willing for Harry to choose Sirius because Sirius is "better and more lovable" than him.

    Calling Dr. Freud, emergency case at Hogwarts, calling Dr. Freud.

    Author's Response: ROFL  You crack me up!  And you are so right.  Severus seriously needs some intervention.  And he better get it quick, before this cycle keeps repeating itself over and over and over again.  Get a grip man!  I love your analogies between the two relationships (Lily/Sev and Harry/Sev).  You are brilliant.  I even mentioned this review over at the group in response to something someone said, so thanks!  And I'll get to work on Severus.  :oP
Title: Chapter 12: Dad 03 Jul 2008 9:22 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    That was bloody brilliant, Tab. You have made so many of your faithful followers delighted with the return of Sirius...of course, the fact that he is featured on the banner was a big give away to me, but with you, you can never be one hundred percent sure.

    I loved this chapter sooo much. Sev, And Sirius were both hreatbreaking, REmus was just so sad and Ginny was absolutely brilliant.

    One parallel I think, is that in LC, Harry had his head down on Sev's chest and was nearly eaten up by despair that his father would never come back. Here, Sev is despairing that he will never have his son back because he thinks he will lose him to Sirius.

    It's wonderful that Sirius feels just as strongly towards HArry now that he knws he is Sev's child and not JAmes. Though I defy anyone who loves Harry to be able to turn their back on him for any reason.

    I feel sorry for Remus though. It is all about Sev and Sirius and their battle for Harry's love. And yet, Remus explained things calmly, knowing that he would now be further down the list of those who are important to Harry, and knowing that he has to face his terrible real life problems now.

    As for the Gift...well it might be that Sev is willing to 'gift' Harry to Sirius if it will make Harry happy. Or it could also mean that Sirius is a gift for Harry. (Are those two the same thing?)

    Anyway, another wonderful chapter...my fave, I think. You wouldn't be able to tell by this effort that you are having trouble with The Gift. If that's trouble, kep it coming, I say!


    Author's Response:

    Thanks, Les!  Wow, your favorite chappy?  Cool.  I am pretty pleased with the return of Sirius.  We are going to have lots of fun.  The banner was a give-away?  *innocent smile*  LOL 

    You nailed the parralel, Lesley but then you are so brilliant, I'm not really surprised.  :oD  The head down on the chest thing was just what I was going for.  The despair was the same for both of them. 

    And yep, Sirius is not about to give up on Harry.  No matter whose son he is, though I think back in that void, it hadn't really sunk in.  Everything's about to get a lot stickier, though I do agree, that is is very hard not to love Harry. 

    Remus...you'll have to wait to see about him.  He's going to be in for a ride, let me tell you.  :o)

    Well, one of the meanings of Gift does have to do with Sirius, but it's more that he was given the gift of a second chance at life.  The life he was denied because of Voldemort. 

    Thanks so much, Lesley.  I'm glad you're still enjoying it so much.  And thanks for the review.  :o)

Title: Chapter 12: Dad 03 Jul 2008 9:04 am
Reviewer: Linda (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter - development of Severus and Harry is wonderful.

    Update soon!

    Author's Response: Thank you.  I'm glad you enjoy their relationship.  :o)
Title: Chapter 10: Betrayal 02 Jul 2008 10:58 pm
Reviewer: waterleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Ohhhh boy! This is gunna be a biggie! Uttto! I hope they can make it through! Your idea of having them each see what they wanted most was really interesting and amazing. Poor Sirius is about to get his world rocked.. and if Harry's there for that? ohhh boyyy! Good work

    Author's Response: Thanks!  That was one of the most fun chapters!  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  :o)
Title: Chapter 11: Reparations 29 Jun 2008 10:45 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    Mousepad off... *check*

    Okay, let's try this again.

    You killed me with this chapter, and you can probably guess why. After writing Starting from Scratch after so long and finally getting back into Sirius mode (bah-dum-ching...that's sort of a joke), I was devastated by Sirius' poignant plea for Remus to tell Harry that he loves him and that his death wasn't Harry's fault. So there I sat, bawling my eyes out, internally scorning JKR for leaving us with nothing (in regard to Sirius, that is).

    Yep, you killed me. It's probably better that I was able to step away from this story for a couple of days and absorb it before I tried to rewrite my review, because the previous one was filled with wailing.

    As for Voldemort--I'm guessing that Severus' genuine love and offer to sacrifice himself for Harry is what made his soul to disappear. Right? I'm sure I'm missing something, because let's face it, I always am... But I'm officially pining for that next chapter. I truly love this story. It's just so... *ponders* fulfilling? It helped sew up the dangling ends for me after reading DH.

    Great, great chapter. Terribly heart-stabbing. But brilliant, nonetheless. I'm a-guessin' Crucio is up next? Your other slice of HP heaven... Sure it is.

    Yep, I'll probably be emailing you soon, because, well, it's been over two days. LOL.

    Author's Response: Well, I'm glad you liked Sirius.  That means a lot from you.  :o)  YAY  And yes, the sacrifice was what did it.  You win! Glad you felt the emotions here, Jade.  It was a very hard to chapter to write, emotion-wise for some reason. 

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