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Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 10: Betrayal 23 Jun 2008 2:02 am
Reviewer: Cecilia Farrell1 (Signed) [Report This]
    *Hides behind pillow*. That was exhausting to read, (in a good way), I feel like I've been wrestling with a hundred emotions. I must admit the beginning completely threw me i was very confused until half way through the chapter as to what was actually going on, but like all good action writers that was obviously intentional and had the desired affect on the reader, hence my confusion and anticipation. Its not often that i start a chapter by gulping, but "Dark arms embraced him" did it for me. And it just continued on from there, the story caught me and spat me back out at the end. :) Your whole approach was really thought out, you didn't just write, they went behind the veil, there was nothing, they met Sirius, off they hopped to find Harry, met Harry, banished Voldie for good, yadada and they lived happily ever after. Nooo, your far more cunning than that, like a murder mystery writer you make us wait, keep us jumping with twists and "not-quite-what-it-seems-scenes".
    I do hope that they save Harry, and I'm glad that I haven't the foggest how they're going to do it. I only hope that Severus manages to come out of it in one piece, he's already damaged from his last encounter with Tom, and he had it worse than Harry. *Fingers* crossed.
    I have an inkling though that the next chapter may involve lily?

    Author's Response: LOL  Well, I do enjoy being called cunning.  Hee hee.  I feel that way sometimes.  And I do love a good mystery.  And emotions, well I am excited you felt them so much in this chapter.  I am not even sure I understand all the emotions zooming around in his nowhere-space.  LOL  Hope you'll enjoy the next one as much.  I just loved your review.  You tickle me.  Thanks so much.  :o)
Title: Chapter 10: Betrayal 22 Jun 2008 4:52 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Ah, heck. What will Sirius do? Our knights are one now, but still....

    I was reminded of the Vulcan mindmeld in this. In one episode, Spock used it with Kirk, McCoy and Mr. Scott (whom I loved above all others.)

    Author's Response: YAY!  I totally had that episode in mind (Spectre of the Gun) when I did this one.  No joke.  I love that episode, and Scotty as well.  I am so tickled about this!  YAY.  And, you'll just have to wait and see about Sirius.  :oP
Title: Chapter 10: Betrayal 21 Jun 2008 9:17 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Another awesome chapter! I was a little confused, just at first, but then I caught on to what Voldie was attempting, and thought "Wow, that's so brilliant and creepy at the same time!"

    Thank goodness Remus was able to get out of it and to help Severus see the truth, too. I loved that Severus was the one who pulled Sirius out of his trance-like state, because it really helped him to see the devotion and love that Sirius has for Harry, and to understand how much that would have meant to Harry at a time when he didn't have Severus, and needed an adult on his side. And now Severus can understand that Harry still does need Sirius and he loves Harry enough to overlook his problems with Sirius, acknowledge the bond between Harry and his godfather, and to accept it for Harry's sake.

    Now, we just need Sirius to see the great love and devotion that Severus and Harry have developed.

    What a way to end, too! I understand why Severus was reluctant to let Sirius know about Harry's parentage, and why Remus went along with him, but I had a feeling that it might come back to bite them, too. I mean, Sirius was going to have to learn about it and the fact that they didn't trust him with the knowledge from the start is going to hurt and anger him. He really deserved to hear it from Remus and Severus first. I'm kind of surprised that Severus didn't think about Voldie using the information against them, but I guess he has had lots happening lately!

    Great chapter and I can't wait for the next one!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks Kristeh!  Yep, Severus now has no choice but to understand how much Sirius loves Harry and vice versa.  It's a good thing for Sev to know, but at the same time, I feel badly for him.  LOL 

    I don't think Severus really thought that he would be seeing a sort of physcial manifestation of Voldemort.  He also didn't really think he'd see Sirius.  He went into the veil because Sirius seemed to be telling him something, but none of them, not even DD understood what was behind there.  And yes, Severus is in a rather unstable mental state right now, anyway. 

    Thanks for reviewing, Kristeh!  :o)

Title: Chapter 10: Betrayal 21 Jun 2008 7:57 pm
Reviewer: ivys (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Another great chapter. I was a little confused at the opening of the chapter, but the end was perfect. Only you can leave us with such cliffhanger. Update soon or I will go nuts.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  I confused you on purpose.  LOL  Well, our boys were confused as well, so you had to be.  Thanks for the review and I'll try to be quick.


Title: Chapter 10: Betrayal 21 Jun 2008 11:50 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, it bloody happened again. My review was nullified. So here it is again but it won't be anywhere near as comprehensive as the first one.

    As usual, it was brilliant. You paint such a wonderful picture with your other worldly or mind scenes. I wouldn't even attempt it. Your visuals really grip me by the heartstrings.

    The vision of Harry lying at those yellow nailed feet is truly horrendous. It is bad enough that the poor kid is lying bound on the cold, icy floor in that cavern, but to be so close to the feet of the person who is the very definition of hell, is heartbreaking.

    I can imagine what that vision would do to our three heros.

    Way to go, Remus. I wonder what it was that pulled him back far enough to realise that what he was seeing was false. I read it twice, but other than Tonks fading away, I can't really work it out. I could see of course after he was pulled back far enough that the vision of Sirius and Severus being so much in accord with the ultra happy Harry between them was just too unbelievable to contemplate. And that is sad. It is probably the thing that Remus would wish for the most, after getting Harry back alive and then getting his own real life back into gear with Tonks back in his arms.

    Poor Remus. It breaks my heart.

    Wonderful chapter, horrible cliffie. But I don't for an instant think that Sirius will reject HArry. He will be shocked and disbelieving. He will rail at James as much as Severus, and
    remus also for not telling him straight away.

    But it is going to need the three of them to get Harry out of there and though they will never be friends, for HArry I think they will be able to tolerate the other's presence in Harry's life. That is considering that Sirius can come back. But if he can't, poor Harry, (and Remus) has to mourn Padfoots loss all over again.

    I always felt sorry for Remus that he was always second best with every one in canon. He was James second best friend. He was Sirius's second best friend. He wasn't Harry's god father and though HArry had known him longer than he had known Sirius, he didn't feel the same for Remus as he did for Sirius. And I know that is all entirely off the point, but I had to get it off my chest. I suppose what i'm saying is that if Sirius can come back, Remus will be relegated to a lower position in Harry's affections again

    Can't wait for the next update...that goes without saying. I am going to go and have a cup of tea and try to lower my stress levels while I begin the (not too long, please) wait for the update.
    I know you Tab. You won't keep us hanging for too long.


    Author's Response:

    Thanks Les!  I'm glad you like my mind/other worldly scenes.  I can't seem to get away from the mental.  I love the mind.  LOL

    Remus, unlike Sev and Sirius is already more grounded.  Severus was so desperate that Harry not want Sirius, that he exactly what he wanted to see.  Black wants the chance to despeately to have Harry again and to leave the void and be a free man, that he is blinded by that.  Again, seeing what he wants to see.  What Remus wants to see, he knows that he can't see.  He wishes Sev and Sirius could get along, but he knows it is very unlikely, so it's easier to see when you're not desperate that something doesn't quite make sesnse. 

    If Sirius does get to come back, it won't be the same as it was before Sirius was lost, I mean about Remus coming second. Remus has proven to Harry that he is someone worth hanging onto; he is someone Harry can count on.  He has been there through so many important things, that I don't think Harry will ever let Remus be second best to anyone.  Sure, he loves Sirius dearly, but it won't be the same.  It can't be.  How hard that is.

    You'll have to wait and see what Sirius' reaction is.  How I love that man.  LOL

    The idea of Sev and Sirius as friends IS pretty unbelievable, I'll give you that.  LOL

Title: Chapter 10: Betrayal 21 Jun 2008 10:22 am
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    This is truly torturous to have to wait even a couple of days for each new chapter.

    Author's Response: I do enjoy the torture, I must admit.  LOL
Title: Chapter 9: Maniacal 19 Jun 2008 7:44 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Ack! You are so mean! (Stomps her foot) Fine be that way. Here's some chocolate when is the new chapter coming out :D
Title: Chapter 9: Maniacal 19 Jun 2008 5:47 am
Reviewer: Cora (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Brilliant as ever. Nothing more to say.

    Author's Response: Thanks Cora!  I'm so happy you liked it.  :o)
Title: Chapter 9: Maniacal 19 Jun 2008 1:10 am
Reviewer: waterleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow! Everybody's got a worst fear! I'm so anxious to see how this works out! If the three of them can band together to save Harry, and if Severus or Remus will tell Sirius the secret! Great writing!

    Author's Response: Thanks!  You'll have to just wait and see to get all your questions answered.  LOL  Thanks so much for such an enthusiastic review!  :o)
Title: Chapter 9: Maniacal 18 Jun 2008 6:29 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter again! Boy, you could cut the tension with a knife there; Sirius not knowing what's happened since he fell through the Veil and still thinking of Severus as an enemy not to be trusted, Severus feeling anger towards Sirius and himself and his own terrible grief and remorse, and poor Remus trying to keep them both from exploding and working together. I don't envy his job! It'd be easier to get a saber-toothed tiger to get along with a T-rex.

    I'm so worried for Harry. How awful to think that Voldemort has his soul. I can only hope that he's all right.

    I did love all the interaction between our heroes, though, tense as it was. I think a big part of Sirius' problems with Severus stem just from the fact that Severus is Slytherin and in Sirius' own personal experience, he doesn't believe any Slytherin can be trusted. His own family certainly weren't good examples for him.

    But hopefully, Remus made a little headway when he told Sirius how much Severus had sacrificed, even to the point of being tortured. That should give Sirius something to think about. Goodness knows, it sounds like they're all going to need to be able to trust one another and co-operate if they're going to save Harry and get out safely.

    And please, they've just got to find a way to either bring Sirius back, or to let him pass on to the afterlife with Lily and James. It sounds so horrible for him to just be stuck like that.

    And I was so touched at how Sirius was horrified to think that he'd been hurting Harry with his visions. It was so like Sirius to want to help, and not even consider that it might be mis-interpreted. And I do believe that Sirius will love Harry even if he does find out that Severus is his father. He might have some trouble accepting it at first, but I think he'd come around. Hope I'm not wrong about that!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks Kristeh!  I love that you could feel the tension.  Our three men are certainly tense, aren't they?  And yeah, Remus has a lot of work to do. 

    Harry is up next, as is Voldy...or something resembling Voldy that is...

    I agree with you about Sirius having issues with Slytherins in general, because of his family history. 

    I'm glad you're feeling for Sirius.  The poor guy's certainly suffered in his little corner of non-existence.  Thanks for the review. 

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