Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 8: Black 13 Jun 2008 12:56 am
Reviewer: Cecilia Farrell (Signed) [Report This]

    Are they going to bring Sirius to Harry to show him that he doesn't hate him at all and that 'Voldermort' (or whatever that thing is) is trying to take his soul for himself? This must mean that he hasn't completely succeeded right? or that he has succeed and Harry's beyond the veil now, with 'Voldie' doing horrible things to him (?) and that Snape's going to kick his arse with the help of Sirius of course.

    Oh dark very dark, can it get any darker? This chapter's like midnight black- you know that blackness you get in the countryside at night, a blackness that is really black, not that crappy dark you get in the city or towns. I have a feeling the next chapter's going to be as black as that black those scientists have created which is completely black to its core, which sucks in all light an all-comsuming insatiable black hole. Oh alright enough with the black analogies, need more!!!!

    Harryyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! come back. lol.

    You portrayed Snape perfectly, you painted it so clearly that i was there in my minds eye, the wobble of the jaw that wasn't a wobble the 'non-jealous' that Snape felt when Remus embraced Sirius, the heart-wrenching pain that flashed across Severus face when he let his son go. The empty green eyes.... Snape holding his son as a baby. *Sniff* that flash back was brilliant and perfectly placed.

    Arch please update soon, its inhumane to leave it here while we all salivate for more.

    Author's Response:

    Gulp is right.  LOL 

    LOL  There might be some arse kicking, yes. 

    I love that country-side black.  It's like that in my hometown.  There's not lights on our street.  Eeks.

    Thanks so much for your compliments.  And for letting me know the specifics of what you liked.  :o)

Title: Chapter 8: Black 12 Jun 2008 10:07 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    I am getting so tired of Cliffhangers! LOL Great chapter, didn't expect that turn!

    Author's Response: LOL  Well, hold on.  I might have just a couple more for you.  :o)
Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 12 Jun 2008 9:59 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Holy Bucket!

    Author's Response: LOL  Great expression!  :oP
Title: Chapter 8: Black 12 Jun 2008 7:22 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Okay, back in the corner I go.

    Teddy bear - check
    security blankey - check
    thumb firmly in mouth - (mmmhh, hmm, check)
    loads of chocolate - check.

    warnings to spouse to leave me the hell alone - check

    And the sixties were going to be easier.

    Author's Response: ROFL  You slay me, Barbara.  Hee hee.  Sorry I am making life so hard for you right now.  You're pretty funny though.  I'll do my best to get you outta that corner!
Title: Chapter 8: Black 12 Jun 2008 7:07 pm
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    I don't even know how to begin to review this. I've been sitting here staring at the empty little box you type these things into and I can't come up with usual goofy start. I'm just too blown away. So I'll just type and hopefully make some words flow.

    I cannot fathom how hard it must have been for Severus to cut he and Harry's connection. He knows he has no choice in order for any chance to save him to exist. But that can't make it easy. And it was obvious in how you wrote it that it wasn't... "against the rush of bile that assaulted him."

    And then...the line that broke my heart into a gazillion little pieces:

    "Forgive me, Harry, he begged. I will not leave you there, the wavering fingers promised, but there was no answer."

    Poor, poor Severus. Twice you mentioned how Severus' eyes looked so empty afterwards and I could just picture his face while he holds Harry so protectively. I'm so glad Remus is there by his side for this. Albus as well. In fact, in was in my, maybe, fourth reading of this that I realized in going on the search to retrieve Harry's soul that it has become a mission to save Severus' as well. His may be in as lost as Harry's if Harry cannot be brought back....they all know Severus would have no reason to live. It's a mission to save both of them now.

    "The mantle of blame." Severus may have taken it on, but I feel for everyone wearing it. The guilt must

    The emotion that passed back and forth between Remus and Severus as they prepared to step through that veil was heart breaking. (Wait, my heart was already broken....okay, so the pieces split intot smaller pieces). So very much at stake here.

    The flashback of baby Harry was perfect for setting the stage of just where Severus and Sirius stand with each other. Of course, Sirius will do all to get Harry back, of that I have no doubt. But just how in the world are you going to bridge their animosity towards each other? "Hatred will not save him." If Remus can manage it, he ought to be sainted. St. Remus has a nice sound, don't you think?

    I have so many dang questions! Why does Remus think Tonks doesn't want him anymore? I can't fathom that. She loves her man with a vengence and there must be some terrible misunderstanding is all I can think.

    How do you retrieve a soul? Did they bring a glass jar or something to put it in? And then there's the whole issue of how to put it back inside Harry. And they will have to go toe-to-toe with Voldy to get it. The Mighty Trio will be a force to be reckoned with though (if Severus and Sirius can overcome their mutual loathing for Harry's sake).

    And how long can Harry's Life Charm last? Long enough? Me and my infernal ponderings. Can't turn the brain off.

    Who gets the hug? Geesh, everybody needs one after all that sadness and the upcoming battle for Harry's soul. Heck, I need one after reading that! It was awesome!

    (Heading to the store to restock on chocolate now. We all need it.)

    Author's Response:

    Oi, your making me cry with your review.  Poor Men.  They are need each other so much.  well maybe Sirius doesn't Sev and vice versa but yeah...

    There is way too much guilt floating around, isn't there?  Wouldn't want to be those guys right now.  You'll just have to wait to see how they are going to retrieve's Harry's soul.  But yeah, it'll def. be a group effort in there.  Well, Sev was on his Life Charm for about a week, so Harry should be able to last for a bit.

    Oh, and I am not sure Sirius and Severus will be able to bridge their animosity just yet.  *waggles eyebrows*


Title: Chapter 8: Black 12 Jun 2008 6:48 pm
Reviewer: ChooseToLive (Signed) [Report This]
    BRING SIRIUS BACK WITH YOU!!!!! It's perfect; Sev brings Harry, Remus brings Sirius. :-D

    One thing I don't understand, though, is why Sev had to let Harry go. And I suppose we'll find out what happened with Tonks later.

    I didn't have to wait long for a new part; yay! :-)

    Author's Response: Sev had to cut off the connection, or else, because they are connected, Voldemort would have pulled his soul through as well.  So, Severus cuts Harry off so that he will be fully alive to go and rescue him.  And LOL  You'll have to wait to see about Sirius.  And nope, didn't make you wait too long. I'm not so evil, after all.  :oD
Title: Chapter 8: Black 12 Jun 2008 5:19 pm
Reviewer: waterleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow! You are just shocking me more and more every second! What on Earth is going to happen next?? Ahh, I'm soo excited! And this is all just so intensely emotional!

    Author's Response: Oh good!  I love to shock my readers.  I get a charge out of it!  LOL  I'm so glad you're excited.  Makes me excited too!  And emotions are my favorite.  Love 'em.  Glad you're enjoying.  :o)
Title: Chapter 8: Black 12 Jun 2008 5:06 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    This chapter was so sad. Dang you. You had me all teared up--And with that and the throbbing of my punctured foot, well... LOL.

    Wanna know when I teared up? Do ya? I absolutely had to bite my lip over the scene where Harry was nursing and Severus wiped the drip of milk away from his mouth while Harry was chewing on his fist. So, so emotional and beautiful and I love how you write baby scenes. If I didn't know you were a Mama, I'd have guessed it from the way you write baby!Harry. It's bliss.

    Now, I know you won't kill Harry, but my God, I nearly swallowed my tongue when I read that Snape was taking him beyond the Veil. I hate that damn Veil...it's the most depressing thing ever in the history of HP. Of course, in your version, at least there's closure and the Veil serves a purpose.

    Oh, and Sirius....Sirius, Sirius. *shakes head* You actually write him accurately without over-doing it, I think. I like how Severus and Sirius have mutual disdain for each other rather than Sirius being the one to continually hate Severus while Severus has gotten over it and loves the world. lol.

    Hmmmm, 'Scuse me while I go search for some lines I loved...

    "From deep within the coma that Voldemort had inflicted, Harry cried out. Even unconscious, Harry could feel his mind being ripped from his father’s. And Severus’ body convulsed in violent harmony with his son’s reaction."

    **The oxymoron 'violent harmony' is just brilliant. I think I literally gasped when I read this, hearing the slow-motion "NOOOOO" going off in my head...

    "Severus’ knuckles were white as his fingers curled into Harry’s knees."

    **Here, you do a lovely job of 'showing' instead of 'telling'... And I know that's the corniest explanation of what you've *done*, but you have. You have!

    So now, here I sit, wanting to finish Chapter 31, but procrastinating like always. I was so glad to find one of your updates in my email this morning. It made me grin, knowing that I could put off my own writing for just a little bit longer. *cheers*

    A glorious chapter, Tabitha. Glorious.

    Author's Response:

    How is your foot by now, Jade?  Hope it's all better. 

    Tickles me that you liked the baby Harry scene so much.  Yep, that was a sweet moment...

    I had to do something with that stupid veil.  It's the weirdest thing out there in HP land.

    Oh Sev had in no way gotten over his hatred of Sirius.  It's even worse because he's also jealous of what he and Harry had.  Poor Sev. I'm glad you like my Sirius.  Tell me if I am getting him too wrong.  LOL

    Ooh, glad you liked that oxymoron.  That was fun imagery to write. 

    Thanks Jade!  YAY  I love that you enjoyed.  :o)

Title: Chapter 8: Black 12 Jun 2008 4:46 pm
Reviewer: ivys (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This is so good! Excellent job!!! I can't wait to see how will Sirius react to Sev, especially when he finds that he is Harry's father. I just adore your story. Have a nice day!

    Author's Response: Thanks Ivys!  I'm so glad you like the story so much.  YAY  More Sirius coming right up!  :o)
Title: Chapter 8: Black 12 Jun 2008 8:34 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Very nice. I think it is obvious that Sirius was nto the angry phantom waving the icicle about on the other side, not if he could greet remus with such wholehearted and obvious affection. So it will be the three of them to the rescue.

    My heart bleeds for them all...Harry lying on the cold stone floor with Ginny holding his hand and DD snd Poppy keeping watch. And severus prepared to give up his life for his son...Remus too, I suppose as his life has taken such a down turn.

    Big question...when they have done their job, with Sirius's help, wiil Sirius be able to go back with them?

    Thanks Tabitha.


    Author's Response:

    Well, well, well, Les...  You'll just have to wait and see about Sirius being able to go back with Remus and Severus.  *evil laughter* 

    It is a very dismal picture I've painted, isn't it?  But hey, I love the angst.  Thanks for reviewing and I am so happy you liked the chapter!  :o)

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