Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 5: Ego 14 May 2008 9:40 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow Brilliant as always!

    Author's Response: Thank you.  :o)  I'm so glad you liked it. 
Title: Chapter 5: Ego 14 May 2008 7:21 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    I'll apologize ahead of time, as I don't have time to write a worthwhile review (and this chapter definitely deserves one). But I wanted to let you know that I read your update and this may be my favorite chapter yet.

    The scene where Severus was describing the tortured family and the child's blood made me tear up. And the line about Severus trying to appear apathetic but James seeing right through that was heart-wrenching. I can't even imagine some of the things canon Snape must have had to go through as a Death Eater. *shivers*

    I loved the fact that Harry was a moody teenager in this chapter. It keeps him real. Remus was absolutely in the right when he reprimanded Harry for calling him by his first name. I always want to flick my students in the head when they try to address me by my LAST name only. LOL. I think I actually did that once, now that I think about...

    Harry's embarassment and anger was described very well, along with the small attitude he had with Severus. I loved Severus' line: "I apologize for being 'tetchy'..." (Said with humor). So well done.

    Terrific chapter! You're definitely still going strong on this one... Keep writing!

    Author's Response:

    LOL  You're review was just wonderful.  Thanks.  Your favorite chapter, eh?  :o)  I really, really enjoy writing Severus and James.  I should just write a whole prequel with them.  I adore them.  Yeah, yeah....as if I don't have enough to do, right?  :oP

    Harry was pretty moody, wasn't he?  I get really tired of him being perfect all the time.  He can't be a paragon, every day.   Poor Remus.  I don't think he even would have said anything about Harry calling Remus, if Harry hadn't already been arguing with a 'tude.    That's funny that your students call you by your last name.  hee hee.  

    Well, at least Sev can get Harry to snap out of his attitude.  Too bad Remus didn't have the same luck.  And I suppose, good thing that Sev is sorta friends with Remus now.  ;o)

    Glad you enjoyed Sev's light humor.  Humor works better with Harry than more tude-ness, I suppose.  Thanks, Jade.  You are awesome.  Let me know how today goes!  :o) 

Title: Chapter 5: Ego 14 May 2008 8:02 am
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love harry and i know he has been through a lot and it is important for him to have acceptance of his peer but that little boy is getting to big for his britches and needs to be taken down a peg or two.

    Author's Response: ROFL.  Yep.  he sure does.  Give him a day or two.  Or actually, give Sev a day or two....  *ominously...*
Title: Chapter 4: Hero 14 May 2008 5:11 am
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    I finally got a chance to read this, I've been busy this week. I really enjoyed the glimpse into Sev's past with James and Remus and Sirius, and I loved how James defended Severus, even to his best friend. Funny though, how Sirius intentionally blinds himself to the good in a Slytherin, which is the same flaw Sev has in the books. It's almost like a mirror image of each other.

    Scrimgeour reminds me of a slick politican, like Bill Clinton, sort of. Wants a figurehead and Harry's the one. Good thing Harry has his father looking out for him. And is Draco under suspicion too for his part in things?

    Author's Response: Nobody knows about Draco, except Harry and Co.  They just know that Tonks pretended to be him.  And yep, good thing for Sev.  Glad you enjoyed the chapter.  I know all about busy weeks.  I feel like I never get to do any reading as all my free time is taken up with writing.  LOL  Sirius, I think, has good reason to feel that way about Slytherin.  His family, the Slytherins he's known the best are Slytherins and I think, it really hurt him when his brother went to Voldemort.  But you're right. Sirius and Severus are very much alike in some ways.  Thanks for the review.  :o)
Title: Chapter 4: Hero 13 May 2008 4:09 pm
Reviewer: lola (Anonymous) [Report This]
    until noon i was a bit addictet to hpff, because there was lilys charm... now i find it finished and a sequel, so im speechless!

    wonderful story, i cant praise it more than that and i love all the characters and because i am such a big h/g fan, i adore your moments between harry, ginny and severus... i hope to find more of them and i will proper review when i have a bit more time...

    it is wonderfull!

    Author's Response: Oh, YAY!  I'm so glad you came over here and find LC! (LolaPotter?) :oD I really have wanted to tell the readers at hpff that LC is over here and on ff.net all finished, but I don't think the hpff mods would appreciate it.  LOL  That site drives me crazy with how slow it is.  Anyway, I am so happy you enjoyed the rest of LC and that you are reading the sequel now as well.  I'm so happy you like the characters in the story and I love Harry and Ginny as well.  Don't worry, Ginny will be around a lot this story.  And Severus still has a certain charm to teach Harry and perhaps Ginny.  :oP  Thanks so much for the review and letting me know you found LC over here.  YAY!!!
Title: Chapter 4: Hero 09 May 2008 8:38 pm
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    Ok, so I actually read this when you first updated, but then had to go to class...so much like the old days. So I'm reviewing now!! I've just got to pick out some things that weren't mentioned yet...hmmm...a hunting I go...

    Actually, I've got a question to start you off; who are you referring to with this title and tagline? I'm guessing it's Sev with his determination to return to Tillwood and risk his life to save some Muggles. Or is it James and the way he stood up for Sev, while attempting to console his friends?

    But that flashback was everything it could be, and it was written beautifully! I am really quite interested in Jade's story now, and may just read it this week, although I'm not really convinced that Siri could be a good father figure...to a teenager, at least. *shrugs* But this was AMAZING!!!

    You are so good at describing emotions, and especially emotional turmoil. Harry and Sev's walk to the Great Hall kept me in line with their feelings as they were walking through the corridors. And I love you for that! Their emotions are always quite raw and so heart felt that its amazing they can slip into their easy banter every once and a while...which I also adore!

    Oh, and Sev's subtle diversions were particularly enjoyable...and Harry's getting the hang of it too, I see.

    I too loved Poppy here, she's just so cool! And also with the other professors 'congratulating' Sev and wishing him and Harry well as he walked to his seat was nice, that *they* realized, understood, and supported his role in the defeat of Voldie was great. And so was Remus. Love that werewolf!!

    *giggles* Harry Snape... *giggles*

    I am glad that Rita is gone. Do we get to find out what Sev did to her, by chance?

    And I agree with cathyrf, this Hero Dinner doesn't sound like a good idea. Not a good idea at all...

    Well, I think that's all I've got. This was an amazing chapter but I'm anxious for when the hateful/bad attention starts. Hopefully not for awhile...right? And Remus and Tonks wedding is coming up soon...*giddiness takes over* Can't wait!!!

    Have a great weekend, OE and work on that next chapter! I'm defiantly going to need something to do during a study break!!

    Author's Response:

    Ah, the Hero title refers to so many things.  Severus for Tillwood and the good person he is, James for doing what he did for the Snapes, and Harry, though for him that title is more a not quite as serious thing.  And for the way Scrimgeour, rather unwilling calls him hero at the end of the chapter. 

    Well, see, that's why I adore Jade's story so much.  Her Sirius is not the typical Sirius as a reckless crazy person who lets Harry run amock.  I know that's maybe what we surmise from the books, but after seeing Gary and Dan interacting in movie 3, I really think, given how much Sirius loves Harry, that he would make a wonderful father figure to him.  They would have issues at first, as they settle into the roles, but I think because Sirius wants what's best for Harry, he would have to take on a new role as parent, instead of simply friend.  And that's what Jade's story is about.  Everybody has to grow up sometime, even Sirius.  And as Jade pointed out in her review...it was Sirius following James' lead as a tormentor of Snape.  ANd if James can grow up, so can Sirius when given a reason to.  And she gives such depth and background to Sirius and that's what I am using here.  His pain at his family's disowning him, especially his brother.  And his soft, gentler side.  Sirius wasn't like that in the movies, except when he was talking to Harry.  You could just see the love betweeen them.  Can you see how much I love Sirius?  LOL   Anyway, I"m glad you liked the flashback.  It was really fun to write. 

    Thanks, PK!  I'm glad you enjoy the emotions in this. I love their banter as well.  It feels so natural for them.  

    Poppy is amazing, it's true.  And yep, Severus has a very nice support system, even if he doesn't realize it.  

    YAY for Harry Snape!  LOL

    Yep, we'll find out all about Skeeter-kins.  Sometimes the simplest solution is best.  ;o)

    You'll have to wait and see about the Hero's dinner.

    Hm...we'll see some bad attention up next.  But not from where you think and it won't be too egregious yet.

    Remus and Tonks...hmmmm...you'll just have to wait and see.

    Are your finals over next week?  I hope so.  They must be killing you.  Good luck!  And thanks for the review.  :o) 




Title: Chapter 4: Hero 08 May 2008 10:19 pm
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    Another great chapter. I like your depiction of Severus and Harry's relationship at this point. They seem comfortable and loving towards each other without some of the anxieties they've both had before.

    I like your Scrimgeour too -- we need a new villain (not evil, just kind of wicked) now that Voldemort is gone and Snape is a good guy.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks.  I think with all they've been through...they've bonded pretty solidly.  It's hard to share someone's very soul and not bond, I suppose. 

    Scrimgeour is decidedly wicked.  But don't worry about having a villain.  Evil still permeates their lives.  *waggles eybrows*  Don't you just love Snape as a good guy?  I do.  

Title: Chapter 4: Hero 08 May 2008 9:05 pm
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    I've decided I need a hit list. I have placed two names upon it....Scrimgeour and Rita Skeeter. I have decided to put the Minister at the top, because clearly from a comment Severus made he's going to take Rita out for me.

    But let's start at the beginning. How utterly fascinating to read that flashback and see more of how James, Severus, Sirius and Remus interacted together. How hard it must have been for James to mantain that lie to Sirius and Remus. I agree with Jade in that that I'm not sure who I felt sorrier for - James and how he hated the lie about his relationship to Lily and Severus, or Sirius' confusion about the same to James. And I must say I'm going crazy trying to figure out what Sirius has to do with this sequel! Honestly! It's driving me mad, ever since I drew him for the banner. And now I get this flashback and it wets my appetite for the revelation even more. OE, I can hear you saying, "Patience, grasshoper." Do you know how hard that is?

    Coming forward in time, the conversation between Severus and Harry walking down the hallway was quite a revelation to me in ways I didn't expect. Up to that point, I really thought I "got" Severus and Lily's deep love for each other, but I realized I didn't fully until Severus said these words to Harry:

    “Lily’s compassion toward me healed the perilous need I had to please my father. My desperation to finally win his approval.” He shook his head again, but this time his eyes shone with love, which Harry understood was for Lily.

    That not only told me of Lily's love for him, but really cemented how she was his salvation. I knew it, but it hadn't hit me that way before. It annoys me that I *should* have understood this, but alas I flunk at this stuff sometimes. I'm just glad those few words, so beautifully strung together, made it through my thick head this time.

    Harry trying to console him about what he had to endure (while trying hard not to tell his dad outright what that was) was so palpable. Severus showing again his anguish, but trying to hold it back from Harry too. Again and again the interactions between those two just touch my heart.

    Ok...I loved the feeling of elation Harry was able to feel, and how it radiated to Severus. And Severus' confusion at it, but then he checked the head table for Remus reaction? At least that's what I got out of that sentence (which delights me to no end if that be the case...hee hee).

    I loved Harry insisting time and time again he was now SNAPE! Yeah, Harry!
    And how it was so obvious that the people who love Harry the most are constantly watching out for him...such a change from when he first came to Hogwarts and had no adults to rely on. Severus standing behind him ready to hex anybody who even gives his son a dirty look, Remus watching him closely from the head table, and even our dear Poppy telling the minister he can't even make a peep at Harry until he finishes lunch (I LOVED that!)

    And what does Severus have in mind for Rita Skeeter? Oh, I just know this will be good...

    Severus going toe to toe with Scrimgeour (and besting him everytime) did my heart happy. And Harry continually bringing his dad and his role into the conversation and wanting him to have as much admiration was so cute. (That doesn't seem right word - cute - but I'm failing at coming up with another).

    I don't like the idea of this hero's dinner. I don't know why. I don't trust Scrimgeour. Maybe it's nothing more than that. *shrugs*

    I just have to give the hug to Harry. He hasn't gotten one for awhile, but for his fierce devotion to being a "Snape" to his comment to Severus about "Voldemort's taunting could not change the way I feel about you" and his realization of Severus' pain...this one's for you.

    Author's Response:

    No need to worry about Skeeter.  Sev's got that under control.  Pretty simple solution really...

    Oh, I am giggling about Sirius.  If only you knew what I am intending to do with our boys.  YAY  I feel sorry for all of them though.  It's such a sad situation and really, could have been avoided.  Sad.

    Lily is Sev's salvation...his redemption and now Harry is the same to him.  It explains a lot...how Severus so easily fell into the role of a caring father.  Lily helped him become a good person...she in essence saved him.  He became warped after what happened but when he saw Harry as his own again and especially in that first moment before the filial potion, when he saw Lily in Harry, he knew he wanted Harry back. 

    I'm glad you love their interactions.  It makes me smile.

    LOL, Harry is reacting pretty normally I think.  We all loved to be loved, don't we?  Okay, well maybe not Sev...or at least only by a few select people.  Yes, in a purely unconcious move, Severus was checking for Remus' reaction.  His new friend's reaction.  :oD

    Harry is a Snape and nobody better tell him different. LOL

    Hee hee.  I love Poppy and Harry sure does have a cadre of people surrounding him now.  YAY

    I think cute fits.  LOL  Harry is just as protective of Sev as the other way around.  Cute.

    Hero's dinner.  Good name for it...

    Harry does deserve a hug.  He's growing up.  Well, if it can last.  Ah, well.  He is sixteen, after all.  ;o)

Title: Chapter 4: Hero 08 May 2008 9:00 pm
Reviewer: Cecilia Farrell (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay another chapter! Brilliant. I love how Harry no matter the situation can still find joy, his reaction to the hall full of people for instance, he could of run off or scowled at everybody, but despite himself he found elation: such a natural reaction. Snape's reaction was brilliant, lol. I wonder what's next, they seem to be getting closer and dare i say it 'bonding'. your Scrimogreour is fantastically true to life you can just feel the oilyness. lol

    Author's Response: Yep, Harry, with all his sometimes teenage moodiness, is still basically a happy person.  And with all that attention, how could he not be elated.  It's such positive attention so far as well.  It's just gotta feel good.  Glad you liked Sev's reaction. LOL  I love this Scrimgeour.  Such a politician.  He's fun to write.  :o)  Thanks for reviewing. 
Title: Chapter 4: Hero 08 May 2008 8:24 pm
Reviewer: Shannon (Anonymous) [Report This]
    As usual, your update is fantastic. I particularly enjoyed the battle of the wills between Harry and Scrimgeour.

    Also, it's really refreshing to find a fanfic written by an author who understands grammar and correct spelling! ;-)

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  Yeah, Harry really got right to the point there, didn't he?  Nobody messes with Daddy.  LOL

    LOL  I do try to with the grammar and spelling.  Glad you appreciate it.  :oP

    Hopefully, the next chapter won't take too long.  Thanks so much for your review.   

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