Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 4: Hero 08 May 2008 6:43 pm
Reviewer: LindseySnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome job with this chapter. Really loved the flashback, that really showed how mature James and Severus became about their relationship, and how Sirius well didn't. I can really see that this is just the beginning of problems to come with the minister. Loved to see Harry stick up for his father and the memory of James without hesitation. Keep up the awesome work and please update again soon. LES

    Author's Response:

    Sirius didn't have much a chance to be mature.  As you'll see, later.  James got to build a relationship with Severus.  Sirius is stuck away, only seeing the growly Sev we saw under the mask here. I had fun with that flashback.  Glad you enjoyed it as well. 

    The Minister is really a pain.  *sigh*   but yep, Harry is not letting anyone say anything nasty about Dad.  Or James either.  He really does understand all that James did for them.  Thanks so much for the review and I'll try to be quick.  LOL 

Title: Chapter 4: Hero 08 May 2008 6:06 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Lovely Lovely! Great job as usual

    Author's Response: Thanks!  I'm so glad you liked it and thanks for the review.  :o)
Title: Chapter 4: Hero 08 May 2008 3:14 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    I've said it before, but I'm honored that my version of Sirius inspired you to write his character in the opening scene, though I must say, you added so much more. Upon rereading the scene, I realized that I felt equally sympathetic for Sirius and James (Severus is a given). After all, James was the one who originally treated Severus with such disdain in canon, and Sirius followed his lead. It would be very difficult (and hurtful) to be expected to suddenly sympathize with a Slytherin. And you definitely emphasized Sirius' pain over his parents' treatment of him. It's obvious, though, that he really cares for James--his scrunched eyebrows and concerned questions show that much.

    Overall, the scene was vivid and emotional--one of my favorite flashbacks, I think.

    Oh, and this line gave me chills:

    "Severus’ hands gripped at his shirt, clutching the fabric spasmodically in his fingers. Fingers covered in someone else’s sticky blood."

    *shivers again*

    I also adored the scene with Harry telling his father about his treatment at the Dursleys but not getting into too much detail. It just doesn't make very much sense that Vernon would beat or abuse Harry, because he was afraid of him and his magic. He might threaten (and you pointed that out) but he wouldn't go through with it. I had to laugh a bit when Harry mentioned the damage to the parlor resulting from the single time Vernon hit him. A bit of morbid humor, I guess...lol.

    And, oh! Severus' mother! I never though of her being anything but deceased, and I just melted at Harry's 'I'm sorry' and his explanation that even though Eileen wasn't a *good* mother, she was still Severus' mother. So true. Made me tear up a bit, actually.

    The autograph scene was brilliant, and I'm so happy that Harry held strong and signed his name Snape. And the girl accepted it! Yay! Hermione's protectivness of Harry really stood out to me in this chapter and just made me feel warm...and proud... for some reason. There's just something motherly about her, and that's what separates her from Ginny. H/Hr ships just bug me for that very reason...

    One of my favorite descriptions was of the shadows flickering on the walls. I could so picture that and at that point, this chapter swallowed me. Good thing it's only 7:30 in the morning and no one is up to bother me or I may have growled at them. LOL.

    A fabulous chapter, as always. Your writing style draws me in without overwhelming me with action. And not a lot of people can do that. Amazing, Tabitha. :)

    I didn't write 1000 words last night, btw... I'm a failure. *facepalms*

    Author's Response:

    Oh, Jade...you're not a failure.  Blame those muses.  I do.  :oP 

    Oh, your Sirius definitely inspired me.  I hope I did him justice.  It is very difficult and completely wrong of James to expect Sirius to come around with really no motivation.  After all, Sirius has never seen the real Severus.  James is at a loss though.  He cares about Severus and wouldn't it be lovely if they could all just get along?  So sad, really, the entire situation.  

    I'm going to be writing another flashback starting from when Sev returns home from that incident so you'll get to hear more about those bloodied fingers that you liked so much.  LOL

    Yeah, I don't see Vernon being able to be too vicious, just by that one incident with his aunt.  I think Vernon hitting him once would be enough for Harry to explode magic-wise.  And done't worry, i love morbid humor.

    Oh, Eileen is very much alive and hexed well by Severus (back in chapter 11 of LC, he cursed her to eternally feel all of his own pain)  I'm glad you liked that bit about Harry still not wanting the Dursley's or Eileen to be ill even if they are horrible.  Harry's just good that way, I think.  A bit too much forgiveness.

    LOL  Poor Harry with the autograph.  I don't thin that's the end of the pretty girls looking for his attention.  Hermione is mother hen-ish and I think that's why she works well with Ron.  Harry is too strong a personality for that to work well, I think. 

    The Chapter That Swallowed Jade...  Sorry, that was just funny.  I'm glad you liked it so much though!  Thanks for the compliments, and again for letting me explore Sirius with your inspiration.  He'll be back.  *waggles eyebrows*

    Now, get to work!  I'm waiting for those 1000 words, missy.  *Snape eyebrow*



Title: Chapter 4: Hero 08 May 2008 11:06 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, Tabitha, thank you so much for your thank you...that's a lot of thank yous...but I am sure I can speak for Cathy as well as myself when I say that we were very glad we could help a friend. I am always available either for a chat, or of course, you can e-mail me.

    And what a wondeful job you did too. I loved the start set in the past. It was lovely seeing just how close a friend--I would say almost a brother and as close as Sirius--James has become to Sev. I know Sev was acting for all those present and that he would not be as free and easy with his emotions as James is, but it is obvious that there is a vlose connection there.

    But poor Siri. He is sooo very jealous. James is quite right that he has not grown up. His horrible family really are responsible for Siri's own prejudices. He was even bitter towards the peacemaker, Remy.

    It was lovely that Harry could enjoy this particular moment in the spot light--being whispered about and pointed at for all the right reasons this time. Poor Sev, being overloaded with those feelings of pleasure. Even Remy was surprised.

    I'm glad Ginny was keeping a gimlet eye on the blonde Hufflepuff...she'll have to keep a close eye on her man for a while I imagine. Some of the more forward young witches may wait in ambush for their very cute hero.

    I wonder what Sev has done that he can say with such assurance that that Skeeter woman will not be writing any more articles.

    And Scrimgoeur was just as nauseating as I thought he would be. Sanctimonious so and so. Yay for HArry, sticking to his guns like that. Why was the house in Lily's name and left to HArry? Did Sev and Lily decide to do that when they bought the property. Or was GH James? I can't remember.

    But I can see Scrimgoeur pulling a shifty as far as Harry's name goes. Will he have banners made up with 'Harry Potter, our Hero' or some such thing written on them. And I wish Harry had insisted that all the Weasleys, Hermione, Remus and Tonks be invited, and that Ginny sit at the head table with him and Sev. Maybe he will while making the arrangements with Percy. Surely the guest of honour can have some say as to the guest list.

    Once again Tabitha, thank you for your wonderful effort. I know it has been far from easy but if this is what you can produce when the chips are down--and the chips are down for all of us at some time or other--then this definitely makes you an awesome writer.

    Thank you,


    Author's Response:

    Thanks again, Lesley.  You were a good cheering squad. LOL  :oD

    Glad you enjoyed the flashback.  Well, Severus did say once that James had become like a brother to him.  And he definitely means just as much to him as Sirius does at this point, but oh poor Sirius is right!  The guy (as well as Remus) is totally left out in the cold and the dark.  Sirius has a lot of issues, curtesy of his family, it's true.  We shall see those crop up again, I'm afraid.  *snif*

    Harry did enjoy the spotlight, didn't he?  Well, there's many more spotlight moments coming up, so we'll see how our Harry does. 

    LOL  Poor Ginny  I think Harry is in for lots of girls vying for his attention.  I'm not too sure Harry gets what the blonde and her friends were aiming for, but hopefully it won't take too long for hiim to figure it out.  Hmmm...

    Don't worry.  When Sev means business, he means business.  LOL

    They had to have it in Lily's name as it wouldn't look right to have it in both names as they were hiding their marriage and so when she died, it got passed to Harry legally.  I'm glad you enjoyed Harry sticking up for Dad.  He's very protective, that boy. Isn't it lovely how it goes both ways?  :oP

    'pulling a shifty'....I love the way you talk.  Much more fun than American English.  You'll have to wait and see about Scrimgeour but one thing's for sure...he better not cross Severus Snape.  Don't worry, I didn't want to bore you with all the details, but rest assured, Harry's crowd will be there.  Harry wouldnt' have it any other way!   

    Thanks for the review, Lesley and thanks so much for being my ear those couple nights.  I needed it.  :o)

Title: Chapter 3: Trapped 08 May 2008 3:14 am
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww...I'm sorry about your toe, hope it feels good (if you can feel it at all) with all those drugs! Can you even walk on it? I think I'd prefer to use a wheelchair in town...that'd be fun.

    Ok, loved this chapter! One good thing being about the last person to read/review it is that I get to read everyone else's reviews and your responses! Bad thing: I read their reviews and your responses. I don't have anything to say!!

    But I'll try anyway!...

    Yup, Ginny's adorable, and I love that girl.

    Harry + Ginny = Pure Awesome Adorableness...please keep this coming!

    Harry + Severus = Really Amazing Heartfelt Emotions and Dialogue...you can keep this coming as well!

    Scrigemore + Harry + Severus + Dumbledore = Disaster (In a good way!) that I can't wait to read!!!!

    Lucius + Draco = Despair. But I do love that you explore this issue, which I agree with you on completely. The Pureblood wizarding community does seem very Victorian and I think that they would engage in this kind of disciplinary action with their children...and Draco, sadly, must know that it’s coming, but he still wants his dad to come home. I love that.

    Oh, and I'm glad that I was wrong about Harry going being insane. It's good that the memories are just messing with him...but is that all? I'm thinking not, there's got to be something else going on that we're unaware of...

    And Sev's guilt, remorse, self-loathing, tiredness, and hurt were all tangible and I thank you for including that little scene. I just hope that he can get better, or at least not hate himself for what he's done in the past so much.

    Oh, and the way he stuck it to Narcissa was beyond hilarious, amazing, and totally heart wrenching! Loved it.

    "The footsteps were slow and heavy, as though Severus was having to drag himself to Harry’s room." Is this mere tiredness or is there something else going on in Sev's mind too...beyond what he's already admitted to us?

    I love how perceptive Harry's become of Sev's emotions. It's nice to see Harry be able to lighten the mood rather than just withhold information that will make his dad mad. Being on the good side of things is better than being on the bad, even if you've got your best intentions at heart.

    That's it! Have an awesome rest of the week and rest up that broken toe! Thanks for another beyond what I'd ever imagined chapter, I really enjoyed it!

    Author's Response:

    Yeah, I have to walk on it.  My boys aren't really game to leave me be for more than two seconds.  LOL 

    Ginny and Harry ARE adorable.  Hee hee.  I love them.  

    Scrimgeour coming up.

    Lucius and Draco have issues, it's true.  A glimpse of Draco is coming up as well.  I'm so glad you enjoyed Sev's interaction with Narcissa. I really love her character in this story as I've sorta taken my own spin on her.  I won't explain, because like Cathy, you'll rise a Snape eyebrow, but I identify with the woman so I like her very much.  And yeah, I do think those wizards are very old-fashioned.  Victorian.  Yes.  And I think it's cool.  Well, getting whalloped with a cane...not so cool but you know what I mean.

    Of course that's not all PK!  Come now.  How dull would that be.  I'm building...building.

    Oh, poor Sev.  He is a mess that one.  I don't know that he'll ever let the past go completely but he needs to do something.

    Sev's mind is going through some of the same as Harry, but you see even though he agreed to rest, he's really not going to take care of himself.  

    Harry is perceptive...at least he's getting there.  I love the two of them playing off one another.  

    Glad you enjoyed the chapter and thanks so much for the review.  Sirius is coming up next.   

Title: Chapter 3: Trapped 07 May 2008 10:40 pm
Reviewer: linda (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Came upon your first story and found it very enjoyable. Relationship between Severus and Harry is great and you have done an excellent job in keeping them believable.

    Look forward to another update.

    Author's Response: Thanks Linda.  I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far.  I really love to write the relationship between them here and I'm so happy to hear you think they continue to be believable in their new characterizations.  Thanks so much for the lovely review.  :o)
Title: Chapter 2: Of Fathers and Sons 07 May 2008 9:01 pm
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    Hey, OE!! Look at me writing this!! I realized today that two weeks without a scrap of fanfiction, while being tortured reading all the e-mail updates, is my limit. But, as you've got another chapter out, I'll keep this short and hopefully get some time to read it tonight! *crosses fingers*

    So, I loved (along with everyone else, it seems) Harry's shower scene (and you're right, that *does* sound dirty!). It does really show his vulnerability and just how he really interprets the battle with Voldie. For whatever reason, I adore this type of angst, that Harry is tainted in some way, while if he explains it to someone (hopefully Sev finds out the cause of all these feelings he's getting from his son soon) they will never understand, but still be able to help Harry walk through the motions of making a recovery. That's what I love...is there reason for me to adore this story more in the future? Eh, eh? *nudges with elbow*

    Ok, here's my take on the whole Harry's almost unconscious for the *second!* time today: It's like a defense mechanism, Harry, whenever he really concentrates on the battle with Moldy V., is placed into the mind frame that he was in during the battle. His mind doesn't want to go there, but he's unable to keep away. Ok, maybe defense mechanism isn't the right term...hmm... So, maybe Lucius put a curse on Harry that is making him revisit that particular moment when he was almost lost to Vol. or Harry's been so tainted by the experience that he's almost going insane...and his mind just wants him to return to the nothingness of that battle rather than face what's going on in the world (granted this doesn't really fit either, as Harry's not resisting talking to his friends or anybody). So, really, what I'm trying to say is I think Harry's got some deep psychological problems, and is in dire need of intervention (great, now I'm making him sound like an alcoholic) before he's lost between the veil.

    Oh, and sleep would be good too. However, I have a feeling that neither Harry nor Sev is going to be sleeping too much tonight even with the potion...

    And what's this new formula of the Wolfsbane? Hmm...did Sev start working on it himself too, or was he asked by Remus? I'm leaning towards the former.

    Ok, I guess that's enough! Everyone else covered everything. I really hope you're doing ok, OE, and once this particularly crappy week before finals ends I'll maybe get writing my own chapter...I think I've let it stew on the back burner in my mind enough, don't you?

    Really, I'm done! Have a great chapter 4 and hopefully I'll be able to visit the Yahoo board sometime!


    Wait, I don't think I said this anywhere (where *is* my mind?) I loved this chapter to death! Seeing everyone together was nice as well as having both Sev and Harry realize and express their own vulnerability. Well, maybe not nice, but good. See ya!

    Author's Response:

    Ahoy there, PK!  I was beginning to think we'd lost you to the Giant Squid.  :oP  I'm sorry you're having to deal with finals.  Good luck to you and bliss when you finish.  Mad, happy bliss wiht a pile of hunky Remus thrown on top.  Okay, yes, I am giddy.  I broke my toe and I'm all drugged and endorphined up.  Weeee.

    I love that shower scene as well.   I love as well that Harry is tainted and you're right.  Though people will help hi through, HE's the one that is tainted and ultimately must heal himself.  Well, with Sev's help anyway.  But you know....some other things are going to be affecting him and the ways of this recovery.  Oh dear...

    Well, you have some great ideas about Harry and what his problem is but of course, I'm not going to tell you if you're anywhere close.  Tee hee.  

    The wolfsbane is all Sev's idea.  Awww.  He likes the werewolfy.  LOL

    Sleep good.  Yes.

    Good luck with those finals and hope you get to relax soon.  :o)  thanks for reviewing and reading in all your busy-ness. 


Title: Chapter 3: Trapped 06 May 2008 10:01 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Love Love Love this chapter! Can't wait for the next!

    Author's Response: Thanks!  Glad you liked it. :o)
Title: Chapter 3: Trapped 04 May 2008 3:44 am
Reviewer: oodlesofmzness (Signed) [Report This]
    awww...that was so adorable....well most of it anyway....loved it!

    Author's Response: LOL  Most of it.  Hee hee.  Well, glad you liked the adorable parts and hopefully the tenser parts as well.  I just love mean Sev, well when it's directed at someone other than Harry that is.  :oP
Title: Chapter 3: Trapped 04 May 2008 3:24 am
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    This chapter was so good and it wa snice that you showed the contrasts here between some wizarding families and Muggle borns, though I have to admit that in some parts down South, parents use switches to discipline their kids. *shudders*

    Author's Response: Yeah, I actually really enjoyed that part where they talked about Draco and purebloods.  I think as a whole, wizarding society in JK's books is very Victorian and it wouldn't surprise me at all to see kids discliplined in a much different fashion that most people do nowadays.  *shrug*  Not that I necessarily agree with it, but I can see it.  Glad you enjoyed the chapter.  Thanks for reviewing. 

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