Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Cause and Effect 09 Apr 2009 2:57 pm
Reviewer: snakechild (Signed) [Report This]
    that.... was ....AWESOME
    write more please i beg of you
Title: Cause and Effect 01 Dec 2008 4:51 pm
Reviewer: Theowyn (Signed) [Report This]
    Glad to have you back. I'm looking forward to more of this. :)

    Author's Response: Thanks! With winter break fast approaching, you should hopefully receive it.
Title: Cause and Effect 30 Nov 2008 4:41 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Signed) [Report This]
    My condolences for the loss of your grandfather. In my experience, keeping a photo of loved ones who have died, and commemorating special occasions such as their birthdays or Christmas by making mention of them, lighting a candle or setting aside time to think of them is helpful, but everyone's different.

    I find your writing style quite unique, and that's part of what draws me in; it's engaging and makes me think. I look forward to seeing the next chapter and finding out what happens during Harry's detention, and what life in Slytherin is like for him.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for your kind words. I have a photo of him smiling at me right now, and I've been learning how to play the instrument I inherited from him. (He was a musician.)

     I'm glad you like my writing style. It's...quirky...to say the least. I'm especially glad it makes you think. Winter break is soon and hopefully I'll be able to deliver that chapter tout de suite!

Title: Cause and Effect 25 Nov 2008 3:42 pm
Reviewer: G.Grest (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hello, dear Wooster!

    This msg is from your russian reader. I'l be short - I was really glad to see you decided to go on with "A Different Brand of Vengeance". Your story is facinating, and I'd like to introduce it to russian fans of Saga. If it's allright with you - it'd be great pleasure for me to work with your text.

    My best wishes. Gresty.

    Author's Response:

    Oh. Wow. That would be really cool! I'd very much appreciate working with you. I'm trying to remember if my email address is in my bio. Just in case it isn't, I can be contacted at beachboygrl@yahoo.com

     I look forward to hearing from you!

     Brie aka "Wooster"

Title: Cause and Effect 25 Nov 2008 2:43 pm
Reviewer: Mervoparkite (Signed) [Report This]
    I just found your story and "I'm Lov'n it!" as the saying goes. Now, all we need is for Snape to put some of those spy-brains of his to use and NOTICE things about Harry that don't fit his nice little mold of a "James-clone".

    Looking forward to your next update.


    Author's Response:

    Ha! That spy-brains comment is excellent. Unfortunately, our favorite potions master is also ridiculously stubborn. It might take him a while.

    Thanks for reading.


Title: Cause and Effect 25 Nov 2008 1:40 pm
Reviewer: Morgan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Really good story. Please write lots more soon.

    Author's Response:

    If you insist.


Title: Cause and Effect 25 Nov 2008 1:14 pm
Reviewer: Attackfish (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you for not having Draco and Harry be friends, thankyouthankyouthankyou! So many Harry in Slytherin stories have them as firm friends without remembering that house or no house, they didn't like each other in Diagon Ally.

    Author's Response:

    Sure thing. I'm not saying I'm opposed to an EVENTUAL Harry/Draco friendship, but it would require a serious amount of character development on both parts. Harry is not exactly going to be friends with someone who reminds him of Dudley: spoiled and bullying. I think Draco could potentially be a nice guy...but it will take years' worth of disillusionment.

Title: Cause and Effect 24 Nov 2008 9:28 pm
Reviewer: Cheesedoodle (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Okay, having just read your response to another reviewer, it seems like a Harry who is "a nasty, vindictive little creep" will not be an issue. :D I am very glad.
Title: Cause and Effect 24 Nov 2008 5:52 pm
Reviewer: Cheesedoodle (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This is a brilliant plot idea! And you're completely right—if someone wanted to destroy Harry, the worst thing they could do would be to act like they cared and then turn on him. Not that I know if that's exactly what you have in mind, but it would be such a deliciously angsty twist—Snape turns on Harry, only to realize that he actually does care...but now he has almost irredeemably destroyed Harry's trust.

    Excuse my rambling. :D This is just very interesting! And so original.

    Two little hopes...(1) That Harry stays as good-hearted as he is in canon, and (2) that most of the characters don't become too drastically un-canonical. Do what you like, of course! But I will stop reading if wish one at minimum is not fulfilled. Nothing personal...I just really love Harry.

    I will mention that I don't (looking at it from canon, at least) buy into the all-the-school-hates-Slytherin-and-its-not-their-fault-at-all-everyone-else-is-just-mean viewpoint. Not sure if that's your way of looking at it, either, but I think it's as biased as the people who act like everyone in Slytherin, even all the little eleven-year-olds, are evil to the core.

    However, the last point aside, this story is exceptionally neat, and I can't wait to read more! I like the philosophy—not that I necessarily agree with it, but it's fascinating.

    I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, and though I am anxious to read more, take all the time you need. We can wait.

    Author's Response:

    Haha! Oh wow, your review made me grin.

     Lemme see if I can address some of your questions:

    1. Uh...wow. I do like stories with heavy angst, but it's never my first thought. I'm a bit of a softy at heart. Though now that you've brought it up I might just use that...Just know for now that Snape will not become super dad anytime soon. If a paternal bond is created, it's going to be a long arduous process with Snape fighting it every step of the way.

    2. Harry's good-heartedness. I am in complete agreement with you. It's (pardon me for saying this) bullshit to think Harry would suddenly become a prick because he's a Slytherin. He was almost a slytherin to begin with...why would he be so drastically different? Mind you, being in Slytherin WILL change him over time. Certain aspects of his personality will develop more. But he's never going to be a jerk or start calling Hermione a mudblood. That'd be ridiculous.

    3. Un-canon characters. Here's my personal philosophy for fanfiction: If you are writing it, you are writing a story based on ONE change, be it "from a different POV" or "they're muggles" or "Harry was raised by Voldemort" Whatever. All other changes must be logical followings from THAT ONE CHANGE. If your story is...using a previous example, Harry was raised by Voldemort, in addition to it MAKING SENSE in the first place (and you better have a damn good justification there...though I'm sure it's possible somehow) but it should not change things that would not logically be affected. Voldemort should not suddenly gain a love for puppies, Harry should not suddenly have creature blood that he's inherited from his parents, Ron should not have blue hair. If it isn't a logical follow-up, you should edit it out. So, no, characters will not be un-canon. They may seem different from the other side of the great hall. They may grow out of (or not grow out of) character flaws they had in canon as a direct result of these issues. But they will make sense. Draco will remain a prejudiced spoiled brat to begin with, McGonagall will remain strict but quidditch mad etc. etc. etc.

     4. Slytherins. Here are my thoughts: Slytherins are neither misunderstood saints nor evil gits. They are what the sorting hat designates them: ambitious, cunning, clever, survivors. These characteristics can easily breed evil, but do not equate to evil. In fact, those traits are all, as far as I'm concerned, highly desirable when used well. I do believe Slytherins are persecuted unfairly...but not unreasonably. And I definitely believe that an eleven year old is NEVER irredeemable. In fact, I took issue with Dumbledore's characterization of Riddle as being evil from the beginning. I think that, even with the disturbing actions he displayed, Dumbledore was too quick to label him hopeless.


    Sorry that was so oddly long, but you brought up so many good points I wanted to give you thorough answers. Thanks for reading!

Title: Cause and Effect 24 Nov 2008 5:25 pm
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well done, looking forward to more. Snape seems spot on but there is really little to judge by yet. I like Blaize's input about Slytherin.

    Author's Response: Blaise is handy as being a fairly neutral character in canon. I'm hoping he can add a little grey to the black house of Hogwarts. Snape being "spot on" is my main concern, so please let me know if that changes!

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