Title: Prologue - Two Universes
| 05 May 2008 6:43 am
Reviewer: Caro (Anonymous)
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Oooh very nice!! Love the 'slightly evil' narrator style, interested to read more!
Title: Prologue - Two Universes
| 05 May 2008 6:25 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Anonymous)
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I loved the Chrestomanci books when I was younger, and The Northern Lights trilogy is still a favourite of mine, so the moment I saw you mentioning them, you had me hooked. I really like the way you open the story; your sense of the tale you're telling is finely honed. Your Snape worked well, his sense of possessiveness and bitterness, plus the acknowledgement that in one universe, he chose 'A Different Brand of Vengeance' to this one, sets it up brilliantly. Just one minor thing; Snivellus is spelt Snivellus, not Snivellous.
Author's Response: Oh, thanks! I wasn't sure about the spelling of the nickname...and I hate to admit it but I was too lazy to get up and cross the room to look it up. I'll fix it as soon as I can. I'm thrilled that someone read the story based on which books I like! That's awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Title: Prologue - Two Universes
| 05 May 2008 2:15 am
Reviewer: Theowyn (Signed)
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I have long believed that this would have been a much more Slytherin strategy for Snape to employ. He would have had no trouble explaining his actions to the old DE crowd. Cozying up to Harry in order to either use him or betray was the obvious thing to do. Heck, even Draco tried to befriend Harry when they first met.
Unlike Draco, however, Snape the master spy would have had no trouble earning Harry's trust and affection - the poor boy was desperate for an adult to care about him. And Snape would have earned points with his fellow teachers as well as having the exquisite revenge of making James Potter's son his own. A brilliant plan all around - until of course Snape found himself starting to care for the boy...
I am looking forward with great anticipation to the continuation of this story. Happy writing!
Title: Prologue - Two Universes
| 05 May 2008 2:15 am
Reviewer: reven (Anonymous)
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Oh wow. I'm hooked already! Please update. If the rest of the story is as well written as this chapter, it's going to be brilliant.
Title: Prologue - Two Universes
| 05 May 2008 1:43 am
Reviewer: johnny-on-the-spot (Anonymous)
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Crap this is going to be the best, just don't stop updating!!!!
Okay, you've hooked me! I can't wait for more!
And... wow, Snape smiling warmly must be a thing of horror. :-)