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Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Love You Forever 15 Jun 2008 12:35 am
Reviewer: dracosgoddess123 (Signed) [Report This]
    aw i am so excited for the next chapter. will there be any more stories in this series? i have been with it from the start and would hate for this to be the end

    Author's Response: Yes, I think so, but I'm not sure yet when I'm going to write them.  I have a few ideas for a prequel with Severus and Lily and a sequel too! 
Title: Love You Forever 15 Jun 2008 12:15 am
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    oh! beautiful! I love it! What a perfect chapter in a perfect story!

    Only one more chapter though? that makes me sad. You should write another in the series! *nags* You know you want to write about harry and lexy at hogwarts! and visiting america, and sev and alaina's honeymoon, and... all the other great ideas that i know you have tucked away!

    Author's Response: Hmm . . .those are awesome ideas and I might just do that! because I really love this series and I hate to see it end!
Title: Love You Forever 14 Jun 2008 11:53 pm
Reviewer: Twinheart (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved the weddings...specially Inky with the rings!

    Author's Response: Thanks and I could never leave Inky out of the ceremony.
Title: Love You Forever 14 Jun 2008 11:51 pm
Reviewer: Bratling (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmmm... A baby? Or is Lexy gonna pull a Harry? And I'm just curious... what of the Dursleys in this universe?

    Author's Response: Well . . .you'll just have to wait and see!  As for the Dursleys, yes they do exist in this universe, but they have nothing to do with Harry or Severus since Lily married Severus, they don't like wizards or magic and refuse to have any contact with them.  Which is why they aren't in this story.
Title: A Very Special Christmas 13 Jun 2008 9:49 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    This chapter was loads of fun to read! The snowball fight was really funny, and the ambushes were great, especially on Tobias! Sev sure can be mischievous ;).

    Seems everyone enjoyed their Christmas. I thought it as very cute when the four of them were all reading together. Sev's proposal was sweet, I'm happy for him and Harry that they found more family. I also enjoyed the ending a lot, with Sev and Harry’s talk and Harry’s dream of Lily.

    I can't wait to read the wedding! I wonder of Inky will attend, he's Sev's son too :). Bet it's going to be beautiful.

    Author's Response: yes, our Sev does have his mischievous side! I loved writing the Christmas part, it reminded me of some of the Christmases I've had and some that I wished I had.  The wedding has now been posted and of course Inky will be there, he's part of the family!
Title: A Very Special Christmas 13 Jun 2008 8:27 pm
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Signed) [Report This]
    This was a great chapter - I loved the bit with the snowball fight XD Huzzah - Sev and Alaina are marrying (finally).

    Author's Response: Yes, but it was worth the wait, wasn't it? And the snowball fight is a particular favorite of mine too!
Title: A Very Special Christmas 13 Jun 2008 7:41 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Signed) [Report This]
    I love that you wrote a religious based Christmas (and as a Catholic I'm very happy it was Catholic based).
    It is often said that Christmas is for children well while Lexy and Harry obviously having the time of their lives; you made it clear that Christmas is also for the young at heart - the snow ball fight was great all the adults, including 100 year plus old Albus, played like 8 year olds, the magic of Christmas transformed them back to children (of course this magic stays on Sirius and Magnus throughout the year – the two boys played like I’m sure they haven’t since they were Harry’s age).
    Of course I am so happy for Sev and Alaina – I am a hard core Sev fan and would have been upset if you had him with just some ordinary woman – but Alaina is great I definitely approve. Congratulations Sev and Alaina – they make a great couple.

    Author's Response:

    I'm Catholic too, which was why I had to include the religious part, since I feel it takes away from the true meaning of Christmas if you don't include Jesus.  And I believe Christmas is for families and friends, hence the snowball fight.

    As for Sev and Alaina, they really deserve each other and as a diehard Sev fan myself (like you couldn't tell!) I would never give him a woman that was unworthy of him. 

Title: A Very Special Christmas 13 Jun 2008 11:42 am
Reviewer: ER (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Aw! That was so sweet! I loved the snowball fight and of course the proposal. Thanks for the update. I can't wait to read more.

    Author's Response: Thanks and coming up . . .Sev meets the in-laws and then the wedding!
Title: A Very Special Christmas 13 Jun 2008 11:11 am
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    what a great and happy chapter, that christmas was great and glad that sev, alaina, lexy and harry are going to be one happy family.

    Author's Response: Yes, they are, although Severus has yet to meet his new in-laws and Tobias and Alaina will bond too in the next chapter, just before the wedding.
Title: A Very Special Christmas 13 Jun 2008 11:00 am
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    oh so sweet! i realised when he was proposing that i had a goofy grin on my face, oh dear! looking forward to more

    Author's Response: Haha, that's really funny, I was probably wearing the same one as I wrote it! LOL!

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