Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Recovery 13 Jun 2008 8:17 am
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Woo-hoo Inky's alive and Sev & Alaina are finally together! That was great!! I loved the part where Sev was crying over Inky and Alaina misinterpreted it, it was wonderful to see them showing so much emotion. Sev & Reg remind me of me & my sisters, we used to fight like cats and dogs, LOL!

    Now off to read the next one!

    Author's Response: Oh really, so did I with my sisters! LOL! Thanks for reviewing!
Title: A Very Special Christmas 13 Jun 2008 7:07 am
Reviewer: TarsieS (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Thanks for Inky and the ring!!! Purrrrfect!

    Author's Response: And Inky agrees with you! LOL!
Title: A Very Special Christmas 13 Jun 2008 3:08 am
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh that was beautiful!!
    *hugs and kisses*
    it gives me warm fuzzies!
    I wonder what alaina's parents are like. Are they coming to visit the new partner? I can just imagine them being overprotective and dropping hints to sev about what they'll do to him if he doesn't treat alaina well. lol

    that snowball fight sounds fun. i've never been to the snow before :( - it never gets cold enough here, but it sounds wonderful!


    Author's Response: Yes you will meet them briefly just before the wedding.  Snow is wonderful, we don't get too much here at the Jersey shore as I used to back in northern NJ, where we got inches and sometimes feet of it, but it's great to play in, though not to shovel off your car or sidewalk or drive in. 
Title: A Very Special Christmas 13 Jun 2008 2:57 am
Reviewer: August Sky (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awwww! This chapter was absolutely perfect! The bit with Sev and Harry at the end made me tear up. I remember asking my dad the same thing once, only my mum was half way across the world, not dead. lol =D Great job!

    Author's Response: Thank you! Yes, I had to put in that bit at the end there, since Harry is still an insecure little boy and needs lots of reassurance and love during this time.
Title: A Very Special Christmas 13 Jun 2008 2:25 am
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]

    oh gosh I do so love snowball fights.

    Author's Response: Me too! They're so much fun!
Title: Recovery 12 Jun 2008 11:49 pm
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    ooOOooOh! a wedding soon perhaps? *swoons* how lovely!

    Author's Response: Isn't it just! 
Title: Raising Inky 12 Jun 2008 9:25 pm
Reviewer: boycrazy30008 (Signed) [Report This]

    Author's Response: Wow, you sure are excited! LOL! Me too!
Title: Recovery 12 Jun 2008 9:00 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm so happy Inky recovered! I knew you wouldn't disappoint us :) I think of my own cat as my child too, so I understand Sev's anxiety over Inky. He sure is a brave boy, nice too see even the great big Tobias Snape can show a little emotion to the panther; it was funny when Tobias said he'd hug Inky, he's such a tough and serious guy it seemed so OOC for him :P.

    Sirius and Regulus sure are immature when it comes to disagreements. I thought it was funny when Tobias threatened them to grow up, he is definitely not a man to cross, lol. I liked Regulus's comment "He can't. It's cemented there," hehe. Reg's job in the states sounds interesting and it's good some 'muggles' are all right with the reality of magic. Glad all the creeps are taken care of too.

    At least Lexy got one good thing from her evil father; a ton of cash, lol! I bet they have some good plans for that money too. Hope the children can get over this experience and move on in life, therapy is a good idea, it should help some.

    Christmas is coming aye? Do I suspect Sev's special present is Alaina's engagement ring? Hmm? Maybe I'm getting a little too excited here, but I have a feeling :) If I’m wrong… ah well *shrugs*. Sev and Alaina really are good for eachother; I absolutly loved their angst/romance in this chapter ^^

    Please post again soon!

    Author's Response:

    I had my cat Magik for 12 years and she died in my arms and I felt like I'd lost my baby. I've yet to get another one and it's been over 4 years since she died, so I know exactly what you mean. I love Inky too much to let him die.  As for Tobias, even big tough Marine sergeants go all mushy over a cat that saved their son and grandson's life.  Inky's a war hero, according to Tobias.  :)

    Reg and Sirius fight like my siblings used to, and still do sometimes, and like Toby my dad can still put the fear of God into them, & they're adults with kids of their own, LOL!

    The kids will eventually get over this, they're tough little scrappers and they've plenty of love and support from both Sev, Alaina, Tobias and their friends.

    Yes, Christmas is coming and you'll soon find out what Sev is giving Alaina...it's rare and beautiful!   


Title: Recovery 12 Jun 2008 6:55 pm
Reviewer: Jamie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hmm, special gift... is it maybe a ring? I can't wait until the next chapter

    Author's Response: Could be! I'm not telling though! *smirks*
Title: Recovery 12 Jun 2008 5:39 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    smirk - Reg and Sirius arguing sounds just like my sister and me - only we are 61 and 60. But the sibling rivilary never completely goes away.

    Me: "Dad loved you best - you are Princess and I was Stinky."

    Carol: "Well, Mom loved you best - you two were also talking about things."

    Me: "That's because Princess Raining Anger Down on Everyone Around Her, you were always pitching fits."

    Carol "Hey, it's not my fault that I am red haired."

    Me: "Oh, I suppose it was mine."

    Slap - Tobias just shut us both up.

    I want a wedding and Inky and Harry and Lexy can carry the rings.

    About the last chapter - why do the good guys always stand around and talk. There would have been no danger (and therefor no plot), if when Severus found Lexie he had immediately got her back to her mom - no talking, comfort later.

    Author's Response:

    That was great! It reminds me of my sisters, they're only a year apart, not me, I'm the baby by at least 12 years, 17 in the case of my oldest sister, so I never got to bicker with them.  But I have fun listening to them go at each other, it's pretty funny, they're not really serious about it any more. 

    You'll get you wish, I have a wedding planned.  

    And for the last chapter, Sev wasn't watching his back because he thought the others were covering it for him, since Dan had been knocked out by Tobias.  Plus, I wanted dan to hear how his daughter really felt about him before he bought it.  Hearing Lexy say she preferred Sev over her real father really hurt him in the worst way, the egotistical bastard.  He thought who the hell he was and she basically blew him off big time!  Go Lexy!  And it gave Inky a chance to get his moment in the spotlight too.

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