Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Showdown 11 Jun 2008 6:49 am
Reviewer: Tasha (Anonymous) [Report This]
    it's a great story, don't kill inky!

    Author's Response: Thanks and Inky living in it would make it even better, right?
Title: Showdown 11 Jun 2008 6:38 am
Reviewer: TarsieS (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Of Course Inky should live!!! He has to carry the rings down the aisle!!!

    Author's Response: haha! Now that would be hilarious.  I saw an article in a magazine once that had a couple's dog doing that, it was very funny and sweet!  Maybe Harry could carry one and Inky the other?
Title: Showdown 11 Jun 2008 4:22 am
Reviewer: caro (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh my God Inky HAS to live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Author's Response: Awww!
Title: Showdown 11 Jun 2008 3:58 am
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    dont you dare kill inky!! i cant believe its got me a bit choked up! really you just cant!

    Author's Response: I really love Inky.  But I was thinking maybe a heroic death . . .then again maybe not.
Title: Showdown 11 Jun 2008 2:17 am
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]
    NOOOO!!!!! don't kill Inky! he's such a brave, good panther!

    Author's Response: He really is a wonderful boy.
Title: Showdown 11 Jun 2008 2:00 am
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Why do you even ask? Of COARSE Inky should live! He NEEDS to live, or we'll all be heartbroken. I love Inky, and I know you care abut him too, so I have huge faith in you that Inky will come out all right. :)

    Dan got just what he deserves, no one should EVER treat people like that, let alone children. I despise him will all of my being, and he needs to rot in hell along with those Cabal guys! Go Inky, you go boy! ^^

    Regulus was quite a shock! I didn't expect it, but good idea. Great job on taking us by surprise!

    I'm so glad the children are safe with their parents. Cant wait for the next chapter to read the reunions and hopefully Inky's recovery.

    Author's Response:

    Yes, my poor panther, he really deserves a whole buffalo for saving his family, right?

    Dan is rotting in hell, praise God and Inky!

    Yes, well Regulus was one of my surprises from the beginning.

    And I'll be posting the next chapter sometime tonight!

Title: Showdown 11 Jun 2008 1:33 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Signed) [Report This]
    I DO!!!! I vote for Inky to live, and go with Harry, Lexy and Hermione to terrorise McGonagall at Hogwarts. *evilgrin* Great chapter; very suspenseful.

    Author's Response: Ha! Now that'd be really funny! But also very appropriate.
Title: A Light In The Darkness 11 Jun 2008 1:26 am
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Dan is really cruel to keep his child locked in a closet! 'Dastardly Dan' really suits him, what an abusive father.

    I thought Harry's tantrum was really funny! I was silently cheering him on, especially when he bite Dan. Glad to see that Magnus really is a good guy, it would have really been a disappointment otherwise. That Sanguinious that wants Harry and Hermione for a sacrifice should rot in hell, what a sick creep!

    My vote for Dan's death: Yes. I'd almost say death is too good for Dan and that he should rot in prison. However, then there is the chance of him escaping and he's so vile he'd go to hell as punishment.

    Author's Response: He really is an evil father.  Harry was awesome and yes, Magnus really is one of the good ones.  I don't like Sanguinius either, I think he will die along with Dan in the final battle. 
Title: Showdown 10 Jun 2008 11:27 pm
Reviewer: trust severus spy (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, yes, definitely yes, Inky should live! What more appropriate pet could there be for Severus Snape and his family, than a wonderful, large, velvety-yet-fierce black panther?!

    Author's Response: True, very true.  He makes a wonderful guardian for the children.
Title: Showdown 10 Jun 2008 11:05 pm
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Nooooooooooo! Don't kill Inky!! You can't do that! Not after the panther saved them! Can you update again pretty please?? I must know if Inky lives!

    Author's Response: I will when I've written it, okay?

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