Reviews For Growing Pains
Whew, glad Magnus is there. That was a lovely temper tantrum Harry pitched. Author's Response: Ha! You're pretty bloodthirsty today aren't you? And yes, Harry's fit was a classic and Magnus was a Godsend. Sanguinius will be dying too, but I don't know about the Cabal, I might need them for another fic. Dan's definitely dead though!
Author's Response: Don't worry, they'll be out of danger soon and Dan will get his!
I vote for Dan surviving and in prison. Author's Response: Nope, they're two totally different people. Sanguinius is a heartless bastard, who only wants to hurt little children, Magnus is a good guy and an undercover cop, and a few other things as well, which shall be revealed next chapter.
You're the first one who voted for Dan to live, by the way.
Author's Response: Yes, I agree, another one for the kill Dan side.
When the Aurors get there they can also take out Sanguinius and get information to get the Council...I’m sure they have been thorns in the Aurors side for a while Author's Response: The Council is Very powerful, they've been around as long if not longer than the DE, and they're old and steeped in evil. Dan will be dying I couldn't leave him alive for all the reasons you just listed, plus I really want to kill him. Harry really is a doll, heroic to the core, even without prophecies and such.
Author's Response: And there's another vote for kill Dan, and Sanguinius too! He'll get his as well! thanks for reviewing and voting! the next chapter should be up in an hour!
Author's Response: You're right, I don't think Severus could do it, remember his Healer's Oath and Toby's already done Lucius, so I think I'll give someone else a turn to off a bad guy.
kill dan...kill dan...kill dan...kill dan...kill dan...kill dan...kill dan u have a few more votes!!!!! just dont kill magnus i like him! Author's Response: So do I and you're gonna love him even more when you read the next chapter, as more about his past is revealed. Hint, hint.
I got the message loud and clear, you're in the majority. And I'd never kill Magnus, he's too awesome.
Author's Response: Mine too! Awww!
Author's Response: Okay . . .maybe I'll do that and THEN kill him. |
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