Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 27 May 2009 3:40 pm
Reviewer: Ginny Potter (Signed) [Report This]
    Ahhh..... Harry really should be nicer to Lexy though that wasn't very nice. But I can see why he would act like that.

    Author's Response: yes, well, Harry's going through a jealousy stage now, but he'll start growing out of it soon enough.  he's not really a jealous type.
Title: You Never Have Time For Me! 27 May 2009 1:49 pm
Reviewer: Ginny Potter (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, see if that had happened to me then I would probably feel the same way. But I was lucky and my parents didnt spilt up. But I think they're gonna now which sucks.

    Author's Response: yes, it really does and I'm sorry to hear that.  I'm glad you can relate to Harry though, because it means I've made him believable.  Thanks for reading!
Title: Confessions In A Teashop 27 May 2009 1:30 pm
Reviewer: Ginny Potter (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh no!!! Not the picture of Lily!!! But I'm glad that Snape finally found someone and I hope it works out!!

    Author's Response: Yes, that really was a big mistake.  You'll see how it goes on his first date, if Harry allows him to have one that is!
Title: Happily Ever After 30 Jan 2009 2:01 am
Reviewer: jessirose85 (Signed) [Report This]
    I would love to see Eileen, Harry and Lexy adventures

    Author's Response: Thanks and you can see some more of them in Severus's Christmas Wish, the Christmas one-shot I wrote.  I also plan on having a novel with the three of them at Hogwarts--you'll se ehow that comes about when I post it.  :)
Title: Happily Ever After 27 Jan 2009 10:37 pm
Reviewer: Rosa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I just LOVE this story. I think it's my fav of the series. Not that I didn't enjoyed the others very much, but this is just the best of all. I couldn't put it down once I started it! I'm so happy for Sev and Harry. They all make a lovely family.
    Thanks so much for sharing :)I'll be looking forward to more!

    Author's Response: Aww thanks, I loved this one too! I wanted Sev and Harry to finally have a happy ending and now they do.  And there's a small sequel after this called Severus's Christmas Wish, featuring all 3 Snape kids and I'll probably do a another novel with them at Hogwarts.
Title: Happily Ever After 27 Dec 2008 8:06 pm
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay! I love happy endings! What a fun sweet story this is. I love Lexy and Alaina and everything about this story. I can't think of any one thing that displeased me about it. It was perfect :D I've got that warm, happy feeling now, so thank you!

    Author's Response: So do I, my sister calls me the Queen of Happy Endings, LOL! That's because I love to watch movies with happy endings and read books with them too.  I don't mind the characters struggling with conflicts before that, but I do like the resolution to be mostly happy and not depressing and filled with death.  There's too much death and destruction in the world, I see no reason to continue the trend in my fiction. I  like sweet and satisfying and I love making my readers feel that way too.  Everyone needs a warm pick me up now and again.  So thanks for reading!
Title: Happily Ever After 02 Nov 2008 8:14 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hey, just wanted to say thanks for such a great story line!

    I've read both in this uni, and i think they're just fantastically done.

    As for a sequel, maybe if you just did a scene or two for each of the Snapes per Hogwarts year, so you can just see what they're like growing up, what they do afterwards, marriage, that kind of thing.
    If you've the time, lol.

    So again, thank you!

    Author's Response: There's a prequel to these two up here as well and I've done a couple of short stories too, so you can check them out if you like.  The prequel is Where Shadows Go, and the short stories are Forbidden Flight and Harry Potter and the Monster Under the Bed.  Thanks for your reviews!  And I have some ideas for a sequel including some short stories for after Growing Pains.
Title: Happily Ever After 20 Oct 2008 1:14 am
Reviewer: Mikee (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What an absolutely FANTASTIC story. it's taken a few days to read it all -- I took my time, savoring it as I went.

    I can't say there is anything I didn't liike -- oh there were parts that were hhard to read ... especially when the kids were kidnapped, but it fit in the story so well.

    I'm quite looking forward to reading more stories by you

    Thank you.

    Author's Response: Wow, what a wonderful review.  This series is one of my favorites, because I can use everyday real life experiences and situations and give the characters a chance to lead semi-normal lives.  That kidnapping part was hard to write too, especially since I had just watched a TV show about that little girl Amber who went missing and was later discovered killed, that's what the Amber alert policy is based upon here in the US. 
Title: An Appropriate Punishment 14 Sep 2008 5:27 am
Reviewer: slyman (Signed) [Report This]
    sweet,this story's jokes ya know.liking best writer on here.

    Author's Response: Thank you, I love putting humor into my stories, it lightens up the tension and everyone needs a good laugh now and again.  There's another story, a prequel, that comes before Never Again, called Where Shadows Go that you could read after you finish this one, it's not complete but I think it's both sad and funny.
Title: Happily Ever After 06 Sep 2008 11:29 am
Reviewer: brenda wood (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Loved this

    love to see a sequel where the big ones are at hogwarts and eileen is the little one left behind - maybe a wizard maybe a squib

    sort of a 5 years down the road story

    and nw I can move on to the other fics you wrote over my crazy no time to read summer

    Author's Response: There will be a sequel to this, eventually.  When I have time to plot one out.  have fun reading the others and thanks for reading this one!

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