Reviews For Growing Pains
dan needs to die. slowly. good old magnus! can't wait for a rescue! Author's Response: It's coming, just wait! I should be posting the next chapter in an hour, so look for it! And Dan's gonna die. Everyone wants him too!
Okay, as to Dan's possible death... If you do kill him, Snape should NOT be the one to do it. He should almost kill him, but Alaina or someone else stops him at the last minute, so he doesn't have Dan's blood on his hands. Dan's not worth it. Actually... could Snape even kill him, with the Healer oath? Hmmm... All in all, I think they should set it up so Dan is VERY publically humiliated and sent to an intense maximum security prison (or Azkaban, I'm not partial either way =D), where some real criminals can show him exactly what kind of man he is. All right, my rant is done. =D Great job, August Sky Author's Response: Yes, Severus can't kill with healer's oath, and I agree with you, he shouldn't have Dan's blood on his conscience and neither should Tobias. As for the prison bit, I thought about it, but he's been in jail before and gotten out, he is very rich with many connections, so that didn't work the first time around and I was also under the impression that Azkaban wa s awizard only prison. Dan is going to die, but I won't have Severus or Tobias kill him. That I'm certain of. A lot of people want me to torture him, but . . .that won't happn either, since these are good guys and they don't torture people, however much they might deserve it. Death is a fitting punishment. Thanks for your review! I should be posting the next chapter in an hour or less!
Author's Response: All right thanks for voting. Killing Dan is a must.
Go Alaina! You tell that evil bastard who's boss! Sev's so right about everyone wanting a shot at Daniel, heck, all us fans of your story do too! lol. Man, I sure hope he and all his cronies get what they disserve. I have a suspicion that Magnus guy is a wizard since Harry recognized him. Could be wrong, but I just have a hunch. I'll be waiting anxiously for your next chapter! Please post again as soon as you can :) Author's Response: yes, they would! And I'd thought you'd find Tobias's comment funny, it surprised Severus too. Everyone wants a piece of Dan. I'm going to have a poll after the next chapter asking all of you who wants Dan to die. So far two of you voted yes to killing him. And you'll discover more about Magnus in the next chapter.
my vote depends.. I'm very very tempted to go for death, though I still quite like the idea of azkaban. I think in this case death may be called for, but i don't think sev or toby should be the one to kill him. i just think it might be a bit creepy - like 'my mum's boyfriend killed my dad' sort of thing... anyway, dan deserves a nasty fate, and i trust you to do it well! my vote is therefore for something nasty, traumatic and possibly violent. xx Author's Response: But Dan can't go to Azkaban, since it's a wizard prison, not meant to hold Muggles. And he's already been in regular jail and always has the connections and the money to get himself out. And Severus can't kill with magic, so he wouldn't kill Dan anyhow. Tobias could, though he's already killed Lucius, so maybe I'll let Siri or Remus kill him. Or . . . I know, what about Inky?
I can't wait for an update! Author's Response: Really? And what does that say about you? *grins* I'll be updating soon, LOL!
Thanks for reaiding my earler review. Author's Response: You're welcome, Nightshade! That's one vote for killing the SOB.
Author's Response: That's the spirit! LOL! Thanks for reviewing!
Author's Response: Aw, you're sweet! thanks for the encouragement, I like it when my readers get chills reading about the nasty bad guys! I'll update ASAP.
Author's Response: So would I and the bad guys will get theirs in the end--count on it! They always do in my stories. It's my trademark. |
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