Reviews For Growing Pains
Author's Response: Thanks and I will! LOL!
Sorry for language. Really your doing a great job. I'm greatly looking forward to the next chapter. Author's Response: Yes, and who wants Dan to die? I think I'm going to have a poll next chapter and see who votes yes so I can kill him off! And don't worry about the language he really is one of those people.
Author's Response: Yes, he hired a detective to find her and that's how he contacted her. pretty sneaky and yes, he is an evil SOB. You'll see just how wicked he is in the next chapter, and he doesn't have ties to the DE but another similar type group in the US called the Cabal, you'll learn more of them in the next chapter.
Author's Response: Yes, it is! And just wait until the next chapter!
very very interesting! wow I think i might cry. and swear (creatively). what an awful situation (beautifully written though- and good ideas). xox Author's Response: Yes, and the situations about to get even worse for the three kids, that is!
Author's Response: Yes, they can and they will. But before that Dan has some nastiness to unleash upon the poor children.
what's taking the adults so long? I would have though sev would do a locating spell by now - the kids have been missing hours! unless this is a hidden place where the magic can't reach... perhaps dan (or one of his gang) is a wizard. Perhaps they are working with the death eaters... that would add an interesting dimension.. i can't imagine how bad the adults are feeling right now! i once had a nightmare where my sister was kidnapped. i woke up sobbing and couldn't sleep the rest of the night. *shudders*. It really was the worst nightmare that i can remember. well done so far- I am dying to know what happens next and how the parents are coping. xxx Author's Response: It really is the worst thing, i watched a movie about some parents whose daughter was kidnaped and never found, and it's horrible. That's how I got the inspiration for the next chapter, where you'll see all the adults freaking out.
Author's Response: Yeah! That's telling them!
Author's Response: yes that was a very good thing the kids did and Dan will get his just desserts, never fear!
Author's Response: You and the whole army, I'll bet! He's a nasty creep and I plan on having something bad happen to him! |
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