Potions and Snitches
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Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: The Meanest Man in the World 08 Jun 2008 2:38 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Signed) [Report This]
    Dan is so dead when Sev catches up to him, he really is the meanest man threatening to sell the children... people like him should rot in jail or worse. Harry's magic probably does not detect a life or death situation yet like when the Death Eaters attacked but if Dan and his cohorts actually touch any of the kids in a violent way then the magic might activate.

    Author's Response: It could, but the magic is unpredictable at this stage.  And yes, Dan is a walking dead man.   
Title: The Meanest Man in the World 08 Jun 2008 11:28 am
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    omg...i hope they get there soon!

    poor lexy!

    i cannot wait for the calvary to show up!

    Author's Response: It's a'coming!
Title: The Meanest Man in the World 08 Jun 2008 7:54 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]

    Give the bas&%$#ds to Inky - he will rip them apart. Let Padfoot have them - oh, is it the full moon, because Mooney is going to go all werewolf on their miserable hides.

    And they better hope that happens because when Tobias and Severus get through with them, they are going to be begging to face a werewolf.

    Author's Response: Yes, they don't know what they are up against!  But they'll soon find out!
Title: Stolen Away 08 Jun 2008 6:53 am
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    very well written chapter, aww poor hary, lexy and hermione, if only lexy hadn't of gone back, none of them would be kidnapped by evil dans gang. So on my last review i was partially right, i'm so happy

    Author's Response: True, but she did need her bag to do her homework, and none of them knew the creeps would be waiting to grab her.
Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 11:02 pm
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    eek! poor kids! *cries*

    Though, darling, I did expect a little less cliche from you! It was a bit too much like a bad mafia movie with the "will do, boss" sidekicks and chloroform cloth. *giggles* I couldn't quite take it seriously.

    Poor parents when they find out! I wonder what Dan plans to do with the extras? Anyway, I wonder how long it will take the parents to work out what's going on. I don't suppose dan left a kidnapping note (he isn't after a ransom i suppose), but the parents will start worrying when their kids don't come home on the bus. It will prolly take a while I suppose for them to work out that all three kids are missing, and they probably wouldn't jump to the conclusion that they had been kidnapped straight away. I wonder how you will work out their rescue. I assume sev will find them magically, but for this type of thing the muggle police need to be involved, and they might freak out about the magic part. At least, I hope the police are involved, because i really want dan to go to jail for forever. Though i suppose you could just kill him, but again, the muggle police might fuss.

    looking forward to the next chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Well, they had to knock the kid out quickly, and they didn't want to kill him, so that's really the best way.  And Brent is a typical dumb idiot type of guy, so he's meant to sound like that.  Jack and Brent are "friends" in an acquaintance type way, Dan hired them to help kidnap his daughter and not for much else.  There are two other people besides them in on the operation whom you'll meet later. 

    And Dan might very well want some money out of the other parents, or hold them hostage for a different reason.  He will certainly be contacting Alaina to gloat over his success at getting Lexy, he's just that kind of bastard.  And it would be too easy for Severus to just cast a spell, so I won't be going that route, you'll find out why.  And while they might decide to involve the real police late ron, that'll only be after they've trounced the bad guys to within an inch of their lives, and heven help them if Tobias goes on the rescue attempt, they just might end  up in a cemetery, because nobody messes with his grandson.  And if I do decide to kill off Dan, they could always say it was self defense, or they could simply vanish the body, since Dan is there illegally, and if he disappears, oh well. 

Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 10:35 pm
Reviewer: August Sky (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, that's a mean ending.... That's just mean... Update soooooooon!

    Author's Response: I shall and then you'll see what the kids have been going through.
Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 9:20 pm
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Holy hellcats! Now the kids are in trouble and Harry's without his amulet! se better find them double quick!

    Author's Response: oh, he will, never fear! Dan's going to be confronted with the Four Horsemen of the Wizard Apocalypse!
Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 9:14 pm
Reviewer: blackmagicwoman (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter, I'm on the edge of my seat now! hurry and update please!

    Author's Response: I will! Promise!
Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 9:09 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    OH NO! rescue them Severus and Tobias and Sirius and remus--please! I'm flipping out here!

    Author's Response: Hang on, the cavalry's coming!
Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 9:05 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter! But those kidnappers are dead meat!

    Author's Response: Yes, they are indeed!

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