Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 8:48 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    damn it! i knew it!

    please don't keep us waiting!

    Author's Response: *chuckles* I'll try not to keep you in suspense too long!
Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 8:38 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Signed) [Report This]
    Does the school have security and security cameras so they would know who took the children... of all times Harry forgets his inky pendant. Well they would soon have one angry healer, a former royal marine sergeant, one powerful headmaster and the whole auror division looking for the children Dan is going to come up against quite a formidable army.

    Author's Response: Yes, the army is coming and soon Dan and company will know the meaning of fear!
Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 7:56 pm
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I was right *grins* Poor Harry - and I really like how plausible you made it that he left his amulet behind. Great job.

    Author's Response: You were! Good deduction! And of course Harry had to leave the amulet behind, otherwise he wouldn't be able to go along with Lexy and Mione.
Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 7:16 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor kidnappers - such a short time to live.

    Severus and Tobias (not to mention Inky) are going to "inflict severe bodily harm" upon them and Lexy's so called father.

    Author's Response: Damn straight they are!
Title: Stolen Away 07 Jun 2008 6:50 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade (Anonymous) [Report This]
    GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Author's Response: I know, I know, and I'm an evil author for putting them in there!  They're one of my specialties.
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 07 Jun 2008 1:40 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This was a great chapter. My guess for the suspicious man is that it's Lexy's Dad. I look forward to finding out xD

    Author's Response: Thank you! I should be posting the next chapter sometime tonight, so you can see if you're correct.
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 11:00 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love the father's day activities, love Tobias T Shirt and Sev's carving (he was very emotional, sure he cried inside). Sev had a nice father/daughter moment with Lexy and glad Harry took it in stride and was not jealous. Great Father's day.
    Always good to remind children not to talk to strangers no matter how many times it is a lesson that has to be repeated often. Even the 16-19 year olds I teach get a version of this lesson (along with some self defence as part of the lesson).
    Just a minor side note; I noted that one or two people brought up the issue on the number of spanks Harry got, I was under the impression that he got six swats when he was six years old so when he tuned seven he would get maximum seven swats and now he is eight he would get a max of eight and so on. I know you also mentioned that he got his usual six swats and one extra for the seriousness of his actions, so that is why he got seven. Either way Harry did not fight the spanking because he knew he deserved it, which is also why he was able to comfortable talk to Lexy about it, because unlike her father’s punishment which she saw as abusive, Harry knows his was a just punishment from a loving father. Again the difference between punishment and abuse; maybe a talk from Grandpa Toby might be good for Lexy as well.

    Author's Response:

    He did, since that was the first present ever that Tobias made for him.  Harry has finally gone past the jealous stage, I think, since Sev & Alaina hvae been going out now for a year by the end of the chapter. I agree with the strangers lesson, it's a good thing to know and to review. 


    As per the spanking, Severus can amend the number of spanks he gives when taking in the seriousness of the offense, in this case, it was pretty damn serious--people could have died as a result of their "innocent" little prank.  Harry knows this, and he knows also that he deserved it.  Plus, I've stressed several times that it's not really the spanking itself that makes Harry cry so much--yes it hurts, but it stings, Severus does not leave marks, and it stops hurting after ten minutes--Harry really gets upset because of Sev's disappointment and anger with him, and it hurts more than the actual spanking.   That's why the first question out of Harry's mouth when it's all over is "Are you still mad at me?"  And yes, that is the reason Harry  can talk about it to Lexy, it was just, done and over with, and he wasn't traumatized by it.  Abuse, like Lexy's, on the other hand, is never justified, scares the child to bits because there IS no reason for it, and hurts way more than necessary because the abuser is out of control.  Another reason why Sev does not punish Harry the same night of the prank, because he knows he's still too angry and might lose it and truly hurt him. 

Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 8:39 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    That father’s day was really great! It was sad at first, when Lexy was thinking about Daniel, but it was really sweet when she told Sev she wished he was her dad! Yum, doughnuts! I thought it was funny when Tobias said it was the breakfast for champions and Lexy’s comment about Wheaties, lol. Everyone chose wonderful gifts, and Sev definitely was awed by his dad’s present.

    Wow, talk about a chill down your spin! I hate that feeling, just reading about that mysterious guy made me feel unnerved. I bet he’s either a Death Eater, a creep, or some kidnapper! Who knows though, maybe, just maybe, it’s some security guy? Yeah, I know, unlikely! I just KNOW something is going to happen!

    Cant wait for the mysterious guy’s identity to be revealed. Please post again soon!

    Author's Response:

    Yes, poor Lexy! Like Sev, she has some issues to work through, but hopefully she won't be as traumatized as he was.  The donut comment was one I stole from my brother-in-law, one morning I was over my sister's and she said to him, "Andy, what's with you eating so many donuts for breakfast?  Don't you get sick of them?" and then he said, "No, because donuts are the breakfast of champions." 

    As for the mystery man, you'll find out about him all too soon! 


Title: An Appropriate Punishment 06 Jun 2008 8:11 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    That’s just like old Sirius to take a serious matter as a big joke. I thought it was really funny though when he left in a hurry, for once he did a smart move!

    The Tobias/Severus moment was brilliant! I felt so sad for poor Sev when he had a flashback, it was really upsetting. I understand that Tobias was furious at Harry’s actions, but he had no right to tell Sev how to raise his kid and talk that way to him. It’s a good thing Tobias realized what was happening to poor Sev, otherwise things could have gotten ugly if Tobias was still raving while he was in that state. It was a harsh realization, but it’s a good thing Tobias realizes what he put his son through and what he can be like. Now, he’ll try even harder not to lose his temper.

    Harry truly was a brat and deserves his punishment. Ron too, though I kinda pity him for having to face Molly’s wrath, lol. I love it when Harry gets comforted by his dad, it’s really sweet when he asks if his dad is still upset with him. I thought the end was really great too, when Sev saw Tobias comfort Harry, because he can see for himself that his dad has changed a lot from how he used to be. Thank Merlin!

    Author's Response:

    Even Sirius knows when to duck and run, LOL!  And Sev's flashback was traumatic for both of them, because neither of them were expecting it.  But that's how victims of years of abuse react sometimes when they're under stress, even when they think they've come to terms with what happened and have "put it behind them" so to speak, they can still have flashbacks or vivid dreams years later, even after therapy and counseling.  My niece's husband is a psychologist and he told me of several cases in which that occured, which served as my model for Sev's reaction.  The mind is a very powerful thing and it can be quite scary when it decides to act without conscious consent.  But now Tobias will really try and watch what he says and how he says it, so some good came out of that episode.

    As for Harry, he is just a normal mischivous devil, and though he doesn't like it when Sev punishes him, he knows it's for his own good. And yes, Tobias is much better than he used to be with his grandson, thank goodness.

Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 6:30 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    is it that baster ex?

    why must you hold me in suspense like that!

    i am on pins and needles!

    Author's Response: Umm . . .because the suspense is fun . . .for me that is. LOL!  Don't worry, I'll update with the next one tomorrow!

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