Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 11:50 am
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    great fathers day and all the presents were awesome, i have been giving thought about this mysterious person and have come to the conclusion that its lexys dad

    Author's Response: Thanks and as for the mysterious person's identity, you'll find out soon enough!
Title: An Appropriate Punishment 06 Jun 2008 11:34 am
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    great chapter, severus handled the punishment well i thought and when severus had a flashback when tobias got angry was very scary for severus and both tobias and he handled it very well, sirius in my opinion would be useless at being a parent and no kids would ever get punished

    Author's Response: Got that right, Sirius isn't parent material yet, but maybe someday, with a lot of help from whoever he marries, he might make a good dad, or at least a very fun one! And yes, the flashback part was very scary, neither one of them were expecting that, and there's really no way you can prepare for one.  Sev's solution was typical for him, and Harry knows he is loved afterwards, which is what matters. 
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 9:30 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved the Father's Day presents and how Tobias and Severus let Lexie be their granddaughter/ daughter for the day.

    Hmmm, about the man, I have a hunch as to who he is and I won't say anything.

    However, the wrath of the Snapes will descend on his head and he will wish he never set eyes on that school.

    Author's Response: Yes, that sure is true, hell hath no fury like a Snape!
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 8:29 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What a nice chapter. We have only mothers' day here, it is funny that you have a fathers' day too...
    I vote for a private detective hired by Dan. He found his wife and Lexy and found out about Snapes and wants his reverenge :)
    Update soon, pls. Little-sun

    Author's Response: Hmm . . .. you're close on the person watching, but I won't say any more, don't want to ruin the surprise.  And yes, we have both here in the US, because it's only fair--Dad deserves his day too.  Once my little nieces asked when they got to have a Kids Day? Their mother answered, you don't need one, because every day is kids day. LOL.
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 7:28 am
Reviewer: Cecilia Farrell (Signed) [Report This]
    DUm dum dum, poor Harry. The statue idea was great, not too sentimental just right i think. God your popping these chapters out fast not sure that your human!!!lol. Not complaining though. :oD

    Author's Response: Oh good, because I racking my brains for a good present that Tobias could give to Severus and that's what I came up with.  I have a thing for handmade stuff, I love making it for people and having some made for me, I think it makes everything seem so special.  And I know I write really fast, LOL!
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 5:04 am
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    EEK run away everybody! That is freaking me out! I bet it's lexy's dad. and one of the warnings on the story is kidnapping, so i think i can guess what happens next! *hides* it better have a happy ending though or i'll cry.
    PS. just thinking, in the chapter with the date, I just remembered that sev had alcohol. I was under the impression that sev never drinks - or has he now got over his fear of becoming an alcoholic? Even so, (from a person still developing a taste for alcohol), I wouldn't have expected honey wine to be the top choice for a person who doesn't have much of a taste for drinks. *shmeh* each to their own.

    Author's Response: Yes, but this was a special occasion, so Sev allowed himself  a glass, and since he's not an alcoholic (just predisposed to be one) he can drink it without harm.  Honey wine is sweet and doesn't taste much like regular wine (I've had it) and that's why I chose that particular one.  The Snape sweet tooth, you know.  Oh, and get ready to get even more freaked out in the next 2 chapters.
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 4:52 am
Reviewer: August Sky (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh, sigh... I can only guess who the man is. Alaina's ex-husband? I doubt think it's a DE... He sounds like a pedophile, watching children at school, but I'm thinking it's someone they know, or know of.... Oh sigh. Please update soon!

    Author's Response: I will and just wait till you find out what happens next.  Thanks!
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 1:51 am
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    The suspicious man is either Lexy's dad or a friend of his, I'm sure.

    I admit when you first mentioned Aliana being 'sick' I was sure she was pregnant. ;)

    Anyway, great chapter. Please update soon.

    Author's Response: Nope, remember they haven't gone that far yet.  Sev's being a gentleman, LOL! 
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 06 Jun 2008 1:34 am
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OH!! Maybe it's Lexy's evil father Dan!

    Author's Response: Could be! One never knows!
Title: An Appropriate Punishment 05 Jun 2008 8:52 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    I thought it was really sweet that Harry burst into tears upon learning that Sirius or Tobias could have gone into a coma from digesting the concentrated sleeping potion. I actually think it probably got the message across even more than the spanking, though I think it's realistic how quickly Harry cries when he's being spanked. Again, you emphasize the point that it's not really about how many times he's smacked or with what... That's how he really knows he's done something wrong. Poor Ron... I wouldn't want to face Molly Weasley either...lol. It reminded me a bit of another story I'm writing where Ron is sent home by Sirius after he and Harry venture off to Knockturn Alley. Judging by canon, I think Molly's wrath would be pretty tough to take.

    Good chapter. I just love little Harry.

    Author's Response: Yes, it did, since Harry really wasn't intending to hurt his grandfather or his uncle.  And as Severus knows, it's not the spanking itself that hurts his son half as much as the fact that Harry knows he's done something terrible and disappointed his father so badly.  And I wouldn't want to face Molly either, she's a dragon when she's mad, LOL!  Thanks for the awesome review, Jade!

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