Reviews For Growing Pains
Author's Response: Yes, Tobias and Sev in a temper can be really scary! But even the best relationships, which theirs wasn't always, can have arguments. Thanks for reviewing.
I think uncle al should go to the zoo with them Author's Response: Yeah, if only he could get time off from running the Order or whatever!
bravo Author's Response: Thanks Bren,
Glad to hear from you again. And Sev thanks you too!
Author's Response: If Tobias getting upset over the prank was valid then it shouldn't be surprising that he argued with Severus over a punishment. Before, when Severus punished Harry for the runaway panther incident, it was easy for Tobias to tell Severus, well, I'd have spanked him, but you punish him how you like, because he wasn't the focus of Harry's misbehavior. But now the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak, and Tobias loses it, and Sev becomes defensive, thinking his father is criticizing him as a parent, which is not something Tobias really should be doing, considering how he messed up in the first place. Keep in mind that the two have very different discipline methods--Toby's old fashioned, old school discipline, Severus is a bit more modern, uses alternative methods for the most part, and sometimes the two methods don't jive. As for the flashbacks, that actually is a common reaction to have for a victim of an abusive childhood. Severus tells Tobias he hasn't had one in a long time, but I've seen Vietnam vets go through the same thing, they don't get flashbacks for years and then suddenly something--a loud noise, thunder, whatever, will trigger one and it's like they were reliving it all over again, and all the progress they made is gone until it's over. That's what happened to Severus here, even though he has come to terms with his father and his past, there still are buried in his subconscious, pockets of fear and resentment, and under stress they'll emerge.
Author's Response: Yes I'd be running too!
Author's Response: Thanks and I'm glad you liked the end of it.
What about Dan? I would love him to appear and wanting his wife and daughter back. Ha! I wish it was Tobias and not Severus to punish the bastard husband. Lil sun Author's Response: Well, you just may get your wish! And that's all I'm going to say for now! Thanks for reviewing! But Dan would be more likely to want Lexy back than Alaina.
thanks for updating quickly :-) Author's Response: You're welcome!
"I smiled, for it was a beautiful sight, and my fears that Tobias would regress to the drunken demon of my nightmares were banished forever." that line didn't quite work for me. My feelings after the argument were that Tobias still definetely has the potential to hurt people (physically as well as emotionally) when he is angry. "I know I said I'd whip Harry, but I didn't mean it. That was my temper talking . . ." That sort of thing rings alarm bells for me. I mean, there aren't too many people in the world who are scary when they aren't angry; Tobias has proved himself to be a good person when he isn't angry in previous chapters, but he showed a very ugly part of himself in that chapter. I wonder what would have happened if sev didn't have the flashback.. Anyway, sev handled that very well, except he did break the spanking rule. I thought 6 was the max. :( poor harry and then all the timeouts as well! Author's Response: True, but Tobias says things he doesn't mean when he's angry, and he didn't act upon his anger. He would've years back, but not now. They probably would've argued some more over Harry and then Severus would've punished him anyway, Tobias was not about to raise a hand to Sev, he was just yelling, and it was that which triggered the flashback. Six normally is the max, but as he said, he added one for the seriousness of the offense.
That surpassed my expectations. Really good chapter. I liked that Sev had a flashback. Excellent touch. Author's Response: Great. The flashback was my own idea, I thought it was a good way for Tobias to understand just what he'd put Sev through. |
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