Reviews For Growing Pains
Author's Response: Yes, he is, no doubt about that! And Sev already is, so you know Harry's in trouble big time.
Author's Response: Glad you agree with that, since it's something I always felt should be done, but seldom is by most parents. Harry and Ron have learned their lesson.
Author's Response: Thank you! The argument scene was an idea given to me by laume, for which I'm very grateful and I think Tobias realizes at last just how damaging his discipline policies really were. Harry has learned his lesson and he will be more careful in the future with regard to pranking people.
Sev's motto of punish in haste, repent after is a good one, as Tobias would have found out. Tobias finally saw the impact of those harsh abusive punishments on Severus; he indicated that in a week’s time Harry would not remember the few swat that Sev would give him and that was not good, well Tobias has seen the alternative Sev remembered his punishments vividly for a lifetime and it was not really good. There is a huge difference between a firm hand –even using a wooden spoon or a hair brush, and a ranting angry abusive belt or whip. Sev loves Harry and I don’t think that Harry is going to develop into a spoilt brat and Tobias once calmed down should acknowledge that Sev is doing a good job. Love that Tobias was the one to cuddle Harry afterwards. Author's Response: Exactly! There is a world of difference between Severus's methods and Tobias's, which is the point I was trying to make here. I think by now that Tobias has finally realized that and regrets what he has done and will continue to try and make amends to Severus. He does love both his son and grandson and while he may act all gruff and stern outside, he really does have a soft side, as you can see by what he says to Harry at the end of the chapter.
Author's Response: Thank you very much!
Author's Response: Thank you! And I don't envy them either, the little buggers!
Author's Response: Heaven help them, but they are in soo much trouble! Thanks for reviewing! You're a great R&R-er!
oh dear someones in trouble and i did warn them to hide, i can see corner time coming up Author's Response: Great and I'm glad you liked it. I tried to give them some time alone plus a little romance too! And yes, the boys are in so much big trouble!
Author's Response: Too bad hiding won't do them much good! *smirks evilly*
Author's Response: No, they really are in serious trouble this time. |
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